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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. IC: Dece froze, as the Le-Matoran added his piece. "Is this Kini-Nui the color of sand?" he asked, "with four towers around it?" The Fe-Matoran might not know much of this world, but he oddly still knew the language of the Matoran. And Kini- Nui meant Great-Temple after all...Dece waited for the others to inform him as to what Kini-Nui was, and also to teach him what the Chronicler's Company was and the Mangaia. He was fine with any of the other Matoran explaining it to him, but he needed to find out what those parts of this world were and soon.As he waited for a reply, Dece wondered how the five of them would be able to help defeat this Makuta without the aid of someone with real power. Sure Dece had his visions, but he was passive to them and had no control over when they occurred. He didn't use that power, it used him. And even then it was all jumbled up and confusing to understand.
  2. Yeah, but we Matoran with odd powers and mental issues need to stick together. Though now that I said that I can't help but think of Turaga Vakama in a wheelchair sending Dece and Kapura on missions to defeat a genocidal Turaga of Magnetism and a group of more typical Matoran and their Vahki sentinels. Back on topic, I wonder what we need to know the principles for. Maybe we will have to enter a Kolhii match against Makuta? It happened in the canon once...
  3. What is the worst that could happen with a pair of mercenaries learning the secrets to defeat Makuta first? They destroy the evidence and force the other heroes to pay them in order to learn anything? What are the chances of that happening?But yeah, the Matoran need to move out. I suggest we head towards Kapura, since we are already in Ta-Koro. Though since we might need to talk to Jaller to find him, we will need our best diplomat to do the talking.
  4. IC: Vanboi clicked, "We are at our strongest united, when all of us work together nothing can stop Mata-Nui's will. But if you think Matau will prefer to talk only to a few of us, then I shall wait. By the way, what happened to that lost Toa of Air? Did he find his light and return to the righteous path of the Toa Mata?"
  5. IC: Vanboi slapped his head at the obvious answer, and almost collapsed. Though the blow was soft, the damage to his head had not fully healed even after all this time. "The Principles," laughed Vanboi when he had stopped himself from passing out, "What else could it be? Do you think the other Principles are involved, such as Purity and Courage?"
  6. IC: Vanboi nodded and clicked, "My wound has recovered, yes. Though from what I could hear while I rested the healers thought that this would happen again, something involving green horns. Perhaps it was part of the medicine they used? Faith, perhaps he refers to faith that times will get better? Or perhaps he refers to belief in the three virtues of old? And that only in trusting the virtues can we reach a better future."
  7. Both members if the Chronicler's Company yet seen seem much more nervous than I recall. Macku and Tamaru both seem much more anti social than I recall, though judging by Onewa's word Hafu hasn't changed too much. I wonder what these Matoran are so scared of, and if the others will also be withdrawn as well.
  8. IC: Vanboi awoke to the sound of birds singing proudly in the trees. Slowly he got up, his everything hurting. Still, he felt much better, and his head no longer was a vortex of rage. "Thank the Mata," he moaned as he slowly got up.Standing up, Vanboi noticed his mask lay on a nearby table along with his sword. As the Kakama latched to his face the Toa felt a rush of strength, his health almost at its max. Looking around, the Toa remembered the incident with the Toa of Air."Where is that Toa of Fire?" asked Vanboi, "and the others?" Quickly he left the hut of healing, and headed down the treetops. While he searched the region, he caught sight of the group's leader near a lower hut. Climbing towards him he said, "Greetings my fellow Toa, how goes the fight against Makuta?"
  9. IC: Dece wondered if he should talk, but was not sure if he could help. The Pa- Matoran's words have impressed him, though some phrases he did not understand. Was there a strength in the Matoran? But Matoran are so much more frail than a Toa, a Skakdi, perhaps even a Turaga; any other group could crush them. Though Dece has one power that can help...Finally he said, "I might know something, maybe. I have been getting these...visions, though more often than not they are confusing. The Toa Mata are in one of those dreams, confronting a vortex. Then both the vortex and the Toa Mata vanish, leaving only a soft breeze.""But I am not sure how much help I can give beyond that," admitted the Fe- Matoran, "I...only remember the last two days, nothing prior. Could you fill me in on who the Chronicler's Company was? And perhaps something on the Mangaia?"
  10. Except the Gate. That is, unless you were referring to the three non BZPRPGs interacting with one another, in which case I have no such example.
  11. IC: Kozya returned to his hole in the group, flying down to the bottom of the cavern. The snow of the mountain may no longer hug him, but the sensation of snow is somehow soothing to him. Perhaps it involved the one in a thousand situation Kozya had found himself in.Gradually he slowed his mask of flight, and landed to a stop in the vast cavern he called home. The chamber was nearly pitch-black, save for a Lightstone stolen from Onu-Wahi long ago. This single light was not enough to destroy the darkness, but it did extinguish much of the shadows.Coldly the Toa began to hack up the Mahi, slicing the goat into pieces. Kozya absorbed the Mahi's energy as he gazed around the cave, small and secluded. Not much was here aside from the Lightstone, only a few pieces of ice made furniture and a large metal monolith. It was a bland cave, nothing extravagant or personal lived here. After all Kozya had lost everything personal long ago, when he died. In truth the only things he owned was his blade, an ice carving tool, and the Lightstone. Everything else had been taken from him since the doomed Battle of Fools.The Toa paused as he remained the battle and it's aftermath. At first he thought he was lucky to be alive, if you call it that. But soon enough he realized that there are some tortures that make the power of a Rahkshi look like a small feather. There are some pains that no matter how much you starve yourself they never fade.
  12. IC: The Toa launched himself with his mask, soaring right over the beast. As he flew the hermit slashed his blade into the predator's back, causing it to roar in agony. The Muaka roared in pain even as Kozya landed on his feet to the beast's back As both parties turned to face another, Kozya noticed a large scar going down the feline's face.Kozya stared down the cat, his blade held though magnetism. "Old Scarface," he thought to himself with a empty voice, "I haven't seen you since the avalanche." The Muaka was more vocal, its growling made it clear that it had not forgotten Kozya. The two foes began to circle each other, having played this dance for so long.The cat soon enough lost its patience, and charged at the Toa, his claws ready to strike. As Kozya flew at the cat the beast suddenly bent it's body downwards. Kozya's blade missed it's mark, even as the foe slammed it's fist into his chest.Kozya fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. "Not bad," he thought with no emotion, "It took you seven years, but you finally learned to duck. But let's see how much that helps you." The Toa darted forth as his blade hummed with electricity. Scarface charged as well, his claws at the ready. In a burst of lightning the foes collided, sending both of them flying.Kozya landed not to far away, still on his feet. The Muaka survived as well, though sparks dance across his body. The cat stared down Kozya for a few seconds, before heading off into the snow. The meal was not worth the struggle.Kozya nodded, and used his sword to draw the Mahi towards him. With his meal reclaimed, the Toa headed back to the hole. Despite their constant duel over the years, the two entities had learned to respect each other, a rarity for Kozya. After all this time they two had almost a truce not to slay the other, out of respect and a head for a foe. And so both of them clashed, Kozya typically winning but Scarface getting some victories now and again. It was their circle of life, a simple existence but one that was much more tolerable than other lives.
  13. IC: Kozya emerged from his hole, knowing that the storm had slowed to a more tolerable pace. He didn't need to any instruments, he simply knew the Drift, far better than any part of the island. Back when he was younger he hunted here all the time, giving the village of Ko-Koro enough food to survive. But that was two lifetimes away.Kozya walked through the snow, his eyes peering through the gloom. He could hear it, the sound of a Mahi herd roaming through the icy void, grazing on what little food they could find. The herd ate their fill as best they could, too distracted with the hunt.As Kozya mapped out the region, he charged up his blade. The Mahi glanced up at the hum, but by then Kozya had chosen a target. With a burst of electricity he blasted on of the Mahi, an older Rahi near the end of it's natural life.Kozya approached his prey even as the rest of the herd fled from their hunter. The Toa grabbed the carcass and began to head towards his home. As he walked Kozya drew his sword, knowing that it was only a matter of time.Suddenly a roar was heard and the sound of treads overthrew the wind's dominance. Kozya placed the Mahi on the ground, even as the beast lunged at him, its claws ready for the kill. Kozya stood his ground, ready to fight the Muaka.
  14. It gets worse, not only did the Toa Nuva lose to the Piraka, they also fought a bunch of poorly repaired Matoran to a standstill. There were less Matoran than Toa Nuva, and it still was a tie. Not to mention that Dalu actually turned Gali insane. Gali, insane. The Toa Nuva only survived because Balta and Onua got the two sides to stop fighting. Sure, the Toa Nuva can take down hordes of Shadow Matoran and eight Makuta with only Takanuva, three Av-Matoran, and a mask as back up, but a bunch of Matoran can take them down. Adaptive Armor can't make that much of a difference.
  15. Well there is a Chronicle Company esque group of Matoran forming, and I am just wondering what it will be called. It can't be called the Chronicler Company, since it has no Chronicler and the original is too important to the plot. So in the meantime I nickname it after parodies of superhero teams.
  16. Inika hands down. Don't forget that Jaller gave his life back in 2003 to stall the Rahkshi. Sure he was resurrected, but he didn't know that at the time. And in 2007, when Matoro went to fulfill his destiny, the Mahri went to stall the impossibly huge army of sea creatures and Barraki. Jaller almost went Nova, just so that Matoro could make it in time. Not to mention that when they started their quest to save the Toa Nuva and heal Mata-Nui, they had no idea that they would become Toa. The Toa Nuva never put themselves at risk like that, at least in my opinion. The Toa Metru are second best, as not only did they learn to get along in record time, seal a Makuta, resist the Hordika urges, surrender their power to save their people; Vakama also defeated that chimera that was beating up the Toa Mata. Best of all Vakama beat the chimera while he was a Turaga! Other Toa teams are scattered within the scale.
  17. Shadowspawn works. Speaking of group names, what should we Matoran call our Justice League of Mata-Nui?
  18. Isn't the release date at the end of the trailer?
  19. IC: Of course that was a lie, as it had been for all the years since Kozya had taken refuge there. Peace would never come, at least not while his mind or body lived. Once one or both parts of him left the mortal coil, only then would be find peace.Kozya won't kill himself physically, no matter how big the urge. Not while the Makuta remained. So instead over the years he had been killing himself emotionally, trying to freeze his mind in the endless void of the Drifts.Success had come from this starving, he could feel ice crystalizing over his heart light. He didn't care what would happen to all those Matoran any more, not out of hate or disgust but because of his dying empathy. The world beyond the icy wasteland didn't exist he would repeat to himself.But the plan of emotionally dying had two flaws, one of which he brought on himself. The first flaw was that he had never tried to numb his hatred of the Makuta, never filled his thirst for revenge. It gave him a drive, and with drive he could not just lie down and fade. The other was the very landscape of Mount Ihu. Ice lurked here, and with ice came reflections. In those instance when he saw the face the world saw, his icy shell would shatter underneath a wave of fiery rage.
  20. Or you could head to Ko-Koro and ask Nuju, no one has asked him yet. He might have knowledge the others don't, which would otherwise be missed.
  21. Another think to consider is that Matoran turn into what they think a Toa should look like. That is why Vakama and company look like Lihkan, and why Takanuva looks like the Toa Nuva. The Inika/Mahri were changed without Toa Stones, which is why they don't look like the Nuva. So perhaps the Voya-Nui Matoran thought that the Piraka believed that Toa should look brutal and strong, and so that is what they became as Toa.
  22. I might have a character try to join the merceneries neutral group, if only because every clue we discover is because of them. Only the pure in spirit may enter here, sounds like the MNOG2 Temple of Purity or whatever it is called. But that only came into play after the Bohrok Invasion...
  23. This is wonderful. I actually sang this while reading it, and it gave me quite a rush. Nice way of sumerizng each year, sumerizing the main cast and characters but still fitting the songs beat. I will have to look at your other songs.
  24. IC: The wind whipped over all of Mount Ihu, but nowhere as dangerous as the Drifts. Here the lightest snow storm was lethal, and the strongest storms might make even Makuta shudder, or so the legends say. The few who could survive these elements rarely entered its grounds, for the winds make passage impossible. Only a series of red flags allowed the Ko-Matoran to navigate the maze of winds, and once they lost sight of the flags, escape becomes impossible. It is here that Koyza lives, a legend as much of the Drifts itself, though even he pales against the legends of the Toa Mata. He doesn't know if the Matoran have forgotten him, nor does he care. Matoran are so forgetful they would forget the Toa Mata if propaganda didn't rain on them every day.Not that Kozya hates the old Toa, he knew them as inspiration, once. But he has forgotten them, pushed their memories far away. Now all that remained in him was the anger, the hate, everything else was dead.Now the Toa stared through the icy winds, his gaze directed towards Kini-Nui. He hadn't been there in ninety years, and doesn't intend to go there now. But even as his past continued to die in the cold, those memories refused to fade."One day," thought Kozya, having given up verbal speech years ago, "One day Makuta will pay for what he has done." But for now the Toa just returned to his hole in the ground, where he may lurk in peace.
  25. I knew there was a reason I didn't like that theory. So my money is back on Dume or that Voya-Nui Matoran.
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