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True Fans Of Bionicle Club (120 & Final Bump)

Takuma Nuva


FINAL BUMP EDIT: I would like to thank the 100+ people who join(ed) this club that Turakii, Avohkah Tamer, Laughin'Man, and I started. I expected, at the most, maybe 15 people to sign up. To reach a full 100 is mind-staggering. Even though I'm sure we all knew there were plenty of us who still wanted to honor Bionicle this way, it's nice to actually see the evidence. In celebration of this, I will make one last bump to this entry and will begin working on a permanent content block with a full list of names. Of course I will continue to accept more members joining and add them in.


All in all, this kinda gives a person warm, fuzzy, unity-duty-destiny feelings. Thanks a ton, guys.





I'm really not one for forming clubs (sure, I tried it once in the past), but it just seems to me we could use a club like this. Even if nobody joins, it seems worthy of bringing attention to. After discussing it with my "colleagues", we thought we'd go for it.


This club is for the true fans of Bionicle. Obviously the definition of a "true" fan is open to interpretation, but we are quite confident that we've come as close to hitting the nail on the head as anyone could. So we shall explain what we believe a true fan to be.


A true fan isn't blind. A true fan is willing to admit and live with truths that many refuse to accept to the point where they fool themselves.


Bionicle was great, but it wasn't completely void of flaws. If you believe that Bionicle was perfect in every single aspect, I'm sorry but you're wrong. Nothing in this world, no matter how great, is absolutely perfect.


Hero Factory is here to stay. A true fan of Bionicle will accept that. Boycotting Hero Factory and condemning it to the deepest pits of Karzahni won't help anything. What many fail to realize is that, just because you shouldn't hate on Hero Factory doesn't mean you have to embrace and love Hero Factory and name your first-born after it. You can like both Hero Factory and Bionicle if you want to, or you can not.


A true Bionicle fan keeps it alive through discussion and using it as inspiration for creativity. Storming LEGO, sending them threats, and other forms of wanting to force TLC to continue the Bionicle set line is, in a sense, disrespectful to the Bionicle theme we love. To do so is to act like a spoiled child who throws a tantrum the first time they're told, "no".


"Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back." The words of GregF have been quoted to the point where it's almost become stale, but there is a point to be made. GregF wasn't telling us to run Bionicle into the ground with "relentless and unerring" dedication as some seem to think. If you want to know what GregF was saying then take it for what it is. Star Trek fans didn't go nuts for years and years with petitions, raids, boycotts, etc. until it was brought back. They just kept having fun with it same as they always had and that is precisely what did bring it back.


Even if you didn't get the sets towards the end or you've "lost interest and moved on", I'm sure you can agree that Bionicle still had a great run. One doesn't need to worship Bionicle as a religion to be a true fan.


This is what we, the true fans of Bionicle, believe.


EDIT: Because some people seem to be misunderstanding some things, I'd like to add these in...


I'd like to point out that I'm actually not against petitions and the like. In fact, I believe that, at some point, a petition or two might actually do some good. As I said, it's when people go absolutely nuts about it that it's probably not going to do much good. From what I've seen, all these petitions seem to be fueled more by simply RAAAGE and anger than the actual desire to have the sets recontinued. A civilized petition? Yes. A petition formed by people who are all "SEE THIS, LEGO? THIS IS THE NAMES OF 20 PEOPLE WHO ABSOLUTELY LOATHE AND HATE YOU FOR DISCONTINUING BIONICLE, YOU #####!"? I'm gonna go with "no". Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, but I've yet to see any other kind.


"Hero Factory is here to stay" might have been a poor choice of wording. Of course I don't believe that Hero Factory is going to be "permanent". I just as much expect it to only last so long, unless something drastic develops. I simply meant that sending petitions to restart the Bionicle line, death threats for starting Hero Factory, etc. isn't going to bring Hero Factory to a screeching halt. Even if the community did convince LEGO to recontinue Bionicle sets tomorrow, that doesn't mean they're just gonna drop Hero Factory in an instant. In fact, I'd much sooner expect that if Bionicle came back so soon we'd see the two themes running parallel rather than cancelling Hero Factory just because Bionicle was popular again. So long as Hero Factory is working for LEGO, they aren't likely to cancel it until they feel it's for the best, just as it was with Bionicle I'm sure. Hope this clears that up.



Of course, no club can be without a shnazy banner. Many thanks to Laughin'Man for contributing this while I was piecing things together...








Takuma Nuva


Avohkah Tamer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Lady Kopaka


Indeed Master Gorgnak

Kini Hawkeye




Show Them Fury Unleashed

DJ Reidak










Kumata Nuva





Max Justice the Sorceror


Lord Trionx

The Optimist






The Smoke Monster



Spartan Commander KNI


Angel Bob




Lord of Ice

Uber Bunny

Great Spirit's Disciple

Hubertus - Teutonic Knight





Element lord of Milk

Bite My Shiny Metal Armour

*..Awesome Masquerade..*

Nuju Metru



Rising Moon

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

Cheese Dalek


Diamonds Droog


Toa of Dancing





Bitter Cold



Night Fury




Tahu Nuva Unleashed

ROTF Devastator

A Timid Person



The Clue

Titan of Energy

Tylerax Toa of Awesome




TAK the Voyager






Matoro Inika: Toa of Ice

Vamprah The Phantoka

Mysterious Minifig

toa kopaka4372


Nuzar the Pinapoconut

Turaga Zaki

Aquatic Lewa



Kyou Fujibayashi



Endless Sea- Alaki

the last chronicler

Kohrak Kal: Sonic Engineer






Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

leg 'Obrick




Emperor Kragh





Recommended Comments

Sign me up. BIONICLE was great while it lasted, but it wasn't perfect. Seriously, guys, this is a toyline. It gives some great memories, sure, but is liking its successor honestly being "disloyal"?


Also, Philbert has a point. These are kids we're talking about. As long as they have stuff that they can build and make spitting noises with, they don't really care whether it is BIONICLE or Hero Factory.



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Hmm, just found this and finished reading all the entries, so I may go back a little ways.


This club is for the true fans of Bionicle. Obviously the definition of a "true" fan is open to interpretation,

I'm glad that you realize this, but . . .

but we are quite confident that we've come as close to hitting the nail on the head as anyone could. So we shall explain what we believe a true fan to be.


A true fan isn't blind. A true fan is willing to admit and live with truths that many refuse to accept to the point where they fool themselves.

Why limit the definition of "true fan", even if only in your own mind(s), to match what you believe a "true fan" should be? For example . . .


Hero Factory is here to stay. A true fan of Bionicle will accept that.

Stating that a "true fan" must accept that Hero Factory isn't going anywhere seems just as blind a belief as the belief that "anyone who likes Hero Factory can't call themself a 'true fan'" which you just criticized.





"Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back." . . . If you want to know what GregF was saying then take it for what it is. Star Trek fans didn't go nuts for years and years with petitions, raids, boycotts, etc. until it was brought back. They just kept having fun with it same as they always had and that is precisely what did bring it back.

I think we should get this right from the horse's mouth.


This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.




I agree with all of the above except for the Hero Factory part. I dislike Hero Factory, mostly because it just doesn't suit me rather than because it replaced Bionicle. I also don't see it as here to stay. In my opinion, in maybe a year or two at most, it'll be replaced by another line (or Bionicle, IDK). It probably won't outlive many of the other themes with stories we've had in the past like Exo-Force and Knights' Kingdom. Four years at most but after that Lego will probably try something new. But I do agree with they

Here here! Mayhaps he did not mean it literally, but stating that Hero Factory won't be going anywhere is very short-sighted. As Lewa Krom said, rare is the storied LEGO theme that lasts more than 3 years. Even BIONICLE nearly died on it's third year. People who believe BIONICLE can never come back are making the same mistake as people who believed BIONICLE could never be cancelled in the first place. Not even LEGO has limited themselves to never bringing back BIONICLE, why should we?



Every time someone uses the term "true fan" I want to punch them in the face.


All fans of Bionicle are "true" in their own way.

:tohu: Aaaaaaaand we have a critic. I've seen you support hating HF and calling yourself a try fan.


I'd like to join, and since this is so epic, have this. Seriously, this is the best thing since people stopped using JrMasterModelBuilder's 'zero' and 'never wanted' banners so much. :tohu:

:glare: (I'm not really mad, of course. I take all criticism as valuable input. And after all, no matter what you do, someone will disagree.)



Either way, if you've got some problem with this entry being here you can take it up with the BZPower Blog Staff.

So, you might say you wish to exclude those who disagree with you from posting in your club?




Anyway, if you can clear-up or explain all these issues to my saticfaction, I will join your club.

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Hmm, just found this and finished reading all the entries, so I may go back a little ways.



This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

What I think that the point Greg was trying to make was that, although BIONICLE has ended, that does not mean that enjoyment of it should end just as well. We can go on as we've always had. We can keep discussing story, we can keep writing fanfiction, we can keep building MOCs and everything else. He was basically saying that just because BIONICLE ended doesn't mean that we have to completely throw BIONICLE into the trash bin and forget about everything and stop making MOCs or writing fanfiction and leave BZPower altogether. It means that, although it is gone, we can still keep talking about it and doing stuff with it. It does not mean, however, that we should bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters.


I agree with all of the above except for the Hero Factory part. I dislike Hero Factory, mostly because it just doesn't suit me rather than because it replaced Bionicle. I also don't see it as here to stay. In my opinion, in maybe a year or two at most, it'll be replaced by another line (or Bionicle, IDK). It probably won't outlive many of the other themes with stories we've had in the past like Exo-Force and Knights' Kingdom. Four years at most but after that Lego will probably try something new. But I do agree with they

Here here! Mayhaps he did not mean it literally, but stating that Hero Factory won't be going anywhere is very short-sighted. As Lewa Krom said, rare is the storied LEGO theme that lasts more than 3 years. Even BIONICLE nearly died on it's third year. People who believe BIONICLE can never come back are making the same mistake as people who believed BIONICLE could never be cancelled in the first place. Not even LEGO has limited themselves to never bringing back BIONICLE, why should we?

You must remember, though: LEGO is making quite the push to get Hero Factory out there. Storied LEGO themes died because the stories were limited to online games and two paged comics in the LEGO Magazine. Hero Factory has its own TV Show, which means that more kids see it all the time and it is in their minds much more than the usual LEGO theme is. They are more likely to ask their parents for the sets and stuff for Christmas and Birthday presents that way.


Anyhow, this is just my opinion on what the answers are, although Takuma Nuva may have a completely different explanation which would better come from his mouth...



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So, you might say you wish to exclude those who disagree with you from posting in your club?

I believe he made that quite clear when he said "I will not tolerate dissent in any form and will erase all comments expressing disagreement with the message I am sending."


(paraphrased, of course; I think the exact wording was "If you don't like this club, fine.")

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My brain took a vacation today so I can't think very straight for the moment. Nevertheless, I'll try my best...

This club is for the true fans of Bionicle. Obviously the definition of a "true" fan is open to interpretation,

I'm glad that you realize this, but . . .

but we are quite confident that we've come as close to hitting the nail on the head as anyone could. So we shall explain what we believe a true fan to be.


A true fan isn't blind. A true fan is willing to admit and live with truths that many refuse to accept to the point where they fool themselves.

Why limit the definition of "true fan", even if only in your own mind(s), to match what you believe a "true fan" should be? For example . . .


Hero Factory is here to stay. A true fan of Bionicle will accept that.

Stating that a "true fan" must accept that Hero Factory isn't going anywhere seems just as blind a belief as the belief that "anyone who likes Hero Factory can't call themself a 'true fan'" which you just criticized.

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here. Whether it's the way you worded it or I'm just a moron today I don't know. I'll tackle this one later. xP





"Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back." . . . If you want to know what GregF was saying then take it for what it is. Star Trek fans didn't go nuts for years and years with petitions, raids, boycotts, etc. until it was brought back. They just kept having fun with it same as they always had and that is precisely what did bring it back.

I think we should get this right from the horse's mouth.


This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

I think I can help with this one. You have a valid point that he didn't really say either way specifically.


I'd like to point out that I'm actually not against petitions and the like. In fact, I believe that, at some point, a petition or two might actually do some good. As I said, it's when people go absolutely nuts about it that it's probably not going to do much good. From what I've seen, all these petitions seem to be fueled more by simply RAAAGE and anger than the actual desire to have the sets recontinued. A civilized petition? Yes. A petition formed by people who are all "SEE THIS, LEGO? THIS IS THE NAMES OF 20 PEOPLE WHO ABSOLUTELY LOATHE AND HATE YOU FOR DISCONTINUING BIONICLE, YOU #####!"? I'm gonna go with "no". Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, but I've yet to see any other kind.




I agree with all of the above except for the Hero Factory part. I dislike Hero Factory, mostly because it just doesn't suit me rather than because it replaced Bionicle. I also don't see it as here to stay. In my opinion, in maybe a year or two at most, it'll be replaced by another line (or Bionicle, IDK). It probably won't outlive many of the other themes with stories we've had in the past like Exo-Force and Knights' Kingdom. Four years at most but after that Lego will probably try something new. But I do agree with they

Here here! Mayhaps he did not mean it literally, but stating that Hero Factory won't be going anywhere is very short-sighted. As Lewa Krom said, rare is the storied LEGO theme that lasts more than 3 years. Even BIONICLE nearly died on it's third year. People who believe BIONICLE can never come back are making the same mistake as people who believed BIONICLE could never be cancelled in the first place. Not even LEGO has limited themselves to never bringing back BIONICLE, why should we?

"Hero Factory is here to stay" might have been a poor choice of wording. Of course I don't believe that Hero Factory is going to be "permanent". I just as much expect it to only last so long, unless something drastic develops. I simply meant that sending petitions to restart the Bionicle line, death threats for starting Hero Factory, etc. isn't going to bring Hero Factory to a screeching halt. Even if the community did convince LEGO to recontinue Bionicle sets tomorrow, that doesn't mean they're just gonna drop Hero Factory in an instant. In fact, I'd much sooner expect that if Bionicle came back so soon we'd see the two themes running parallel rather than cancelling Hero Factory just because Bionicle was popular again. So long as Hero Factory is working for LEGO, they aren't likely to cancel it until they feel it's for the best, just as it was with Bionicle I'm sure. Hope this clears that up.



Either way, if you've got some problem with this entry being here you can take it up with the BZPower Blog Staff.

So, you might say you wish to exclude those who disagree with you from posting in your club?

Not at all. If people want to state their opinion and that they don't agree with me, that's fine, so long as they can be civilized about it. If this were truly the case, I would have straight-up deleted all negative comments in this entry thus far.


What I don't want is people coming in here, pointing fingers, making accusations, and what appears to be just trolling for a flame war. If you want to come in here and explain to me why you think I'm not right, fine. Coming in here and telling me that I'm "insulting the vast majority of the Bionicle fanbase" or "I'd rather eat my face than approve this blog" (BTW pix or it didn't happen :P), is not a productive exchange of information, if I may put it that way.


I also wished to encourage him to, if he truly believes this club is just bad news and somehow breaks the rules, report such findings to the staff instead of just chewing me out for it.




Anyway, if you can clear-up or explain all these issues to my saticfaction, I will join your club.

Well, hopefully this wall of text helps. Especially since there's been two more comments since I started typing this. xP


«Takuma Nuva»
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Ahh JMMB, is there never a time that you have to let the world know about your every opinion? It's been too long since we've talked. I'm going to enjoy this a lot. fuzzyevil.gif


Why limit the definition of "true fan", even if only in your own mind(s), to match what you believe a "true fan" should be?


Stating that a "true fan" must accept that Hero Factory isn't going anywhere seems just as blind a belief as the belief that "anyone who likes Hero Factory can't call themself a 'true fan'" which you just criticized.

Now if I may ask a question, what do you think the definition of a "true fan" is? Not your interpretation, but what the label means for everyone else? Most people who call themselves "true fans" because they think that they somehow are more important as a fan than others around them. I've seen a lot of the petitioners call themselves that, and this group is a response to that claim. It's trying to redefine the term as something more positive, something that doesn't only contain a certain group of fans. A very noble cause that I can't thank Takuma Nuva enough for starting. :)


Of course, your specific complaints (for lack of a better word that slips my mind at the moment) are really just nitpicking don'tcha think? The only ones being criticized for their viewpoints here are the ones who came in with their trolling guns armed and pointed at everything that moved. I haven't seen any of the members here claiming that everyone not in the group isn't "a fan." Your complaint seems to be rather unfounded and forced. ;)


This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.


Now here is something I really wanted to bring up in the last couple months with all these groups and petitions popping up and that is while these methods have been shown to work, a very crucial thing has been overlooked, which is that none of them have the intention of working peacefully with LEGO. Say what you want about what those groups "really" are doing, but I just saw them using group banners about joining a "rebellion". (A rebellion against what even?) Not to mention that there are members that changed their names to "HF must DIE" or some such nonsense.


See, LEGO takes serious consideration to those who calmly state their opinions to them. That's the problem with a lot of these groups is that they view HF and LEGO as "The enemy," some sort of monster that must be destroyed to save BIONICLE. The LEGO communities that have had their wants met by LEGO are those who WANT to work with them. You attract more flies with honey ya know?


I don't think that Greg really means that people should start boycotts and the like, the Star Trek analogy is to explain that we need to continue like we always have on BZPower. A lot of people have left the site with BIONICLE's end, but what Greg is trying to say here is that we as a community of fans (ALL of us) need to continue talking, writing, drawing, and playing with BIONICLE. We need to show that there are people that will not let it die, but not by yelling until our dying breath. :)



I really hope that you will take my words into consideration, and not just debate points like you normally do. :)



<3 LT



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I think that the ideas put forward by this group are noble and much more helpful than the angry petitions we see a lot of at the moment, I enjoy hero factory sets as much as I enjoyed bionicle ones, albeit I haven't been following story but that's due mainly to a lack of time to do so.

I want the fans of bionicle to be remembered in a good light as people who continued the existence of their toy line with intelligent discussion and wishful thinking instead of rage based petitions and boycotting of other lines.

In short I am wondering if I could become a member of this club?

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Hmm, just found this and finished reading all the entries, so I may go back a little ways.



This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

What I think that the point Greg was trying to make was that, although BIONICLE has ended, that does not mean that enjoyment of it should end just as well. We can go on as we've always had. We can keep discussing story, we can keep writing fanfiction, we can keep building MOCs and everything else. He was basically saying that just because BIONICLE ended doesn't mean that we have to completely throw BIONICLE into the trash bin and forget about everything and stop making MOCs or writing fanfiction and leave BZPower altogether. It means that, although it is gone, we can still keep talking about it and doing stuff with it. It does not mean, however, that we should bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters.

I have never seen more words put into Greg's mouth than I have over this quote. The topic Greg originally said this in was a "give it a rest, BIONICLE is never coming back" topic. Certainly it does not say that "we should bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters", but it also does not say they "we shouldn't bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters", that would be twisting his quote out-of-context. Also, thousands of letters and petitions sounds like a bit of an exageration, don't you think. :rolleyes:


You must remember, though: LEGO is making quite the push to get Hero Factory out there. Storied LEGO themes died because the stories were limited to online games and two paged comics in the LEGO Magazine. Hero Factory has its own TV Show, which means that more kids see it all the time and it is in their minds much more than the usual LEGO theme is. They are more likely to ask their parents for the sets and stuff for Christmas and Birthday presents that way.

BIONICLE also got a very big push, yet, it also nearly died on it's 3rd year. Also, it's worth pointing out that Hero Factory is not the first LEGO theme to have a TV show. Galidor was. And not just 4 episodes either, 2 full, 13-episode seasons! It even got high-ratings, believe it or not! Bet I don't need to tell you what happened to it though.




My brain took a vacation today so I can't think very straight for the moment. Nevertheless, I'll try my best...

Why limit the definition of "true fan", even if only in your own mind(s), to match what you believe a "true fan" should be? For example . . .


Hero Factory is here to stay. A true fan of Bionicle will accept that.

Stating that a "true fan" must accept that Hero Factory isn't going anywhere seems just as blind a belief as the belief that "anyone who likes Hero Factory can't call themself a 'true fan'" which you just criticized.

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here. Whether it's the way you worded it or I'm just a moron today I don't know. I'll tackle this one later. xP

Ok. If you need me to reword it, let me know.


"Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back." . . . If you want to know what GregF was saying then take it for what it is. Star Trek fans didn't go nuts for years and years with petitions, raids, boycotts, etc. until it was brought back. They just kept having fun with it same as they always had and that is precisely what did bring it back.

I think we should get this right from the horse's mouth.


This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

I think I can help with this one. You have a valid point that he didn't really say either way specifically.


I'd like to point out that I'm actually not against petitions and the like. In fact, I believe that, at some point, a petition or two might actually do some good. As I said, it's when people go absolutely nuts about it that it's probably not going to do much good. From what I've seen, all these petitions seem to be fueled more by simply RAAAGE and anger than the actual desire to have the sets recontinued. A civilized petition? Yes. A petition formed by people who are all "SEE THIS, LEGO? THIS IS THE NAMES OF 20 PEOPLE WHO ABSOLUTELY LOATHE AND HATE YOU FOR DISCONTINUING BIONICLE, YOU #####!"? I'm gonna go with "no". Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, but I've yet to see any other kind.

Interesting. I like your open-mindedness on this. :) But, I really doubt anyone has sent a petition even remotely resembeling your description. I agree that something like that would be totally unreasonable.


I agree with all of the above except for the Hero Factory part. I dislike Hero Factory, mostly because it just doesn't suit me rather than because it replaced Bionicle. I also don't see it as here to stay. In my opinion, in maybe a year or two at most, it'll be replaced by another line (or Bionicle, IDK). It probably won't outlive many of the other themes with stories we've had in the past like Exo-Force and Knights' Kingdom. Four years at most but after that Lego will probably try something new. But I do agree with they

Here here! Mayhaps he did not mean it literally, but stating that Hero Factory won't be going anywhere is very short-sighted. As Lewa Krom said, rare is the storied LEGO theme that lasts more than 3 years. Even BIONICLE nearly died on it's third year. People who believe BIONICLE can never come back are making the same mistake as people who believed BIONICLE could never be cancelled in the first place. Not even LEGO has limited themselves to never bringing back BIONICLE, why should we?

"Hero Factory is here to stay" might have been a poor choice of wording. Of course I don't believe that Hero Factory is going to be "permanent". I just as much expect it to only last so long, unless something drastic develops. I simply meant that sending petitions to restart the Bionicle line, death threats for starting Hero Factory, etc. isn't going to bring Hero Factory to a screeching halt. Even if the community did convince LEGO to recontinue Bionicle sets tomorrow, that doesn't mean they're just gonna drop Hero Factory in an instant. In fact, I'd much sooner expect that if Bionicle came back so soon we'd see the two themes running parallel rather than cancelling Hero Factory just because Bionicle was popular again. So long as Hero Factory is working for LEGO, they aren't likely to cancel it until they feel it's for the best, just as it was with Bionicle I'm sure. Hope this clears that up.

Alrighty. We agree. :)


Either way, if you've got some problem with this entry being here you can take it up with the BZPower Blog Staff.

So, you might say you wish to exclude those who disagree with you from posting in your club?

Not at all. If people want to state their opinion and that they don't agree with me, that's fine, so long as they can be civilized about it. If this were truly the case, I would have straight-up deleted all negative comments in this entry thus far.


What I don't want is people coming in here, pointing fingers, making accusations, and what appears to be just trolling for a flame war. If you want to come in here and explain to me why you think I'm not right, fine. Coming in here and telling me that I'm "insulting the vast majority of the Bionicle fanbase" or "I'd rather eat my face than approve this blog" (BTW pix or it didn't happen :P), is not a productive exchange of information, if I may put it that way.


I also wished to encourage him to, if he truly believes this club is just bad news and somehow breaks the rules, report such findings to the staff instead of just chewing me out for it.

From what I understand, he doesn't appear to think that this club does break the rules, but feals that you are doing something wrong, or, more accurately, something that he disagrees with. Though I agree he's not doing the best job of expressing his oppinoin. Also, on your recommendation, the same can be said to you. If you believe he or anyone else is "just trolling for a flame war" why not just report it?


Just my $.02




Ahh JMMB, is there never a time that you have to let the world know about your every opinion? It's been too long since we've talked. I'm going to enjoy this a lot. fuzzyevil.gif

Why limit the definition of "true fan", even if only in your own mind(s), to match what you believe a "true fan" should be?


Stating that a "true fan" must accept that Hero Factory isn't going anywhere seems just as blind a belief as the belief that "anyone who likes Hero Factory can't call themself a 'true fan'" which you just criticized.

Now if I may ask a question, what do you think the definition of a "true fan" is? Not your interpretation, but what the label means for everyone else? Most people who call themselves "true fans" because they think that they somehow are more important as a fan than others around them. I've seen a lot of the petitioners call themselves that, and this group is a response to that claim. It's trying to redefine the term as something more positive, something that doesn't only contain a certain group of fans. A very noble cause that I can't thank Takuma Nuva enough for starting. :)

That is a trap. I needn't take your bait and create an equally blind and narow-minded definition of what a "true fan" is or should be. I do not believe it needs to be "redefine[d]" to match yet another group. If anything, I'm more inclined to believe it should be destroyed or otherwise undefined. Thus far, I have only ever seen the term "true fan" used by some group who wishes to bring other people over to their belief by telling other's if they don't, they can't call themselves a "true fan".


Right now, I am trying to determine if this club is an exception.



Of course, your specific complaints (for lack of a better word that slips my mind at the moment) are really just nitpicking don'tcha think? The only ones being criticized for their viewpoints here are the ones who came in with their trolling guns armed and pointed at everything that moved. I haven't seen any of the members here claiming that everyone not in the group isn't "a fan." Your complaint seems to be rather unfounded and forced. ;)

No, I don't think so. I'm hardly one to waste time with just nitpicking. :rolleyes: (I have better things to do :P ) I shall never understand why people wish to belittle arguments against them, instead of address them out-right, and let logic alone win. Also, there is a distinct difference in people's minds between "a fan" and "true fan", so, your point seems kind-of pointless.



This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

. . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

Now here is something I really wanted to bring up in the last couple months with all these groups and petitions popping up and that is while these methods have been shown to work, a very crucial thing has been overlooked, which is that none of them have the intention of working peacefully with LEGO.

1. How do you know that "none of them have the intention of working peacefully with LEGO"?


2. Since you seem to be the expert, why not tell them how you think they should go about it?



Say what you want about what those groups "really" are doing, but I just saw them using group banners about joining a "rebellion". (A rebellion against what even?) Not to mention that there are members that changed their names to "HF must DIE" or some such nonsense.

Why are people flipping out over that (perticularly the HF must DIE name)?. At least one member has a similar name about BIONICLE (they was banned though). This is true for just about everything. Really, these are issolated occurances. Not really something that should be taken so seriousely.


You said some other stuff, but I found it repetitive of what has already been said.



I really hope that you will take my words into consideration, and not just debate points like you normally do. :)

I take all well-reasoned words into consideration. I hope you don't mind my first evaluating them. After all, if you are wrong, you wouldn't want me to believe you, would you?



P.S. Your first sentence is rather confounding. I think you may have mistyped it.

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I am I who I want to be. I want to be a good person, I'm a Bionicle fan, combined the two and you get a good fan. I try to be a person who listens to opinions and understands, and I feel that by creating a club like this you are saying that those who do not choose to join are not true fans, which is unfair. What about fans without internet?



All I'm saying is a fan of Bionicle is a Bionicle fan, and weither or not there are good person who is open-minded has nothing to do with it. But if you want to be apart of an online community of fans, then it's important to be a good understanding person. Which means not hating someone for liking Hero Factory, or for not liking it. It means understanding that LEGO is a company that serves many, and they do what is in best interest in the majority, which in turn brings them more income. In my opininion BIONICLE won't come back until LEGO sees fan work and voice, artistic protest, and feels Hero Factory or whatever that's around at the time is done and expired. Though it may never come back.


I disagree with you because you believe in inevitability, that there MUST be true fans, that BIONICLE can't return, and that LEGO will keep HF forever. There is no such thing as inevitability.





BZPOWER is a Bionicle fanbase, we need no "clubs". I think this website needs LESS borders, not more. This is a society, we NEED to stick together.



That is why I'm NOT signing.

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There is no such thing as inevitability.



Seriously, what. That's honestly one of the most far-out statements I've read all day.

I was going to reply to him, got that far, and forgot what I was going to say.


I love how easy it is to tell who actually read the post and who did not.



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I am I who I want to be. I want to be a good person, I'm a Bionicle fan, combined the two and you get a good fan. I try to be a person who listens to opinions and understands, and I feel that by creating a club like this you are saying that those who do not choose to join are not true fans, which is unfair. What about fans without internet?

Okay, first off, I'm sorry, but this is straight-up ridiculous. Nowhere did I state that anyone who doesn't join isn't a true fan. And do you seriously believe that I'd exclude anyone who simply doesn't have internet? Well if that's the case I guess you can't be a true fan if you're illiterate, can't read english, blind, paralyzed (since they obviously can't type and say they want to join), dyslexic, homeless, without a computer...should I go on? That's some of the worst words I've ever had put in my mouth by somebody else.



But if you want to be apart of an online community of fans, then it's important to be a good understanding person. Which means not hating someone for liking Hero Factory, or for not liking it.

This is precisely one of the things this club is all about! Did you read any or only part of the entry? Your post seems to be based off a simple assumption of what you thought the title meant.


It means understanding that LEGO is a company that serves many, and they do what is in best interest in the majority, which in turn brings them more income. In my opininion BIONICLE won't come back until LEGO sees fan work and voice, artistic protest, and feels Hero Factory or whatever that's around at the time is done and expired. Though it may never come back.

This is something I myself have stated I belive not more than a few comments above yours, bub.


I disagree with you because you believe in inevitability, that there MUST be true fans, that BIONICLE can't return, and that LEGO will keep HF forever. There is no such thing as inevitability.

Okay, now you're REALLY putting words in my mouth and making things up. "MUST be true fans"? I didn't say that and, as a matter of fact, I stated quite clearly that this is OUR INTERPRETATION of what a "true fan" would be. Not once did I claim it's the end-all definition that everyone must accept and adhere to.


"that Bionicle can't return"? One of the absolute MAJOR points to this club is that Bionicle can come back. A lot of people just aren't going about trying to bring it back the right way.


"that LEGO will keep HF forever"? Once again, if you could be bothered to scroll up the page just a couple clicks I stated that I simply meant LEGO simply isn't going to drop Hero Factory like a bad habit simply because some people want it to. Go read that post for yourself.


Finally, I got news for you bub. You're gonna die someday. THAT is inevitable. Just as it's inevitable that the sun will rise and set from day to day. The world is cram-packed with "inevitables".


That is why I'm NOT signing.

Truth be told I'd feel awful strange adding somebody to the list who obviously couldn't be bothered to fully read and/or understand just what the heck this is all about.


«Takuma Nuva»
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