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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. At that point, of course, the events of OoT occur again, creating the Adult Timeline, and Zelda sends Link back to his childhood, creating the Child Timeline.Interesting idea, but what about when Ganondorf reappeared in Wind Waker's backstory and no hero came. Does that mean that this pre-destiny/curse created a fourth timeline, where a hero emerged to fight Ganondorf before a flood emerged? And if we go to the logical extreme, does that mean that every game has a timeline branching off from it where a hero didn't come to save the day? That would lead to a maze of timelines, which could get quite confusing.For me, I blame the Ocarina of Time itself. I think that all the time travel Link did eventually wore away at reality, eventually cracking it. This allowed the magic of the gods to slip out, and form the third timeline. When Zelda sent him back in time at the end of the game, this further damaged reality, repeating the process to create Termina, and possible the World of the Ocean King.
  2. I missed that, sorry for that. So Comsos and Paracosmos both refer to trees of universes? That indeed explains away my concerns. I wonder what some of the "less real" dimension trees are like, maybe there is one based off Slizers and Roboriders. Both are less defined stories than the Paracosmos and the Cosmos, and thus could be seen as less real.
  3. IC: Dece shook his head, even as he felt rage more befitting to a Ta-Matoran. Why would Stannis withhold vital information from the group. In a group you can't afford to keep secrets, it only harms unity.Unity...Dece had forgotten about that word. It was one of three virtues wasn't it? But what were the other two? He had a feeling that one of the other virtues involved desks, maybe knowledge?Either way Dece's distrust of Stannis only grew at this point. If they were to solve mysteries, they couldn't keep secrets from each other. Dece didn't hide his visions from the group, so why should Stannis get to withhold knowledge he was given when Dece gave information he generated from within? At the moment the Fe-Matoran kept those thoughyts within, though his movements were more intense.
  4. I feel guilty for not noticing this, after Twisted Island I should have been more proactive in searching. I am a little confused about what the leader of the Unknown means by only Paracosmos and Cosmos are real. I believe it was confirmed that realities like the Melding, the Kingdom, and the Toa Empire are all just as real as the "main" universe, unlike pocket dimensions. So unless Cosmos refers to a multiverse of all canon universes, I feel like that doesn't make sense.On the matter of the recent chapter, I did not see a crossover with Aethion coming. Now I wonder if the duo will visit other major Bionicle community projects, like the original BZPRPG.
  5. You can tell that Matoran weren't meant to develop culture, otherwise the Great Beings would have made better safeguards against memory loss.Edit: I won't say Takua had a flawed power, remember that the power is intended to disguise that he is an Av-Matoran, not to disguise him as a Ta-Matoran. So his reflexes would be more concerned with not being gold and white than being the exact color scheme of a Matoran of Fire.
  6. Right. The Matoran are indeed a great example of a creation going horribly right. A specific example of a creation going wrong is that Vakama's visions are said to be an AI glitch. But without them the Toa Metru couldn't have stopped the Morbuzahk, and if Vakama had bothered to analyze the other visions more, the Matoran might not have lost their memories. If Vakama had possessed a less glitched mind, things could have gotten much worse.As another example of good effects of creations growing beyond their programing, look at the Kingdom. They not only have a near utopian society, but they are preparing to explore space with technology developed independent of the Great Beings. They have no war, hatred has died down, (except towards Matoro, though he redeemed himself in the public's eyes) even though Mata-Nui is dead. If they had just been machines they might have just "shut themselves off," since their mission couldn't succeed. Instead they became stronger.
  7. Takua was really a Matoran of Light. All Matoran of Light can change the color of their armor by reflex, to avoid being identified by Makuta. The reason we don't know this in the early years is because Takua had amnesia, and the Turaga didn't know about his secret. Po-Matoran and Onu-Matoran both deal with the ground, so I can see why there can be overlap. Matoran Kanohi are powerless,at least usually. The point of them as far as I know is simply to not go into a coma, and to have a mask upon becoming a Toa.
  8. Ah Legend of Zelda, good times. I was so obsessed with it that I conquered my total lack of gaming skills and beat Twilight Princess, after about a year. I have only played Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Spirit Tracks, though I have spent some time watching play-throughs for entertainment. Of the three I would say that Spirit Tracks was my least favorite, its overworld was too restrictive. I'm okay with using trains, but I would like to explore more of the world than just stations. Wind Waker had a lot of time sailing, but at least then you had to actively steer and react to dangers. Locomotion in Spirit Tracks seemed kind of...alienating. Not sure if that makes sense. From the sound of it Skyward Sword has a similar problem with limited overworlds, so I guess it is lucky that my Wii's problems stopped me from getting it.
  9. Do you think it was intended for any MU inhabitants to leave the MU? Or would this remote Toa-iser be an emergency thing in case some escaped, to create Toa to defend them and get them back in the robot?Actually, what about something else? The Red Star might have the capacity to launch lightening to dissolve obstacles as it orbits around a planet to avoid smashing into, say, an asteroid. What's more intriguing is where they got the Toa energy to put into the lightening; usually that only comes from Toa. There's Toa up there?First of all, I really like this theory. Partly because I have seen no other concept that would resolve the Red Star prophecy maker/Toa maker issue, but partly because it just makes sense to me. Not sure about the rewriting destiny part though. On the matter above, I don't think that the Great Beings intended for the MU inhabitants to leave, but I would agree that they planned for it. There are escape tunels all over the MU, odds are that some Matoran would get lost sooner or later.
  10. Harvali

    Kanohi Of Comedy

    Sorry I haven't commented in a while, my computer had issues. Good to know that we might see the Turaga in action, though I wonder what they would be like back then. As far as I know, the Toa-Metru have only been repressented once before in a Bionicle parody comic series, in The Legend of Bionicle. So it will be interesting to see a different parody of them, to say the least.On the matter of the recent comic, it is good to see that steps are being taken to help the Toa succeed.
  11. Another beautiful story. You know, I don't recall either reading a story from Kaparu's point of view, he tends to be overlooked it seems. Nice to see him get a protagonist role. I think you also had him as a character in Twisted Island, but that was a long time ago. Long enough for Endless Blue to be deep in chapters anyway. I will have to check that story out sometime. The simple word Islander seemed to carry enormous weight, maybe because of memories of Bionicle's early years. Perhaps the fact the two central characters had their biggest airtime in 2001 also creates this feel, along with the return of the Bohrok. Who can say. Either way it is yet another great tale.
  12. IC: Dece ignored Amaya, not willing to give him any ground. Not the literally ground of course, rather an edge in thispossibly one-way chess match the two Matoran were in. As Lekua ended the conversation the Matoran departed, with Dece making sure he was in a view to watch Amaya. He didn't trust this...abomination at all, it was too incorrect. Perhaps this was what the creations of the Makuta felt like...
  13. OOC: Stannis could stop by while we are talking though. Hopefully he is allowed to talk about the four clues Stannis already knoe, as Dece doesn't know those clues.OOC: Amaya I believe.IC: Dece had decided to spend this pause in conversation by counting the grains in the rock floor. He was at five hundred and seventy two, but there were plenty more to find. As he searched the ground the Fe-Matoran couldn't help but wonder what was this strange Matoran was. He didn't...feel like any Matoran Dece had ever seen before, and it certainly wasn't how they should be. But Nichou and company assumed that he was fine. Perhjaps it involved his visions...
  14. IC: Dece asked, "What happened to Taipu after the Toa vanished? I know he only vanished recently, but did his habits change?" The Fe-Matoran was hoping that Onepu was looking too short term in Taipu's behavior, and that a long term look might unearth missed clues. It might be a dead end of course, but it was still a good idea to check.
  15. IC: Dece nodded in agreement, and waited to follow the others once it was time to go. He wasn't going to let that Amaya, if he came, get out of sight. That figure just felt so...wrong, so...unnatural. Dece couldn't place why the figure was so disturbing, but just something about him screamed abomination in Dece's mind. He would not let that entity move around unwatched. It was too risky. But aside from the occasional glance of suspicious eyes, he kept these thoughts to himself.OOC: Agreed
  16. No! Not Kapura! Well assuming Makuta has access to Rahkshi of Mind Reading, I am guessing the local Toa of Shadows isn't going to ask Kapura for information since he can steal it. (I assume, Bioniclesector01 is still down and I don't know the exact powers of that Rahkshi type) But then why confront him? Is Kapura about to be slain? Or is Heuani here to "encourage" Kapura not to tell the resistance fighters his clue, or even to give them a wrong one?
  17. IC: Dece nodded, and made a mental note to ask Stannis to help train him later. Sure Dece didn't trust that distant Matoran of Plasma, but he didn't feel wrong like Amaya. And Dece need to be able to fight if he was to live, this island was not exactly safe. And from what Dece saw before joining the companians, there are plenty of people much stronger than Matoran. He would need all the help he could get."We might as well search for Stannis," the Fe-Matoran voted, "Even if he is still talking to this "Whenua," at least we will know when we can talk to him as soon as he is done."
  18. IC: Dece shrugged and stated, "You have a better chance than me." The Fe-Matoran doesn't explain why, as both Nichou and Aurax already know that Dece is an amnesic. Not to mention Amaya is close by, and Dece would prefer not to have potential enemies know about his weaknesses. And there is something just plain wrong with that Amaya.After a pause, Dece clicked, "So, any of you know how to use a spear in battle? Or how to fight with solely your body?" His eyes search Ledka, Nichou, and Aurax, but his optics clearly avoid Amaya.
  19. Ok I am still behind, What are the Mystix exactly? The news section claims that they are Man Bats (not Batman, he has no powers) and that they were defeated by the Le-Koro guard, but I haven't found any other information. Are they part of the main plot or are they a side adventure?
  20. IC: Dece nodded vaguely, still distracted by his vision. "It is like the vision," commented the Fe-Matoran, "The Chronicler's Comapany is vanishing. But what are those circles that they left behind in that waking dream? Were the six members ever associated with circles of any kind, preferably tan ones with symbols engraved on them?"Even as Dece waited for a response, the Fe-Matoran wondered why the Foreman had never found it odd that Taipu was missing. Sure the Great Mine was big, but still you would think he would notice at one point.
  21. IC: Dece nodded, though it was clear he wasn't glad with this choice of action. Amaya was just...wrong. Something in his very identity felt wrong, and it was quite unnerving. It was like Amaya was a nearly perfect imitation of a Matoran, made through who knows what. And although the imitation was nearly identical, the imperfections it had made it so much more disturbing. Regardless Dee pondered his visions, and noted that the disks had shown up again. Clearly those circles and the symbols on them were important, but how? And what did they have to do with the Chronicler's Company?OOC: I don't know enough details on the task, so I probably shouldn't ask.
  22. OOC: I am fully aware of "Amaya's" gender. That doesn't mean Dece is. OOC: yes I know Av-Matoran aren't in this RPG, again, my knowledge and Dece's knowledge differ.IC: Dece paused, as he analyzed Nichou's speech. Could that Onu-Matoran have said...No that is impossible. Matoran of Jungle are all male, like Matoran of Fire, Earth, Ice, Iron, Plasma, Air, Sonics, and so on. Only Matoran of Lightning, Water, and Psionics can be female. Well, aside from Av-Matoran, who can be both male and female. Dece just misheard, or perhaps Nichou has a slight accent. Either way Dece finally nods and states, "Fine, but there still is something wrong here."
  23. OOC: I know that...IC: Dece glanced at Amaya to make sure he wasn't listening, before saying, "Something is wrong about that Matoran. I don't know what, but Amaya just feels wrong. I don't mean malicious, though that could also be true, I mean that that...Matoran...feels unnatural. Like swallowing sand only to hear the screams of Rahi, instead of feeling and tasting sand grains. It shouldn't happen, and there is no reason for it to do so. Something is wrong here."The Fe-Matoran paused before saying, "If you agree to let Amaya come I won't stop it. I probably couldn't, there is every chance that Matoran would follow us even if we said no anyway. And I suppose it might be a good idea to know where Amaya is, so if that Matoran snaps we will be ready. But I will be watching that...abomination."
  24. OOC: familiar is Dece's way of saying that he trusts them above everyone else. Of course he knows like seven people and he is incredibly paranoid, but it still is nice.IC: Dece viewed this Amaya carefully, something about him seemed off. He didn't...feel right. Dece himself was odd, he had visions, though what they meant he did not know. But those visions, they didn't feel wrong. And although Nichou seemed to find the visions a little odd, the Onu- Matoran hadn't felt that something was off about Dece at first sight. But Amaya just felt...unnatural.Finally he said with hints of distrust, "I don't trust anyone, although I am familiar with Nichou, Lepidran, and Aurax. But aside from them, I do not trust neither Matoran nor Skakdi nor Turaga. So yes, I do not trust you."
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