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Friar Tuck

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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])(Stalav [Talking to Lumira: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, main tavern])

"I'll go first," Stalav says. "I always find it bad luck to go first, but I'll do it for you," he adds with a smirk. "Five of Kanohi."The sound of the door unlocking could be heard from inside of Zacax's room. After a moment, a beautiful Toa of water enters his room wearing an outfit consisting of black, laced boots, fish net leggings, an extremely short black skirt, and a top similar to a corset that displayed most of her chest area and displayed her fine curves."Zacax, my name is Susavree Nooma," the Toa says as she walks into the room, a bit sheepishly. "Levarie asked me to keep you company. How are you? That was a pretty bad fall you took."-Mef Man

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IC: OnyxAs Onyx's eyes scanned the surrounding area, they stopped upon a moving shadow headed towards the gates, oddly shaped like a person...a Toa, actually. Upon realization that this was a Huna user, Onyx raised his spear and in a flash, threw the object with Pakari strength, causing it to travel through the air at extreme speeds where Tahrak stood.

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IC: ZacaxZacax blushed a bit at the sight of her. She was beautiful, but the outit was a bit too...y'know, so he kept his journal in front of his eyes, "I'm fine, I had worse, just my mask as a pretty good chip off it,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Tahrak Tahrak saw that he had been noticed, and saw a spear flying straight at him. He narrowly lunged to the side, and the spear grazed his armour. He then shot a small blast of fire at where the spear had come from.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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(Ledzel [Attacking intruders: Pala-Koro])(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

Ledzel takes aim and fires a disk off at Onyx's target."Oh, you can still use your powers though, I hope," Susavree says. The Toa pulls up a seat and sets it beside Zacax's bed before taking a seat.Focus on Zacax, not what you did or Hograth. Just Zacax.-Mef Man

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IC: ZacaxZacax blushed more and brought his book in closer, keeping her from seeing his face, "I hope my mask can retain its powers too,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Zacax"Oh just adding to my journal," Zacax said grabbing his pencil, well trying to grab it, he couldn't see where it was since his book was in his face.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: OnyxOnyx ducked just in time for the flames to sail right past his head while the rest of it impacted against the wall's iron plating, doing very little damage. The Fe-Toa stood up and created another spear in his hands, waiting for the right moment to throw it.

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IC: Angel (Treehouse, Le-Wahi)A couple minutes of quiet before Angel came back, holding a various selection of occult materials in his hand and dropping them into a bag, which he gave Kearrstrun."Do me a favor," he said, his voice quiet; even with the dampened sound, the sorrow was evident in the Toa's voice, and it was clear he was on the verge of tears. "If you can't get rid of Iris - if she can't be saved - kill her. I...I saw the pain in her eyes. I can't let her go on like that, but I..."-Teezy



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IC: Tahrak narrowly dodged the disk, and signalled to the other members, who rushed foward, whild he slowly moved back, to meet with them. They grouped, about 18 feet away from the wall. Potanko then shot a large blast of stone at the gate.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Ah, journal's are nice," the Toa remarks. "I bet you have plenty of interesting stories to write in there. I'm sure this is one of them," she adds, thinking about the attack he had been through."-Mef Man

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IC: Zacax"Pretty much my life in a nutshell," Zacax said, then tossed the journal on his bed and leaned for the pencil but fell off the bed, "Aw son of Makuta,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Kearrstrun - Le-Wahi - TreehouseKearrstrun took the bag without looking at it.He looked behind him, down at the jungle floor. The Assistant looked back at Angelus, he was going to kill Tuara if they failed anyways, but Angelus didn't need to know that, "Your home is in a good spot. It was difficult to find," He turned around, "Stay hidden."With that, Kearrstrun was gone again, becoming a blur before vanishing into the blackness.

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(Ledzel [Attacking intruders: Pala-Koro])(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

Ledzel brings up his own pillar of stone to counter Tahrak's. The two push each other; standing in a stalmate."Oh, let me help you," Susavree says while bending down. She places her arms underneath Zacax's armpits and lifts him up in an embrace-like lift. The Toa gently sets him down on the bed before handing him his pencil. "There you are."-Mef Man

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IC: ZacaxZacax grabs his book fast and keeps her from seeing his blushed face, "Thanks,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

The Toa of water giggles before gently pushing Zacax's journal away from his face."Look, there's no need to be shy," Susavree says with an encouraging smile. "We're both friends. We can talk without being shy. Now, come on, let me see your face without it being covered up," she adds; placing her other hand on Zacax's chin.-Mef Man

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IC: OnyxAs Tahrak signalled for his group to rejoin him, that meant turning around, focusing elsewhere and deactivating his Huna, causing Onyx to throw his spear at him in a flash before he could begin to move back. With its speed, the momentary distraction and the short distance, odds of dodging were unlikely.

Edited by Mr. Wade
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IC: ZacaxThis only makes him keep his journal in front of his face, "I know,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Vorasku's OrganizationTahrak neared the gate, about 10 feet away. He knew they would be able to see his shadow at this point, but that was a risk he had to take. Meanwhile, as the group retreated, Kontarok noticed that Tahrak's footsteps were louder then usual. "Do you know why he sounds so loud?" he asked Desilix, knowing he was the only other Toa of sonics in the group.
IC (Desilix):"I heard that too, and I thought you may have an answer for that."


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IC: Zacax DON'T. LOOK. DOWN. "Okay," Zacax conceded,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Let me just set this down," Susavree says while taking the pencil and journal. She sets it down on the bedside table before beginning to speak. "When Leena comes back out from her date, I'll get her to bring your brother in here. I'm sure he's eager to see you."-Mef Man

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IC: Zacax"Yea," Zacax said, trying to keep from blushing, "So...how did you get here? I mean like, why did you start working here? If it isn't a problem,"That was stupid, stupid!Hey I have two sisters, butt out! I know what to say!

Edited by IX. Dymex

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Well, I was born in Ga-Koro and lived there with my parents," starts Susavree. Maybe if she talked enough he would get comfortable. "After my father lost his job, we moved here. In Le-Koro, my mother died which drove my father a bit over the edge," she adds, her smile now completely gone. "So, unable to earn enough widgets, he sold me to Levarie as a servant before leaving me here. And, I've been here ever since, servicing tables, going on dates, cleaning these rooms, and loads of other things." Susavree's smile starts to return; memories of all of the wonderful things that have happened here flooding into her brain. Today was a mixed memory, but she'd know later on if it was a good day or bad.-Mef Man

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IC: Zacax"I see," Zacax said, "Well you are quite beautiful, but it wasn't right for your dad to just do that,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Oh, thank you," Susavree says to the compliment, the smile widening more. "And, I always feel as if it weren't my father's fault, you know? More like his mind was so confused and messed up that it told him to do everything he did. Deep down, he tried to fight it, but he was a slave to his own mind," she explains, a sad smile replacing her happier one. "Either way, I still love my father and I can't wait to see him again."-Mef Man

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IC: Auron:The Toa of Fire had silently followed the attackers back, using his Huna and developed sense of stealth to keep hidden among them. Now, he deactivated his Huna appeared before them."Boo!" He shouted, before they had a second to reacted, he lifted his left hand to his mouth, his pointer and middle finger parallel to each other, while the other fingers in his hand were closed to the palm. Quickly breathing in, he used his breath as a conductor for his powers. When he exhaled, he seemed to breath fire, when in fact it was a trick he had learned some years back. He quickly aimed at the Toa of Stone, and when done with the blast, he turned invisible again, and charged at Vorasku, aiming to impale the being upon his sword.

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IC: Zacax"Well...at least you knew your father and mother...I never had either," Zacax said, "Still, I hope you find your father. Do you like it here?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Oh, yes, I like it alot," Susavree replies; not sure what to say to Zacax about his parents. "I've just been a bit...confused these past few days, though," she admits, her head looking down toward Zacax's leg.-Mef Man

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IC: ZacaxZacax takes notice of her looking at his leg and looks at it and looks at her, "Something wrong with my fake leg?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

"Oh, no, I was just looking down while I was thinking," Susavree replies, turning her gaze back up to Zacax. "What happened to your leg, though? I didn't even realize you were missing your leg."-Mef Man

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IC: Zacax"It's a joke," Zacax said, "Just warming up to the place, it's kind of a home for me and Calebos now till I finish my ship,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Zacax"Yea I've been meaning to ask him bout that," Zacax said, "But it's pretty normal round here, minus the missing eye of our boss and the uh......outfits..."

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Susavree Nooma [Talking to Zacax: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Zacax's new room])

Susavree blushes slightly, not really sure to say something or not to that..."Yeah, it's alot of...fun around here," Susavree replies sheepishly, the ideas of the outfits and her earlier talking to with Hograth coming to mind. "I'm sure you'll fit in with all of us and like it as much as we do," she adds; smiling. The Toa places a hand on Zacax's and asks,"Well, is there anything you'd like to know or anything you'd like to say. I'm all ears and my throat isn't even close to being dry."-Mef Man

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IC: Zacax"You hesitated on the fun part..." Zacax stated, "But I don't know, I guess anything I should know about everyone,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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