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Status Updates posted by Itaki

  1. Akaku: Master of Flight got my butt back on here. My profile needs a revamp!! >8D

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Sticking with Beonrex/avotaru avatar, or are you going all-Encune? :P

    2. Itaki


      I'm going to stick with Beonrex cause it's my Bionicle Handle. Buuuut might also go Itaki, not sure yet. She's definitely going to be my avatar though! c:

  2. Thanks, that's very kind of you. ^^

  3. Aww, thanks!

  4. I'm awesome! How 'bout you!?

  5. Gonna start lurking here some more because I can. *lurk lurk lurk lurk*

  6. Cause I like the mask design and think they're pretty awesome. :3

  7. Hey!

    Thank you. :3

  8. S'all Good. :3


  9. *Tap dances on the profile feed* Ha cha cha

  10. Not much. Making some free Bohrok sigs but thats pretty much it.


  11. Thank ye kind sir :3

  12. What're you thinking of changing?

  13. It just seems like he has self esteem issues XD


  14. Awesome!

    Thats how the Chief breaks up the dance floor. XD

  15. No, not at all.

    Please do ^^

  16. I didn't know you were on BZP.

    Awesome! :3

  17. Not much, you?

  18. Awesome! I will most definitly have a look. Thank you! ^^

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