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Thanks, Pixar

Lady Kopaka


I finally got to see Toy Story 3 tonight. And all I could think of was how happy I felt afterward.


Don't know why I felt so content and good inside...well, I mean, it is Toy Story, but it really connected with me in a way I didn't expect. Maybe it was the moral, the nostalgia, the amazing story and characters...probably all of it. My family was making fun of me for crying during the last bit of it, but I don't care, it was worth it.


Thank you so much Pixar, you made me truly smile and I don't get to do that a lot with everything going on in my life. You also reminded me why I want to do art as a profession; maybe some magic will happen and I'll get to work for you guys in the future.


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I saw the moive this summer I was so sad at the end and I thought that how to train you dragon was very close to toy story 3 in greatness haha.

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PIXAR is da bomb.


Now all I need to do is convince my mom to get the DVD, since my money is tied up paying for my insurance.

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As much as I loved Wall-E and Up, Toy Story 3 holds top spot for Pixar movies in recent years. Fantastic film any way you look at it.


on an unrelated note, +100 Awesome Points for liking How to Destroy Angels, and another 100 for liking folk/anti-folk music.

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Agreed. Toy Story 3 is the best movie of all time. (only exceptions being the first and second Toy Story movies.)


I bet that if you sat in a theater with people of all ages, the ones you would hear crying at the end are the kids who grew up with all three movies.


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My entire theater cried when I saw it. I came pretty close the second time, too. It easily became my favorite Disney/Pixar movie.
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I didn't cry when I saw it, but I agree Toy Story 3 was an excellent movie. Hope to get it on DVD for Christmas this year.



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I finally got to see Toy Story 3 tonight. And all I could think of was how happy I felt afterward.


Don't know why I felt so content and good inside...well, I mean, it is Toy Story, but it really connected with me in a way I didn't expect. Maybe it was the moral, the nostalgia, the amazing story and characters...probably all of it. My family was making fun of me for crying during the last bit of it, but I don't care, it was worth it.


Thank you so much Pixar, you made me truly smile and I don't get to do that a lot with everything going on in my life. You also reminded me why I want to do art as a profession; maybe some magic will happen and I'll get to work for you guys in the future.


Seconded! Toy Story, along with jsut about every other Pixar film, was a huge part of my childhood. Toy Story 3 is the perfect conclusion to the series. It's so hard to believe that 9 years had passed since the second. I was 5 when the first came out, now I'm a freshman in college. Pixar's been with me for so long, and would probably always will be. Bravo, Pixar! You've yet to disappoint us with anything. =)

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Agreed. I cried too at the end. Not just that I'm Latino and my family couldn't stop laughing at Spanish Buzz, but it was just all the movie that excelled.

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Here here!

Pixar is awesome. I don;t cry at movies though.....but this was one of the few that I almost did.

.....It also proves Care Bares are Evil.


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