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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru Kanohi watched from his perch, waiting for the city to be damaged, but it surprisingly endured. A few cracks, a few craters; most of them formed early in the exchange. Then in a rush the two Toa fled to a lower level, and the Vahki descended upon the Skakdi. He collapsed and was soon enough hauled away. But where was the second stranger, the mutant who looked vaguely like a Steltian? It was … he had seemed amphibious, and there were some canals nearby. If he had fled there, with his aquatic shape … there was no way Kanohi could catch up with him. And even if he could grapple after him quickly enough, Kanohi was … well, there was a reason the Vahki put up with him. But he had seen those Toa flee into the elevator. One of them looked like she had a Kakama, she could catch up to that stranger. He … he could at least inform her. With a click he fired his Kanoka, a disk of the number 271. He got all his disks from Ga-Metru, made it easier to control their flight and avoid hitting Matoran. The disk smacked into the region where the fight had occurred, repairing the cracks and burn marks. It was a waste of a disk, but it made him feel like he was helping. Kanohi then grappled down from his perch, landing with a roll. With a click he recalled the elevator he … he would try to follow the Toa.
  2. OOC: sorry for my absence, I misread the situation, didn't realize Nale and Thom's fight was so close by to Kanohi. IC Kanohi - Matru-Nui Streets Kanohi was swinging through the city when he finally heard the sounds of weaponry firing off. H lurched in the air, nearly forgetting to hook the next building before swinging around. It was close to where that smoke cloud had formed, wasn't it? Dang it, he misinterpreted that smoke for an escape into the archives, that the fighters were gone now. His heartlight pounded in shame, had he just ... just been foolish, or had he wanted any excuse to leave? Coward. He began to mutter under his breath, "I am useful. I am useful. I am helpful. I am helpful. I am not a coward." He grappled over Onu-Metru, to see two Toa fighting a Skakdi and ... something primal in shape. Kanohi swallowed at the scaly skin and flaming eyes of the creatue, even out of its gaze the mutant was horrifying. But he ... he was messed up once already, he could at least try to help the Toa. Kanohi hooked onto a building and launched to its side, hanging from above as Stannis and Nale fought Thom and Waveahk. He ... he could at least mend the street if it got damaged or- Immediately a series of small explosion erupted in the street, an uneven beat like the rhythm of Kanohi's heartlight. As the embers died down he could see the street wasn't too broken up by the barrage, at least not yet. He swallowed and fluttered his fingers against his grappling hook, before reaching into his mound of asks with his free hand and pulling out his disk launcher. He aimed a Regeneration Kanoka and held it at the ready. Should more damage be unleashed, he will fire one of his disks at the ground or the nearby buildings, try to keep the city from falling apart as the Toa fought.
  3. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru city streets Kanohi flinched as he saw a cloud of smoke billowed. His hands trembled, and he muttered to himself “there is no fire, no flames it’s … it’s just smoke, it’s not a fire, it’s just smoke. The archives are not burning down. Even the Vahki would react to a fire.” If it was not a blaze, then maybe it was cover for an escape? Well he … wouldn’t be much help there. But he … Karzahni, he still wasn’t used to the layout of Metru-Nui. He couldn’t remember if there was an elevator there or not. He could wait, but by then the city could actually be damaged. He … and he didn’t want to be so close to some many Vahki just waiting. So Kanohi released his grip on his perch before aiming his gun at another building and grappling away. He launched past the structure, before hooking another tower. He … he should patrol for a real emergency anyway. But even as he maneuvered around Onu-Metru he subconsciously revolved around the spot where everything had gone down, just in case.
  4. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru city streets Kanohi was not a great craftsman, but he knew what Protodermis looked like when it was damaged, straining not to snap or crumble. And as he surveyed from the street, he couldn't see cracking metal or feel the roar of a bioquake beneath his feet. It seemed the city was stable here, at least for now. Then what had upset the Vahki? His curiosity was piqued, his heartlight flickering in a frantic rhythm. He started to move forward, only to flinch at the glint of the Vahki's staves. He ... they had things under control. But those Vahki who ran away, if they were pursuing a suspect, accidents might follow. He was all too aware that Vahki could be a bit too ... zealous in their hunts, and if their suspects were armored and dangerous... Kanohi swallowed, his heartlight beating fast enough to leave him woozy. He ... he had to follow, wouldn't he? Toa and Vahki could handle enemies, he knew nothing about that, but Matoran could get hurt in the crossfire. And if the Vahki were heading deeper into the archives, to a supporting level, Onu-Metru's foundation could be at risk. He ... he wanted to flee. But where could he flee to? This was the end of the universe, everywhere south of this island belonged to the League. He couldn't run, and even if he could he... he couldn't let this refuge crumble too. So, looking both ways, he pulled out his grappling gun and fired the chunky piece of metal. A magnet exploded out of his gun and latched against a building, before launching he into the air. He lurched as he smacked into the tower, before looking for the Vahki who had left in a rush. He hung suspended to the tower, trying to get a further view. Can he see those Vahki from up there, and gleam what they are doing? OOC: what are the Vahki that had pursued Stannis, Knichou, and Nakle doing?
  5. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru city streets On the streets of Onu-Metru there was a clanking and clanging sound as a Matoran ran in the street. He was covered from head to toe in shattered pieces of Kanohi, each dangling from him like a wind chime. He looked less like a Matoran, and more like a pile of scrap good only for smelting down. The Matoran came to a halt, in his sight was a Vahki perimeter. He had thought he had heard some running to this spot, had there been an attack? He kept his distance, he didn’t want to set them off, but still tried to gauge the scene. It looked like some Vahki had sprinted off suddenly, but that wasn’t what interested him. Was the city block safe? Had a bomb gone off, the block’s foundation weakened? Were any buildings at risk, either from whatever had interested the Vahki, or from older damage acquired from the war?
  6. Name: “Kanohi” (has not undergone naming day, but only goes by his nickname) Species: Fe-Matoran Faction: Metru-Nui Brief Description: a slightly short Matoran with a stocky build, he had a black torso, orange mask in the shape of a great Hau, black hands, and orange legs and arms. He wears armor made out of chunks of scraped Kanohi, each of the failures made by an unskilled mask maker, left broken and powerless. These masks dangle around him and clang together, creating a sound of unlike a wind chime. He carries a disk launcher with a number of Ga-Metru Kanoka, all of them low level disks of either remove poison or regeneration. He also carries a crude grappling gun, and his prize possession is bracelet with a series of buttons on it. The buttons do nothing but give him something to fidget with. Background/Occupation: He is cagey about his past, but those who care suspect he had been a failed mask maker who immigrated to Metru Nui to flee the warlords. As the Barraki began to attack the island he made himself useful helping evacuate Matoran from war zones, and trying to repair buildings. As conditions grew worse he used scraped masks as a makeshift armor, earning him the nickname “Kanohi.” Nowadays he uses regeneration disks to strengthen collapsing bridges and buildings long enough for Matoran to escape them, and uses disks of remove poison to help mend ill Matoran poisoned by airborne debris and chemical weapons. Even when the Barraki are not actively attacking, the city remains a dangerous place and he keeps himself busy. He travels through the city with a grappling gun that frequently lurches him around, though his physical endurance as a Fe-Matoran lets him recover from most rough landings. He is tolerated by the Vahki and Toa, though openly is not considered much of a help in battles. Flaws: Kanohi cannot fight at all, and is not a soldier. He doesn’t fight in the war, merely tries to keep people safe as something of a vigilante medic and first responder. He also is terrified of the League. He can face his fears enough to rescue Matoran, but if he is directly attacked, he will almost definitely attempt to flee. Powers: as a Fe-Matoran he has greater than average physical endurance. OOC: mind if I give this a try? Haven’t roleplayed in a while, so forgive me for my missteps.
  7. Good to see you. Gosh it’s been ages. What’s been going on with Nichou? I have some rough ideas already for explaining what Dece did in the interim, and what he is doing now. I am thinking the main explanation would be that he was kidnapped by villains hoping to study the glitch that gave him his visions. I think it’s simple enough not to be inherently complicated. And it might also lead to him feeling like the companions abandoned him, which might set up conflict down the line. I should refresh my memory of what he actually did back then first. Try not to contradict anything.
  8. Gosh, I haven’t been here in years, I think I was last here regularly when BZPRPG III had just started. Looking at the startup topic shows just how long it’s been, Stannis became a toa? Makuta was defeated? Industry? Rival city-states? A whole other set of islands were discovered? Exo-Matoran? And that timeline was last updated in late-mid 2015, who knows what changed in the last four years? I missed a lot. Kind of interested in getting involved again once the next arc starts, though I have no idea what has happened in the last few years. Also if I do rejoin, I would probably need to cut back on my number of characters, I was not able to balance them even At the start when I was active. I think if I can resume, I will go to one new character, maybe two if I keep Dece, and just retcon that the others died offscreen.
  9. Agreed, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is just awe inspiring. It yanked at my emotions in every way, from horror and grief to joy and hope. It's probably way FMA Brotherhood was the only anime I really got into, unless you count the original speed racer cartoon. Even just thinking about the final battle of FMA Brotherhood gives me shivers, now only was it just plain awesome, but the victory was won with the overarching themes in mind. I don't want to go into details in case someone hasn't seen it, so I will end this post now. Plus I am starting to go on and on.
  10. I don't expect that the Great Beings anticipated the Matoran having a civil war. They didn't even expect Matoran to become sapient, much less have emotions that would lead to quarrels and civil war. Also, Matoran have to have certain characteristics to do their jobs. Making them weaker would jeopardize the robot's mission - you would like your workers to live for more than a few days so they can learn things and adapt to change.I am aware that they didn't expect a civil war, I was merely pointing out that even if the Great Beings had suspected Civil War was a possibility, it won't have made sense for them to only downgrade the other tribes of Matoran. Instead it would make more sense for them to make it so all later generations of Av-Matoran were also less damaging, like how they made it so all Ce-Matoran were female after Orde. I said nothing about the likelihood of the Great Beings predicting the Civil War, personally I think the Great Beings were horrible at guessing possible failures, otherwise they would have more safeguards about the Makuta and less about the I didn't think the Civil War was relevant to the topic, so I just didn't address it.I am afraid I wasn't clear here, I do not mean physically weak at all. Rather I meant that other Matoran do not have as many abilities as Av-Matoran. Av-Matoran are the prototype, so the fact that other Matoran don't have as many features could make them seem weaker by comparison. Most tribes have only one ability, like how Ta-Matoran can withstand more heat and Onu-Matoran can see in the dark; however the Av-Matoran have several. Does this explain it better?Which reminds me, some Matoran have a trade off in their powers. Le-Matoran are agile in the trees but clumsy on land, while Onu- Matoran can see well in the dark but are practically blind in sunlight. Po-Matoran are strong but have trouble swimming, and De-Matoran have great hearing to the point of pain. As far as I know Av-Matoran have no such official weakness, and the same is true for other breeds like Ga-Matoran. I suppose one could guess that Ta-Matoran are weak to cold and Ko-Matoran the reverse, and Av-Matoran are probably weak to shadow, but is there official confirmation on whether all Natoran have a weakness of sorts?
  11. I haven't really though of it as balancing out, but it is an interesting approach. I suppose it just matters on the environment and conditions of a situation as to what is stronger. I had forgotten about the Bohrok aspect. I suppose the Bohrok could tie in to this, like how Matoran has passive element energy that becomes active upon becoming a Toa, Av-Matoran have active (though weak) Light elemental energy that becomes acidic, fire, earth, stone, ice, or water upon becoming Bohrok. So the additional power might be a stepping stone to this end. But if the Great Beings realized that there was a potential for civil war, then why not reprogram their devices to stop making light shooting Av-Matoran as well as making other tribes "weaker?" They changed the settings for Ce-Matoran after that incident with Orde (which confuses me as well) so why couldn't they use that strategy here?
  12. That is possible, but I get the feeling that the Great Beings are the kind of people to make unnecessary upgrades. I am pretty sure the Skopio didn't need giant cannons of death, and the Vorok/Zesk were doing fine without stingers as far as we know. In my opinion the Great Beings think that if it doesn't hurt, they should go for it. (though the Skopio do hurt)Yeah but no one else does it but Takua and Gali.
  13. It strikes me kind of odd that Av-Matoran are so much more powerful than the other branches of Matoran. They have the ability to fire bolts of light, both male and female members, (a little off topic, but still) the power to change their armor's colors, and they can link up with Toa/Makuta to gain new hidden powers. Yet they were the first tribe of Matoran built, are own Takua was the original prototype. (the only reason he doesn't show off his powers is because he forget who he was, and I personally think his mindlink with Gali was his Toa-combo ability)The question I want to know is, why are the Av-Matoran so powerful compared to later models? The only idea I can think of is that the Matoran of Light abused their powers, but I don't know of any evidence to this end. Bioniclesector01 has nothing on the topic either, so does anyone here know or have a theory?
  14. I agree about the tablets, it kind of throws me off that they are so close to English, and that connection is how the tablets are translated.However, the Agori dialect has many Latin words. This irks me anyway, but it is canon so what can you do? Now the English language in our universe (Realm-20001230) is forged of many different languages, including Latin. Perhaps in the Paracosmos universe (Realm-20030314) the Great Beings programed the Matoran with a language closer to Agori/Latin. Over time the language mutated from glitches and exposure to foreign dialects (?) until it because a pseudo English.
  15. I have heard that too, and the odds are that it won't stack up. But I still have to see it, I invest to much energy and emotions in Brotherhood not to see it.Do you know when in the series the movie is supposed to take place? I know it is before Briggs and after they learned what is in Philosopher Stones, and that odds are it is after the fifth labratory, the journey to Rush Valley, Lust's death, Gluttony's capture, and the first encounter with Father. But I can't place it beyond that.
  16. Well I finished Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood again, and my heart is still pounding. It is an emotional rollercoaster that had me yearning for both joy and grief. It made me feel...alive somehow. And now I'm just rambling on.I really should see the Sacred Star of Milos sometime, I have pretty much no clue what happens in it as is.
  17. I have to say I would have liked to see more Krika, he had a lot of potential. Likwise, Tren Krom shouldn't have died. He is an ancient being of untold power, whose mind was able to run the Matoran Universe (not at full strength, but he handled the system better than most would have. Mata-Nui and Makuta are the only ones better) He had been imprisoned for ages for crimes he might commit, which would have made for interesting interactions with the Great Beings. And he had some sort of attachment to the Matoran Universe, he seemed disturbed by what had happened to the MU after he was imprisoned and he did agree to save it. He had so much potential.
  18. IC: Dece shook his head, "I am not saying that this game is the key to defeating the Makuta or anything like that. I mean, what would we do? Invite the Makuta to play a game with us for the fate of the island? That just sounds...idiotic. I just meant that the game was merely a way to inform lots of people about the six clues, without anyone realizing it. Like hidding a powerful artifact in a junkyard, keeping it hidden in plain sight. The gamde is just the junkyard, nothing more."
  19. IC: Dece shook his head in confusion. This Kohlii sounded more like a fighting style or a sport now, and it certainly seemed commonplace. But why would a sport or even a common fighting style contain referances to these secrets? Unless...His paranoia possibly helping him for once, Dece asked, "Did the Turaga or the Chronicler's Company have a say in the creation of Kohlii. If they did, maybe the sport was created so that everyone would know those six secrets, yet still keep them hidden from evil. That way those seeking secrets could solve the puzzle even if the six company members were killed."
  20. IC: "Who is Kolhi?" asked Dece, "Some sort of ancient philosopher?" The Fe-Matoran pondered what kind if being this Kolhi could be, before settling on a Ga-Matoran or a Ko-Matoran. If it was a Matoran it was probably one of those two types, if not a Matoran it was probably a Turaga of some sort."
  21. IC: Dece turned to Lepidran as they walked and asked, "So, what happened in Po-Koro? I was...seeing things at the time, so I am unsure of what went on. Did we learn any clues? Any clues that the group can know?" The last sentence had a slight hostile tone to it, though not directed towards Lepidran.
  22. My sister and I are watching Brotherhood again, and already we are overwhelmed by nostalgia. So many epic moments and memories, not even demished from the nearly two year gap from when we stopped watching. I don't get into anima often, but this sucked me right in.
  23. Who's Jaron?I had no idea there was a Matoran contest, I am guessing it was announced during my absense. Dece can't compete because he isn't really "good" yet, and he hasn't done much yet. Good luck to the other villagers.
  24. I am aware of that, but with populations rising they might not be the only guards. Right, Vakama is a perfectly good member of society. You know you can trust the robot who can see the future inside fire, that's just common sense.
  25. OOC: do the guards have names? If they don't, I suggest the names Gudkop and Baedkop. IC: Dece glanced at the guards, studying them from the corner of his eye. From the sound of Aurax's tone these Matoran were in a position of authority, and they certainly seemed to have some bulk to them. Judging by Aurax's reaction the group shouldn't fight the two of them, as it would be troublesome. In order to stop that danger, Dece decided not to speak at this time. There was every chance that he would do something socially odd or get another vision, so he shouldn't risk it.
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