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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2018 in Blog Entries

  1. Pope Gregory XIII was a doofus as was Julius Caesar. Did they not foresee the importance of a logical calendar in a technological society? Here are some changes I would make if given supreme dictatorial power over the Free World. 1) New calendar starts the day after the winter solstice (i.e. the winter solstice is the last day of the year). The days start off short, get long, and once they're short again we start a new year. I could compromise by going with the summer solstice or one of the equinoxes, but the current system of "ehhh, I guess we'll start the new year like a week and a half after the solstice" is stupid and dumb and I hate it. 2) 12 months, 30 days each. Months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 all get an extra day. That adds up to 365. 3) No leap years. The final day of the year will be 0.2422 days longer to help the rotation and the revolution counts catch up to each other. 4) Better month names. September, October, November, and December are months 9, 10, 11, and 12 just so that we could fit in two holidays named after emperors who have been dead for like 2000 years? That's insane. Nope, scrap the whole system. Pick some new naming scheme. Name them after stars, rocks, trees, historical figures, elements, or dinosaurs. The current system has no cohesion or logic. 5) Now that there's no shift in which day falls on which date, all holidays are static and better spaced out. Every month gets a holiday and they all happen either on a Monday or a Friday. None of this "oh, sometimes it lands on a Wednesday". That's not a lottery I'm interested in gambling at. Now I realize many religious and cultural celebrations may follow a lunar calendar or that certain groups may be attached to celebrations that are already tied to specific days. Well tough tamales! You should've thought of that before electing me supreme leader of the world. I think that's a pretty good start, and it's pretty easy to fit a 5 step plan into my manifesto. I could go into detail on my plans for a 3 day weekend, second Christmas, or regulations about which holidays warrant fireworks and which ones do not, but I think I can save that for the supreme world leader election circuit.
    1 point
  2. So this is just me trying to figure out where I stand on my gender identity. I know to some this could seem like "oh what a special snowflake -eyeroll-" but this blog isn't for those people. So... I identify as genderqueer. That could mean a lot of different things potentially. For me it's... weird. I kind of alqays identified with female leads in storytelling more so than male ones. I kind of realized lately that I think I hold myself to a feminine standard of beauty. Like for example body positivity is a relatively new thing for me. I feel like it's expected for men to want to be macho and muscular, have a six pack, be macho... I kind of find myself happier with the idea of more of a petit feminine figure. Of course with my big fluffy naturally masculine body that's just a fantasy really, haha. There has been some dysphoria, I think. I catch myself often thinking in a feminine voice. Sometimes how I wish I could look (sterotypically "pretty" for lack of a better way to put it) and how I actually am don't really match. Generally though I think part of this deals with the standards of beauty set by society and I don't think it's really healthy to try to judge myself on something so superficial. So, yeah, I have some tendencies that make me feel more feminine than masculine. I'm honestly not sure if I've ever really felt very boyish or masculine, really. I remember this one time I got a buzz cut as a kid and locked myself in the bathroom because I thought I looked ugly, hahaha. Though honestly while there is some dysphoria, I also kind of like that I was born male. It's more of a recent thing, I feel. I've been letting go of jealousy little by little (maybe from the fact that I don't look as "pretty" as I may have liked) and look in the mirror and... I used to hate how I looked, but within the past few years I kind of like that I look handsome. I have a cute jaw line, the shape of my nose, even my bulky figure and body hair. I even kind of wish I had a lot more chest hair than I already do hahaha. It's strange, really, how I look at myself. I'd sing in the shower and try to hit a high pitch to sound like the woman who sings the song, but I try too hard to compensate for my naturally deep voice. It's a different experience to realize that my voice is deep and I should try to sing like myself instead of an unrealistic image I have in my head. That slim figure I'm jealous of, that petit feminine idea that I have in my head... that's touched up Hollywood smoke and mirrors. Though it is also an influence on me. I've been working bit by bit to feel more naturally... well, more like myself. And I have a side of me that is a bit feminine. And there's a part of me that likes myself the way I am. I never really felt comfortable identifying as female, but if I said I was a cisgendered male, that also doesn't seem to fit. It's... well it's strange. I never grew up knowing people could be queer and that's totally okay. I never had any resources to really help me figure any of this out. I would love to do more research on gender identity to help me figure this out more. But I honestly don't really know where to look. At any rate, I'm always learning more about how I personally view my identity and slowly but surely I've been growing more comfortable being me. As of right now I thing calling myself genderqueer fits best in its own weird way.
    1 point
  3. Go on. I dare you.
    1 point
  4. See, 2018 is a weird year because a lot of things that matter a lot to me are officially about 10 years old now. What they are? I am preparing something for a proper celebration, so you'll find out later (way to build a hype, huh? xD) Anyway, I've been around this site for such a long time, 10+ years now. I remember this place in its heyday, when I would just talk to -so- many people (being a really communicative 13-year old with way too much free time...). I would start writing an Epic, which, cringey as it might have been, is still my longest continuous work of fiction. Written in a language that is not my native language, nonetheless. c: Ultimately BZPower and seeing art by all the amazing people around here was also what inspired me to draw on a regular basis, and set goals for myself that I wanted to achieve within a year, art-wise. Many things have changed, like my over-use of smileys (though I miss that, really.), vague-blogging about drama (although I should blog more in 2018, consider this an almost-resolution.), but many things have stayed the same. I still draw, I still try way too hard to be funny ( ), and I still really like hanging around here, even if the place has become a little less busy over the years. ^^ So I really have no idea how to conclude this... I'll just point out that I am currently writing (as in, actually doing the writing part of) my master thesis, so don't be too surürised if I semi-disappear at times again ^^'
    1 point
  5. good thing i have no money otherwise i'd literally be buying cardboard for 80 dollars
    1 point
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