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Status Replies posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Buddeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Buddy buddy buddy buddy buddeeeeeeeh.

  2. I caught you a delicious bass ... wanna play me? :3

  3. Hey. Hey! Hey!!! Listen! Hey! Listen, HEY! HEEEEY!!!!

  4. Yes, i really enjoyed your story. :)

  5. Just saying, thanks for the awesome review you gave us. Really appreciate it!

  6. "Magicians do not exist..."

  7. "Magicians do not exist..."

  8. Just wondering real fast, is your epic, Second to None still being worked on? Cause I think you have a case of the lazies. Been spreading around a lot lately... Anyway can't wait for the next chapt.

  9. Just wondering real fast, is your epic, Second to None still being worked on? Cause I think you have a case of the lazies. Been spreading around a lot lately... Anyway can't wait for the next chapt.

  10. Just wondering real fast, is your epic, Second to None still being worked on? Cause I think you have a case of the lazies. Been spreading around a lot lately... Anyway can't wait for the next chapt.

  11. Just wondering real fast, is your epic, Second to None still being worked on? Cause I think you have a case of the lazies. Been spreading around a lot lately... Anyway can't wait for the next chapt.

  12. Where the beasts inherit the earth // Where the last again will be first

  13. I'm not taking a shower today. Why? I don't care.

  14. New Short Story "Between Two Eternities" has been posted, an alternate-universe take on the events of Time Trap.

  15. Sup bro!

    1. Grant-Sud


      Muahaha! They'll never stop as long as you have friends like us. xD

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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