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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Yeah man. That reminds me to update my own interests. :P Eh, I'll start on that sometime. Oh and add a new chapter to Break of Day. Kthxbi ;)

  2. Thank you I'm doing fine as well. Just stoppin by to say hi. xD

  3. Thanks for the Review my friend. :)

  4. :D Sup pal? Read a few of your comics. They still rock. What's up with you?
  5. Ah I couldn't tell yah. We're just not looking for anyone right now but everyone knows you for your hard work so who knows? :3

  6. (No you didn't :)

    Bytheway, I just a heads up, if you're still reading my epic I just finished it. Also I just realized you're writing one. I'm so checking it out. :D

  7. Hey thanks a lot for the review and I appreciate it a lot. It's a good feeling you know? lol

  8. Second Chance, Chapter 26, coming soon.

  9. The Fallen Legacy=Done (Finally :P)

  10. Last one we had was probably in season 4. (Unofficially 5)

    So yeah, should be pretty awesome. :D I don't know, I have feeling she won't.

  11. "We meet again, Christina."

  12. Just wondering if you received my PM. :)

  13. Hi.

    Those Bohrok Sigs are awesome. You drew them yourself?

  14. Oh, I guess you did. (After searching through your page. =)

  15. Lol love your sig man.

  16. DOOD!!! Sup?! :D

    Be my friend NAO!

  17. Same. I've played Paper Mario and beat it, but for the new wii one? Haven't beaten yet. :P Hmm, well maybe I'll try strikers out. :)

  18. Oh, sorry I was on a trip for a week and I have no blog. :3 Anyway yeah the final levels were great. :)

  19. Well start writing now. Even if its terrible, best to get the bad stuff out of the way. Start writing and I'll review. :3

  20. Yeah man. When everyone on the black rock just started getting killed. (Chills)

    I liked how they brought up that the island wasn't ... "Karzahni". (Obvious enough? :P) But I'd still like to get some more answers about MiB and Jacob. (I'm dying here!)

    Ps. (spoiler) Next ep about Sun and Jin. (awwwww :3)

  21. Sorry bout that. =) Give me two days. I'm working on it hard it's just I'm still not done with the Core war enterie.

  22. Lady Kopaka? Hi My name is Grant-Sud. I just wanted to let you know that I read 'Hope', and loved it. I tried to tell you this on BS01 but I'm not sure if you're around. Anyway you could say you've gathered a little bit of fandom from me and i can't wait to read more of you work. Bye! =)

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