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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. IC: Dece nodded, even as he looked at the three dead Nui-Rama. Finally he said, "The big-bugs aren't rotting to much, I think they died recently. And there are signs of cuts and gashes on both big-bugs and the infected masks. Do you think there was a battle here? Perhaps there are some heroes who already came this way. Do you think they might know more?"Dece couldn't help but feel on edge, something about this place was just...disturbing. Evil lurked here, and evil so strong that he could feel it. The entire region was unsettling, he could swear he beard a dark whisper on the wind. This Makuta was just...wrong, in every sense of the word.
  2. IC: Vanboi stated, "I will continue to follow you, should that be alright." The Toa of Fire hoped that he would learn the heroic Toa's name, which still escaped his knowledge. It was becoming increasely clear that he would have to ask in order to learn the hero's name. And he was not about to leave until he knew it.
  3. OOC: I am off for the night, don't let me die. Dece is seeing the aftermath of Merror and company's battle at Kini-Nui.IC: Dece nodded, and gripped his spear tightly. As he approached the temple, he spotted scores of Infected Masks on the ground, along with remains of three of the insects from his first vision. The Fe-Matoran pointed to the remains and asked, "What kind of masks are those? The three dead Rahi have some just like it." Will the group notice the remains as well? Regardless Dece wonders why no Rahi can be heard by the temple, and how come everything is so quiet. It is as if no creatures dare journey here, like they can sense the evil of this place. The Fe-Matoran shuddered at the region's atmosphere, and gripped his spear even tighter. It was all he had to protect himself in a fight.
  4. IC: Dece found himself observing Nichou with nearly ever fiber of his being, nothing existed but his eyes and the wood. Finaklly he relaxed, even as the Onu-Matoran unlocked the door. As the Fe-Matoran scratched his head, he found that he could remember much of Nichou's basic movements. Perhaps he could use this to make a better weapon when the time came for war. The Fe-Matoran dipped his head in thanks to his fellow Matoran and replied, "Thank you Lepidran, though what is a Slow-Walker? I assume a close mouth would be someone who doesn't talk much, a broad shoulders has a large upper body, and a wind sprinter is a fast runner, but what does a slow walker do? And was he one of the two guards?" After he asked this, Dece questioned the entire group, "Do any of you have experience with combat? I ask because in my vision of this place there were slugs that fed on Kanohi, and I worry if such creatures exist here."
  5. ...Well Macku looks well adjusted now. Dear gosh Kopeke is hurting bad. I suggest one group of heroes double as therapists, to help the Chronicler's Company recover from their pain. And if Team Therapist can help them recover from their fear/depression, then maybe they will dare to tell us more secrets. Hafu seems fine though, and Kapura might still be okay if he still is an active member of the guard.
  6. IC: Vanboi nodded and says, "Do not worry, the Turaga have spent a hundred years dealing with lost Toa; they are not ready to believe that unity can return to this world. And unlike the glorious Toa Mata we were not spoken specifically in in legend. Thus the only way we can prove to them we are true Toa-Heroes is not by virtue of being Toa, but by our heroics. Though one day soon the lost Toa will see the light, and united we will defeat the Makuta."
  7. IC: Kozya continued to eat the Mahi's energy, draining it body of power. He knew from experience not to waste any part of the beasts, and had used their parts to repair his armor and body numerous times. It was not a perfect fit, but it kept him running in this land of icy death.As he ate, he caught sight of his table. Some of the layer of dust had fallen away, revealing it's reflective surface. In a flash his cold behavior was shattered under an eruption of rage, as his face looked at him. The image was distorted of course, but it was still too close for him.In a flash his fist had slammed into the table, fracturing the entire structure. After a time he calmed, and grabbed a pile of dirt. With a flick of his fingers Kozya tossed the dust over the ice, covering up his reflection.
  8. I have a question, about how long will the movie be once completed? If you don't know for sure, do you have a rough estimate? I didn't see the question in this topic, but if it was already answered I apologize for wasting your time.
  9. Harvali

    Kanohi Of Comedy

    It's sad but true, the Toa are all fools. At least Gali is smart enough to realize she needs a babysitter. Speaking of how Matoran are much more competent, I wonder how the Chronicler's Company will appear. With his canon "teleportation" power, Kapura might not be a mere Ta-Matoran here...
  10. IC: Dece gazed at the massive door, carved in the image of a head. The Matoran wasn't sure what kind of head it was, but judging by everyone's obsession with the Toa Mata this might be one of their faces beneath their masks.As they waited for the door Dece decided to ask about the old Mayoran heroes. "So who were the Chronicler's Company?" asked Dece, "What were their names, their jobs, their roles in their community? What were their Koro? What was their personalities like? Did any of them ever become Toa when their team broke up?"The Fe-Matoran waited for a reply, all the while he gazed around the landscape. Dece wasn't familiar with this region, he knew it even less than Ga-Wahi. For all he knew this region would be crawling with dangers, especially threats he would not be able to recognize. Overall his paranoia was flaring again.
  11. And now we get to see Kopeke, any bets on what he is like now? He was already shy in MNOG, not anti social like other Ko-Matoran. I wonder how the Event affected a Matoran who already nervous about interacting with others.
  12. Nuju and Matoro are amusing to observe, I feel for the translator. Speaking of which, I have a plott related question on Matoro. In the canon, Matoro was the only Matoran who knew of Metru-Nui on the island. Siince he had to speak for Nuju, he naturally had to be informed of the island for Turaga meetings, though he never told anyone. I wonder if this Matoro knows some secrets even Takua did not? Perhaps the biggest clues are hidden in plain sight...
  13. I can't help it, I have no clue what goes in your minds. I actually wasn't referring to Stannis, I figure the Turaga would try to do a background check to the guy they are sending us to. Unless they are trying to get rid of us because there is no Makuta and they just want to ride themselvs of threats. It is all some sort of plot to keep the Matoran down. Rise up brothers, rise up! ...Yeah I am a little paranoid.
  14. IC: Dece is unsure if it is wise to move so quickly, as they only just met. How do they know how their fellows will react to danger? Could Dece trust the others to help him in battle? Would they expect him to aid them in a fight? His battle skills were subpar, and what if he had a vision in the middle of a battle? The Matoran honestly wasn’t sure if it was a god idea to do this, especially since he knew this lace only in the vision. And that vision had been particularly disturbing. An abyss filled with slugs that feast on masks, murderous Matoran and Rahi; it was terrifying. And now they want to head over there? Don’t they realize the risk? “Of course they did,” thought Dece as the group boarded his grab to speed up their travel, “We are Matoran, the weakest of all the races here. They cannot be so far in denial that they don’t recognize their place in the power grid, right? Yet they still wish to head to Kini-Nui? Are they just brave, overconfident, or foolish?”(Dece also to Kini-Nui)
  15. I was just thinking, what if Makuta sends his spies among our teams, to destroy us from within. Or worse, use us to his advantage. That Matoran in our group is pretty eager for us to visit abandoned temples like Kini-Nui. And there won't be too many witnesses there, by their nature...
  16. This is the danger of living close to Kini-Nui, all the craziest people start knocking on your door. Luckily Matau gets a lot of training dealing with his Le-Matoran subjects, otherwise he would go mad with all these Toa.
  17. Just because one group already found the clue in a Koro doesn't mean you can't still search it. Plus you might find something they missed. For instance; Jaller's clue, if he has one, was missed by the mercenaries, and since Jaller hates their guts odds are that they won't learn his secret.Edit: okay, I wonder what happened to Merror?
  18. Yeah, for all we know he has that image so that we underestimate him. Then when we don't suspect it, Stannis is revealed to serve Makuta and tries to kill all of us.
  19. OOC: Sorry, I was typing in a hurry. Still, it is better than my other character's issue. Every time I type Dece spellcheck wants to make it December. IC: The Toa of Fire turned away and stated, "He was the anti-social member of the group, preferring to work alone. He was the opposite of Unity. He and Tahu were said to argue over leadership often, undermining Tahu's authority. Plus I can't just say that we got "lonerness" from Kopaka, it just sounds silly."
  20. I wonder how the different groups will react to each other? The Toa teams will probably think the Matoran have no business being heroes(Merror being so over protective), while the Merceneries and Toa will have such different ideals that it might come to blows. Not sure how we Matoran would react to the merceneries though. By the way, I sent you a private message, can you please respond?
  21. IC: Vamboi laughed and replied, "Onua was said to be the wisest of the Toa Mata. Of him we receive wisdom, from Gali we get serenity, from Tahu we have rage, from Kopaka we have rebelliousness, from Pohatu we have friendship, and from Lewa we receive freedom. That is why around a hundred years ago some people believed the Toa Ka were the Mata reborn, as they shared the mindsets of the Toa Mata.
  22. IC: Dece nodded and clicked, "Would the former Chronicler's Company have returned to their old Koro after the team split? Might Takua still live in Ta-Koro? And if there were other Ta-Matoran on that team might they also be here in Ta-Wahi? We could ask them for information while we are still in Ta-Koro."The Fe-Matoran wondered to himself what others thought about his theory on the Toa Mata. Could their dying actions have saved the Matoran? Could their deaths have had a purpose? Dece thinks it is possible, but since he has no memories prior to two days and a half ago he has not had the death of the Toa Mata drilled into his mind for a century.
  23. OOC: I know Av-Matoran don't exist here, and that odds are no one knows that Matoran of Light even exist. The fact that Dece thinks Av-Matoran exist is important to his character, but no one else.IC: Dece widened his eyes, as the information reached him. This was not the first group of Matoran warriors to exist, and though the prior one had ended Stannis hadn't claimed that they had died. In fact the group survived when the mightiest of Toa failed. Perhaps Matoran were not so weak compared to the many Toa and Skakdi of the island. But what let them survive?Suddenly Dece realized something. "In the vision, the Toa Mata and the vortex vanish," said the Fe-Matoran, "Though enough of the violent winds remain to make a small breeze. What if the vortex represented Makuta? Maybe the Toa Mata hadn't failed completely so long ago? If Makuta could kill the six strongest Toa, he could have conquered this island long ago. But he has not yet. Maybe the Toa dealt him a blow that stopped him from progressing?""Who were the Chronicler's company?" asked Dece as a follow up, "Was it made up of all types of Matoran from fire to light, or only ones from the six main Koros?"
  24. IC: Vanboi paused and asked, "But the Toa Mata were the only Toa one hundred years ago, only after they vanished did other groups emerge like the poor Toa Ka. So how could you have been a Toa for two hundred years when the oldest Toa on the Island arrived only one hundred years ago?" The other Toa had seemed sincere, but it didn't fit in with the timeline as Vanboi knew it. "Yeah, I have some issues with my mask," said Vanboi cheerfully, "and even more with my elemental powers. But I am sure I will get control of it sooner or later, if Onua's wisdom shines on me."
  25. IC: Vanboi turned to Pirok, who like him was waiting for Merror to return with news. "So how long have you been a Toa?" asked Vanboi, "I have been one for about two weeks now, not counting the time I spent with those healers." The Toa of Fire waits for a reply, hoping to learn more about his fellow heroes. At this point he still didn't even know the name of their leader.
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