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Justin Bieber



Even more of a "Heck yeah I can sing" despite my half-asleep Mark Knopfler-without-the-gravel nonclassical singing voice than the cat-in-a-shredder that is Bob Dylan.


Why you ask?


Because if she can sell that many records in that short a time period with that annoying a voice with lyrics that bland, I can sell twice that much in five decades.


Seriously, it's so bad it's encouraging.


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Because if she

Further evidence for my 'Necro is gender bending Justin Bieber' folder.


But I completely agree with you, though a FEW of his songs ar ok.

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I've never listened to his songs.


Should I keep this streak up?


Personally, I say yes.


Admittedly, I hadn't listened to him until a night or two ago on the Grammies, and when I heard him, I learned his guitar player is actually a pretty awesome musician. But the voice...well, yeah.


Big words, but the way I see it, one of you is rich famous right now and the other one is just talking smack in a blog. :P


I don't spite him for his success, I wish him the best for it. I do feel though that, despite my inferiority complex, I do a better job. There's no accounting for taste, that's all a matter of opinion, but it's the music that irks me, not the success.

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Well if people keep paying him money, he must be doing something right.

Yeah, but what on earth he IS doing right is beyond me.


Maybe he's an alien invader with mind control and all that. :P

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Justin Bieber came on a UFO from the planet Zanzibar with Usher, Kesha and Chris Brown.


Out of all the planets in the universe, they had to land on Earth.

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You can be just as famous as Justin Bieber, all you have to do is sell your soul or become a hermaphrodite succubus-siren like him/her

Hmm, I'm not really using my soul right now...wait, would this be just regular fame and fortune, or specifically the kind Justine Beiber has where you have legions of annoying screamy fans and everybody else hates you? Because thats not worth it

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I read on a news thing that Justin Bieber is one of the top 50 women on the internet, ranking No. 7. I kid you not. I cannot tell you how much I laughed that day.

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