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What All I Got



This is what I got for my birthday:


-A dragon necklace

-$45 cash

-$15 iTunes card

-$20 Lego money


So yeah, basically I got a lot of cash and a necklace. Necklace is pretty cool though.

Now I think I'll go get that Brickmaster thingy...


Oh yeah, forgot to say, STILL NO CELL PHONE. 15 YEARS OLD AND NO CELL PHONE. D=<


Night Fury


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Pics of Dragon Necklace thingy now.


Also maybe before you get that Brickmaster collection, you should check out the upcoming "Master Builder's Club" thing and see if you want to save your money.

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Heh, all I ever get now is cash. Because Bionicle ended, nobody knows what the heck to buy for me anymore. XD


I am quite curious to see the necklace, though.

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Every single darn person around here gets a cell phone around... 10? 11? My cousin got one at 13 at that was late. T_T


Meh, another year and I'll have one.


@Chols: Basically a renamed Brickmaster? XD


Night Fury

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Every single darn person around here gets a cell phone around... 10? 11? My cousin got one at 13 at that was late. T_T


Meh, another year and I'll have one.


@Chols: Basically a renamed Brickmaster? XD


Night Fury

Kinda, only without the magazine :P


Magazine was getting old anyway. >.>

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Get used to it. I probably won't get one until I'm like eighteen. :P


Same here. I can't get a cell phone until I go to college. =P



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Wow, you poor kids. Everyone in my area practically already has one before they hit puberty. O.o

Then there's me <.<


Night Fury

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I think the main reason is that I don't need one. I'm home schooled, so I'm around the house or neighborhood 90% of the time.


If I was at a regular school and spending all of my time with friends, then I would probably get one. But that's not my style. B) I like being home.



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Yeah probably. But even a lot of homeschoolers in my area have cell phones at a young age. Either that or they're strictly forbidden to use one until they move away XD


Night Fury

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Wow, you poor kids. Everyone in my area practically already has one before they hit puberty. O.o

Then there's me <.<


Night Fury


Ditto :( .


Not that I need one. I can text with my Ipod and surf the web and play many many more games on it. It would nice not to require wifi to do that, but its ok.


Can you imagine the future where kindergarteners get in trouble for texting.

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Yeesh, drama queen. I know loads of people who didn't have cell phones when they were 15.

SPIRIT speaks the truth. I'm nearing 16, but I'm sure as Karzahni know I'm not going to get one for a long while.



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As I've been saying, around here people get them extremely young. So around here I'm 'out of touch' if I don't have a cell phone. :\


Night Fury

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As I've been saying, around here people get them extremely young. So around here I'm 'out of touch' if I don't have a cell phone. :\


Night Fury

Same here, but do I care if I don't have one? No. Lots of people consider homeschoolers to be strange or uneducated. A lot of people also think that anyone who doesn't have a cell phone isn't cool. Me, I'm proud to be different as a homeschooler. I'm smarter than anyone who goes to school and is in 8th grade. I've gotten so used to being different that I don't really mind being different by not having a cell phone. I don't need one, and most of my friends don't have them either. And if they do, they don't use them all the time like most people. I don't think you should care all that much about not having a cell phone either. It's not that big a deal, even if some people make it out to be.

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Yeah, I don't mind being different either. Heck, how many 15-year-olds play Disc golf, spend most all their money on either Lego or Rabbits or HTTYD, go to college, are done with school by noon, are admins of their own website, can code their own website from scratch, and have a letter from the president of the nearby college of recommendation? Very, very few :P


Still, cell phones are awesome.


Night Fury

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