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lavaside rahi

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Year 19

About lavaside rahi

  • Birthday 02/27/1990

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    Under construction. Check back soon! (yeah, as if)

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  1. new comic is up.

  2. I guess you were a pony before it was 'cool', huh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. user-402520536


      It was never cool to have a number in your name! OOOOOOH BURNT!

    3. Ghidora131


      Actually, imagine how many of me are behind the monitor watching your every move... You can divide 131 agents pretty smoothly.

    4. user-402520536
  3. Well, you can thank my little brother for getting me to return from the afterscape (by which I mean the brony fandom I joined after I left BZPower). He still occasionally checks BZPower, and he said something about my name being mentioned in a recent comic topic, so I thought I'd see what was up. Anyway, these comics have been quite the nostalgia trip for me. You've done a marvelous job capturing Dark's style, and the story is intriguing. It's much darker and moodier than my finale, but then it's also rather fitting for Dark, since the tone is quite true to his movies. Honestly, the tone of this is probably pretty close to my original idea for a finale (big, epic, really dark and full of grief) before I scaled it back to something more fitting and more reasonably within my abilities. So kudos to you for doing this! I can't promise I'll be around to watch it progress (I think this is honestly the first time I've even looked at BZP in over a year) but it seems like it will be a fitting tribute. Keep up the good work, as we used to say in these parts! (Good grief, I sound old...)
  4. Everytime I visit your profile I rate you 5 stars.

  5. Months of being off BZP, and I return to see a great retired comic maker having a "My Little Pony" herd? For shame...

    1. Superkid11


      Resistence is futile.

    2. JiMing


      Intolerance is NOT okay. We are entitled to our interests just like you.

  6. Did anyone else notice that background music during the spa scene? I dunno, something about it really stands out to me, it adds quite a bit of ambience and I really dig it.
  7. Oh man, today's episode was fantastic! So many wonderful little gags... And much, much more that I can't remember at the moment because I'm overwhelmed by it all. There were moments in here that really reminded me of a lot of fanfic and comic jokes, which is awesome. I doubt the writers have been reading our stuff, I think it more speaks to how good and expansive our stuff is that we manage to incorporate a lot of these ideas.
  8. Highlights of the new episode for me: All in all, the plot was really predictable, but it's great how they could work in time travel without a paradox. A lot of great comedy and a good moral. Didn't quite live up to my expectations (I wanted more Twi freakout!), but a good episode all in all.
  9. "In Case of Fire Use Window" Really, do I need to say anything?
  10. I know I am. This whole thing hit the fan while I was on a little trip, and I'm really glad it did - I just can't bring myself to get worked up over this. I guess it's because I wasn't really expecting Derpy to have any more speaking roles - I just saw this as a wonderful one-time gift to bronies, but now all these bronies seem to be acting as if we were entitled to this, like we deserved it, and not appreciating this for how unusual it is to have an animation studio do such an obvious shout-out to their fans.So...yeah, I dunno. I'm gonna sit this out.
  11. Yeah, I'd have to agree with that. I'm also a little bothered by the whole "smile!" thing, just because when I was younger I had plenty of people telling me I should smile more often (heh, now when I hear those words I immediately think of the Joker). It wasn't like I was grimacing or angry, I just wasn't smiling constantly. It's an idea that's got its heart in the right place but is way too easy to abuse.But hey, I didn't love this episode for the moral. I loved this episode for Pinkie.
  12. Man, the fourth wall in this episode just never saw it coming...
  13. Birdemic: Shock and Terror. You have no idea what a truly horrendous film is until you see - nay, experience this film. It is, without exaggeration, the worst film I have ever seen.And I love it to death.Of course, The Room may come close (glad to see some mentions of it here)...but even then I consider Birdemic the more comically inept film.
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