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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. Do you actually think he's a threat?

  2. I apologize. I don't find the banner itself so obnoxious, so much as some of the people who use it... Blackout, some guy who named himself 'Hero Factory Must Die!'

    But I do think the 'zeros' and 'never wanted' ones are kinda unnecesary. Of course, all IMO.

  3. Should I overthrow Mangs as leader of the Foireann?

  4. Wow, how did THAT happen?

  5. Comics "Darth Vader" and "Mexican Food" have been added to the Comix, along with exclusive info on the movie and how you can be in it.
  6. Oops nevermind!

    Indeed he does :P

    Uh, it's close, I know that, why?

  7. I do believe you've mixed my page up with Mangai's...

  8. Answer to your sig:

    The building heroes is a faction of HF's story, whereas the actual toys are just that-toys. Besides, what's the fun if its pre-built?

    I mean no offense by this, hope it helps.

  9. When I thought you couldn't get any odder...

    Ironically, I had waffles this morning...

  10. *Looks at solar system* KNI only see one Earth. Adders see two. Problem?
  11. I will still argue that the teacher who dies at the beginning is completely worthless as a character...
  12. I fail to see your concealed point. Which your concealing from me. =P

  13. Hey, let's all call RM 'Gav' just to ANNOY HIM!

  14. Hey, let's all call RM 'Gav' just to ANNOY HIM TO DEATH!

  15. Uh, sure. I'll send you my sprite sheet once you send yours.

  16. Do you want to GS in my upcoming movie?

  17. I saw it. It was alright, but I didn't get that "mystical" feeling that's in other ones. The feeling I got was "Let's kill him before he kills us."
  18. I'm not trying to. I'm making fun of something I find obnoxious.

  19. Oops! I'll get that working! Just don't blog about it!

  20. The WA Comix HQ is content packed with new features, including: *Animations *Two New Comics! *Spoilers For The FIRST WA MOVIE!!!! We're looking at an amazing 2nd season! EDIT: Oops, double-posted, please add this to the other one!
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