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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. IC Kanohi - the Taku “Thank you so much, Sorry for the trouble,” Kanohi dipped low in thanks, blushing under his Hau, before looked into the diagrams of the ship. It wasn’t that he disbelieved her description of where the engines would be, she was a Toa; literally a hero. And he thought he recalled too that Knichou had said the engines were below, even his memory agreed with her. But he just wasn’t sure how direct was the path from the bridge there, like if the stairs had to be approached from another side of the bridge, or if it looped around. Finally he said, “okay, I think the walkway down is on the opposite side of the bridge. Thank you for the help.” He headed out, heading down to the damaged levitation engines. He should be able to handle the broken hatch too, a regeneration disk could probably to fix it.
  2. Awesome puzzle, you really put a lot of thought into it. I am glad I am not searching for the disks though. It occurs to me last I checked our stowaway was about to sabotage the engines, and Nale and Kanohi are about to fix the engines, so “shenanigans” might ensue.
  3. IC Kanohi - The Taku He blushed, “Not really I ... my island didn’t have airships.” It was a mess in the shed, papers scattered everywhere, tools off their hooks. At first it was almost a relief, that even a Nynrah Ghost could be a bit uncoordinated too. Then it hit Kanohi that the Taku had just finished spinning upside down, all that jostling most have knocked things off balance. Kanohi did not know airships, but he did know a little about gravity manipulation. His grappling gun worked by firing a ball of gravity, and then dragging the gun towards it. He knew how to mend it, and had even modified it a little to have more output. He for all his flaws, knew some of the basics of engineering. Not enough to be an engineer in Metru-Nui or even Okoto, but he knew a little. And he had attempted on multiple occasions to make Miru back in Okoto, he knew the basics of levitation. And as he shifted through the papers, he found some diagrams that looked … not the most alien to him? Not familiar but … aspects were understandable. Then he identified it was labeled ‘Airship Levitation Engines.’ Kanohi flapped his fingers in a rush of excitement, he identified the plans before he even read the label. He was helping! Kanohi turned to Nale and said, “Thank you Toa Nale. I … I think I have what we need. It’s labeled that way at least.” He searched over the plans again, before grabbing a few more Kanoka and tools. He hesitated as the stack of tools and disks wobbled in his hands. He swallowed and asked, “Would you mind helping carry some of these? I mean I can manage if it’d be a trouble but, if it’s okay…”
  4. Hey @BULiK, when it comes time for Kanohi to actually do the repairs, do you want me to leave it up to you how successful he is at it?
  5. IC Kanohi The Taku Kanohi swallowed “I … I … I can’t believe Nuparu is dead. I … I only knew him by the stories of his inventions and the help he had given the city. He was … he should have had a great destiny before him. And I … I thought he at least would be safe, guarded by Vahki and Toa. I just … if he was killed so easily…” Then any Matoran was unsafe. He … he needed to fix something. Kanohi decided to do what he could, and began to pick and holster what relevant tools he could find scattered across the room. The acrobatics the airship had done had knocked things about wildly. He … he hoped he knew what he was doing, or at least guessed right. There were no Airships back in Okoto, it was a poor island, in the outskirts of civilization. Only one Toa and one Turaga. They hadn’t been savages, the Koro had made their own masks and their own hovercrafts, at least the competent ones. He couldn’t whine out loud, especially not to a Toa. But she … she deserved to be prepared. “I am not good at making things either. My grappling gun is crude, Mr. Ghost could make something better in a hour. My island was … simple. Toa protected us, Turaga guided us, Matoran worked. I … did what I could to help out. But then the Barraki came … and now the League are even here.” He shivered, his whole body clanging and clattering as his broken masks rattled against his body. There was something almost comforting about his “chimes” singing. Not just that something useful could be made from failure, but the melody almost tickled him, a sensation in his sensors that kept him somewhat grounded. He picked up some tools and disks, before asking, “I … never introduced myself did I? I am … well I am called Kanohi. I am not good at fixing things — oh, I said that already, didn’t I? Well, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, maybe you can steady my hands, and if something goes wrong try to keep the machinery from breaking loose? If that wouldn’t be bothersome, I mean.” Nale might be vaguely aware Turaga Dume’s government would occasionally release stories about a Matoran named Kanohi, who did his duty to Metru-Nui, working to repair the city while actual Toa fought the League. Keeping out of the fights, not disrupting the Vahki. In effect, propaganda of a Matoran who ”knew his place.” OOC: sorry if that last paragraph is playing with the NPCs, don’t mean to intrude.
  6. Mata-Nui, it occurs to me that there are at least three superhero archetypes in play. For reference that is what Kanohi is, but he’s an inexperienced rookie and not the most competent, bless his heartlight.
  7. Harvali

    Review: Wildfire

    Gosh I was literally thinking about this fanfic yesterday, awesome to know it’s still here. I am still impressed by the feat of running two parallel timelines in each chapter, coordinating and plotting that much detail, balancing all the characters, it’s incredible. I have to reread this one of these days. Though given later reveals in the Gen One canon…
  8. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi turned crimson under his collection of masks, and managed to say “okay.” He … he was good at fixing simple things, buildings and the like. But the machinery that let an airship fly? But a Nynrah Ghost had asked him to, had trusted him to. The Fe-Matoran wanted to flee, flee as far from this situation as possible. But he was stuck in an airship far in the sky, and his endurance would not save him from that kind of fall. And he … if the airship did fall, crash into the city, that could be devastating for not only the passengers but Metru-Nui itself. The last city could burn because of his inaction. Kanohi released himself from his perch, stumbling on his landing. He then carefully began to descend into the shed. He … he hoped he was going the right way at least. He’s optics darted back and forth, and he held his hands tight to his chest, trying not to touch anything. As he made his way to reach the spare parts and dish’s, he swallowed. Mustering his limited courage, he asked Nale. “Um, Ms. Toa. I … I am a little confused on what’s happening, I-I mean with Nuparu and Dume. If it would not be a trouble, could you maybe review the basics? I am sorry I didn’t pay enough attention, I was, well I was just a bit overwhelmed. Not that that excuses me just, sorry to bother.”
  9. Silly question before I post, would the levitation disks be on the outside of the ship, or the inside? Just changes how I post, and it might even mean an encounter with a dark hunter stowaway. edit: read the post again, I can post now.
  10. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi was trembling. It was all starting to crash into him. He was … Dume might have conspired to kill a Matoran, Nuparu was dead, some sort of secret project was being devised by Dume, his organs and mechanisms were still off balance from the ship lurching, by the Great Beings there was a Nynrah Ghost here! There was … he had just been trying to tell some Toa where a criminal left to. And everything went wild. Everything had gone wrong since he first awoke on his beloved island home. He was just a failure of a mask maker, failure of a Fe-Matoran. And when his island home fell, he fled, fled like a coward and a weakling. Finally he managed to squeak out, “I … I need to repair the hull.”
  11. I’ve thought about it, there may be up to twelve Toa Stones in play
  12. Congrats on getting the Ko-Metru disk. Though I wonder who will get to be a Toa, the Cartographer or an Alpinist.
  13. IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi barely had time to react before the entire vessel lurched about like a bucking Kane-Ra. As the ship rotated and jerked violently, Kanohi smacked hard in the floor. Or was it the ceiling? Groaning, he rubbed his head, before thinking of an idea. With what energy he could muster he fired his grappling gun, grappling to a perch close to the airship’s door. He hung there as the ship twisted and turned, rubbing his head. “No where to run no where to run,” he rubbed his head through his armor of broken Kanohi, “need to fix need to fix…” “Mister Ghost,” He called out, “the ship is … it’s a great ship, but would it help you if I tried to mend it with my disks? I only have Regeneration disks of 272 and 271, but I have many, and if-if they mend the hull a little, do you think that could help?” He facepalmed his real mask, the arrogance, acting like he could actually help a Nynrah Ghost.
  14. And to think I thought Kanohi would mostly be in the game to clean up the fallout of battles and try to evacuate citizens. Just a little side character to get my toes wet, not a part of the main plot at all, just crowd control. (: Edit: just in case it’s not clear, I am quite pleased with this development
  15. IC Kanohi - the Taku And that’s when a strange being materialized in the ship. Kanohi startled backwards in sock, but then he seemed to travel farther than he expect. He all but flew backwards, flung away from the stranger. He landed with a light tap behind the feet of Nale, now a bit farther from the Dark Hunter OOC: added to reflect appearance of Victim
  16. Aw cute, love how you made her metal torso and mask so fluid and rounded in shape, really brings home the organic components of her body, and it fits a Ga-Matoran. Great job capturing the look of the movie Matoran too.
  17. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi was blushing with embarrassment, trying to hide his grappling gun from Knichou’s optics. It was a modified gadget not unlike a Volo Lutu Launcher, though it’s safety was mostly disabled and it seemed to almost rattle with a mesh of batteries and engines that were less organized than the deep levels of the Archives. As he looked away, he finally caught wind of the conversation. “Nuparu was assassinated? What … you think Dume did it? It … how could he? What project?” Would Turaga Dume actually conspire to have a Matoran killed? Let alone a brilliant inventor and engineer? Kanohi knew the Vahki could be a bit … aggressive, and Metru-Nui was a lot less … free than his old home had been, but he … he thought that was because of the war; the League. But to kill a Matoran, one with such promise and skill, how could Dume do that? He … he was a Turaga. He had once been chosen to become a Toa. How much had Kanohi missed in this city?
  18. Wow, love how you meshed G2 with G1 pieces, not to mention how you gave them such smooth torsos. Makes them look sleek, like their parts were destined to go together. The additions of heart lights are always a feature I love in Bionicle MoCs, and I love how you created their hands. They look functional and have a great design, I am so glad I came back to BZPower in time to see these. And Macku was instantly recognizable. Thank you so much for sharing these incredible creations.
  19. IC Kanohi - the skies of Metru-Nui A Nynrah Ghost? One of the Nynrah Ghosts? The greatest crafters in all the universe, the best of the best Fe-Matoran? Inventors and craftsmen so skilled they could practically make a Toa Stone out of a vial of Liquid Protodermis and a chunk of a level one Kanoka? Kanohi’s face turned a burnt red under his collection of failed masks and managed, “um, hello. I … um … hello. You um … you have um … your ship is nice. I mean well um of course it is, sorry.” He laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact with Knichou.
  20. So it’s been a while since I have frequented BZPower, but I am getting back into the role playing and had an idea for a ”superhero” Matoran. Well I liked the idea so much I decided to write a little fanfic of this “Kanohi.” (Hey for a superhero, there are worse names than “mask”) It’s just a self contained story taking place after the sinking of Ta-Koro, while Takua and Jaller are searching for the seventh Toa. It was originally going to take place during the Bohrok-Kal saga, but I had already made a sprite of Kanohi with the 2003 Matoran design, and I had misremembered the order of when the Rebuilding took place, so that rewrote the plot. Regardless, enjoy. Of Villagers, Outcasts, and Heroes Word Count: 3090 … In the forests of Le-Wahi, a Matoran sat at the base of a great tree. His metal body was black and orange, a Great Mask of Night Vision was fitted atop his face, and a Volo Lutu Launcher lay hooked to his flank. He was covered in wooden masks, each carved to resemble a Noble Ruru. This wooden armor covered his body almost entirely, and to Rahi with poor vision he nearly blended in with the tree trunks. He was staring at his hand, where he clutched a lit lighter. As the flame burned he stared deeply into the flickering light, searching, probing. And then suddenly he lurched back and forth as images plowed into his face. First he saw Tahu Nuva in the ruins of Ta-Koro, the mighty Toa being poisoned by a strange green reptilian creature and it’s pronged staff, then he was ripped of that sight to a Gukko collapsing in the ice with two Ta-Matoran falling off, like a plow to the gut he could see a trio of Ta-Matoran being chased by a Muaka through a burnt patch of forest. Then everything melted away as the very island seemed to crumble like a dry clump of sand in a Matoran’s fingers. The autistic Matoran gasped out, struggling to steady himself. Then shakily he stood up, balancing himself against the tree. “Okay, okay,” he muttered as he fluttered his wrists, buffering. Even after a thousand years, he did not fully understand the prophetic visions he experienced. But he knew that those images were real, and whether or not they were Mata-Nui’s dreams, he knew they would come to pass, if they had not already. His visions always happened, even if he understood them too late. This was Kanohi. He was said to be a Po-Matoran, but he lacked their raw physical strength, he only had more endurance than the average Matoran, along with his visions. He was an outsider among all of the Koro of the island, a freak like Midak and Takua. But despite being a freak Kanohi was a hero to the Matoran. In the centuries before the Toa arrived, he had gotten to work protecting the Matoran from the Rahi of the island. A vigilante hero of sorts, he traveled across the south of the island only by Volo Lutu Launcher, grappling from tree to tree. His fingers drummed the air. Burnt trees and Ta-Matoran, then that vision might have taken place by the border of Ta-Wahi and Le-Wahi, maybe close to Ta-Koro. And that detail linked it to the vision of Tahu being poisoned. Kanohi didn’t know when any of the visions took place, but Vakama would know more, and he too lived in Ta-Koro. The old Turaga was the only other person Kanohi knew who could see visions, and thus Vakama had been a mentor to him. And if at Ta-Koro was going to be destroyed, the village elder had to know. That was, if the destruction of Ta-Koro wasn’t happening already. And if the village was currently being destroyed, then Kanohi had a duty to hurry there as soon as possible. The Ta-Koro Guard were great warriors, but if Tahu was struggling against … whatever that reptilian beast was, then they needed all the help they could get. Kanohi shook himself off, slipping his lighter into his back. Then the mask-covered Matoran unholstered his Volo Lutu Launcher, and aimed for a nearby treetop. A sphere blasted out of the weapon, affixing itself to the tree. There was a delay, before Kanohi hurtled into the air, his launcher drawn to the sphere like Sol Magnus’s gravity. He landed on the tree with a stumble, almost tackling the branches to hold himself steady. He swayed on the tree’s branch for a time, before shakily aiming his launcher at another tree. He lacked the arboreal reflexes of a Le-Matoran, though he managed. He fired the Volo Lutu Launcher again, ensnaring another branch. He was flung towards it, though this time he missed and sailed past the tree’s limb. Quickly he fired the launcher again, hooking another tree and swinging him upward before he could smack into the rough ground below, Soon enough Kanohi was grappling through the Le-Wahi canopy, making his way towards the border of the two regions of Fire and Air. He whipped through the jungle, speeding through the branches as leaves and twigs smashed into him. His wooden armor absorbed the bulk of the barrage, while his body could endure the rest. The Matoran hero traversed Le-Wahi with as much clumsy speed as he could manage, barreling towards the northeast of this island of Mata-Nui with each hook of his Volo Lutu Launcher. … “Karzahni, we are lost,” muttered Valka, rubbing his head in his hands, “we could be mios away from the others, they could already be in Ga-Koro by now.” Takarda grasped Valka’s shoulder and declared, “don’t give up yet, Toa Tahu will rescue us, if not the Ta-Koro Guard.” “What were the Guard against those beasts? What good was Tahu?” “Tahu and the Guard overcame the Bohrok Kal, and that was before the Rebuilding, and Tahu had even lost his elemental powers at the time. They will defeat these things yet.” “But Ta-Koro is gone now, sunken into the lava. Even when Le-Koro was conquered by the Bohrok, the village still stood. Now we … we have nothing.” In front of them moved Pomahi, a quiet reserve member of the Ta-Koro Guard. His companions were Lava Farmers, while Pomahi had training in fighting Rahi with a throwing disk. He held a shield in one hand and his disk in the other, ready to fling it. The problem was, it was hard to listen to the sounds of this burnt landscape with the two other Ta-Matoran talking. The nearby churning of lava, the thick smoke, the cracking of burnt sticks under their feet, the crumbling trees and the stink of ash, all of that was already overwhelming his senses, but the two of them deafened him worse. Pomahi attempted to clear his throat to get their attention, but Takarda raised his voice with a hearty shake of Valka’s shoulder, “Don’t forget, we built Ta-Koro once, we can do it again. And Tahu will be there to help us this time.” “The Toa are not invincible, they almost fell to the Bohrok Kal. And Tahu has never failed like he did today. And if Tahu was helpless to stop Ta-Koro from sinking, what can we Matoran do? We are just villagers, even after the Rebuilding we were helpless.” “Listen, we Matoran can still do things.” “Not like the Toa. And Tahu failed us. What chance have we got?” “Hey if you do not trust in me, then at least trust in the Toa, they are our saviors sent from Mata-Nui himself. Think about how much better our lives have been since Tahu and the other Toa arrived on the island. We no longer need fear the Rahi—” The two of them thumped into Pomahi, who had stopped moving, his optics searching through the ashen trees. “What is it?” blurted out Valka, his eyes darting frantically about. “Do not know,” answered Pomahi, before suddenly pivoting on his feet and hurling his disk. The disk whirled through the air, smacking into a Muaka. The Muaka hardly flinched, only peering at them and rumbling out a roar. It was massive, its body was yellow and black, its two ears pulled down to make its colossal body sleeker, it had two powerful front legs and treads underneath its torso. The tiger’s treads whirled as it charged at the trio, snarling as it swung its paw at them. Pomahi lunged into the other Ta-Matoran, helping them duck to the side. The three of them tumbled into the black earth, before picking themselves off and sprinting. Pomahi leaned over to grab his throwing disk as they ran, swiping it up. Behind them was the sound of treads grinding into volcanic rock, the Muaka was still pursued them. The tiger roared as it drew closer, its enormous jaws reeling back— Pomahi spun around and threw his disk at the beast, only for the throwing disk to thump harmlessly off the cat. Instead the Muaka chomped down on him, crushing his body in his teeth. With a pop the magnetized mask on his face was squeezed off, flinging it to the side. Pomahi tumbled to the ground, gasping as his mask skidding to the ground off his face. The Ta-Matoran swayed as he stood up, his legs already starting to buckle. Without a Kanohi on their face; no Matoran could stay conscious for long. He staggered, his grooved naked head swerving around, looking for his mask. He could … he could just about … about … there. He stumbled about, trying to waddle over to his mask. But he felt like the life was being drained of him, he … he fell to his knees and began to crawl, all but dragging himself towards them. He was utterly helpless. Elsewhere Valka was sprinting away with Takarda closely behind. Valka’s heartlight beat like an overzealous Le-Matoran drummer, this was … this was how he was going to die. Not to one of those new beasts, not to a Bohrok-Kal or even a normal Bohrok. Just to a normal Rahi. The Matoran were helpless. Takarda was lying to himself if he thought differently. The Ta-Matoran people were now homeless, scattered, and lost. The Ta-Koro Guard had been defeated, and Tahu had failed despite all his elemental powers. Ta-Koro was gone, their home was gone, and he was going to die to a gigantic cat. Then something whirled through the air past Valka, he startled, only for a Matoran to fly in from the side, hooking his arm around a Valka’s waist. The Ta-Matoran was dragged away, sent tumbling to the side of the Muaka’s rampage. As Valka lay in a heap Kanohi aimed his Volo Lutu Launcher up in front of Takarda. With a press of the trigger he launched the sphere, before being sucked in after it. As he arced by the Ta-Matoran he e tended his arm, scooping up Takarda and carrying him to the side. “Kanohi?” Takarda managed to say as he staggered up, “listen, there is another Ta-Matoran; Pomahi, I think he lost his mask—” Kanohi did not reply, only flinging himself after the Muaka with a blast of his launcher. Takarda watched as Kanohi slammed into the back of the Muaka’s head, making the tiger buck. It began to lurch about, trying to swat at the passenger now on its back. Kanohi was a bit dazed by the impact, but he endured. The Muaka was trying to knock him off, so he just held tight, his optics searching about as the tiger lashed out. Then with a sudden thrust the Muaka butted him off, leaving Kanohi to tumble off his back. He landed on all-fours, panting for breath, before firing his Volo Lutu Launcher. Immediately he hurtled through the air, narrowly avoiding the Muaka’s bite. Then Takarda felt a metallic hand grasp his own, and he was dragged upright to face Pomahi. “He already saved you?” laughed Takarda, “Mata-Nui provides.” “Who is that?” asked Valka, staring after Kanohi as he led the beast away. “Kanohi, a vigilante hero who protects the Matoran through the jungles of Le-Wahi. While the Ta-Koro Guard and the Ussalry remain in their villages, he traversed the south, rescuing travelers and helping the villages in its reaches.” “Like Takua and the rest of the Chronicler’s Company?” “Exactly. They even say he has visions like Turaga Vakama.” “Guess there had to be something special with him, for him to fight a Muaka.” “Can we get to safety now?” asked Pomahi. “Yeah. You … you think he will be okay?” “He’s survived worse,” shrugged Pomahi, before leading them away. … Kanohi grappled across the craggy landscape, maneuvering across the volcanic terrain. He stumbled as he landed, the raw heat and fumes was all-consuming, left his unsteady and uncoordinated on his landings. He was no Ta-Matoran, and thus had no protection from the heat. Not that Takua was comfortable in Ta-Wahi either. Takua; now that was a Matoran. Someone far better than Kanohi. It wasn’t something the vigilante wallowed in, it was just a simple fact. Takua was just as much as a outsider and freak as Kanohi, but unlike Kanohi Takua was not a bandage. Kanohi saved lives, fought Rahi, but he didn’t change things, didn’t improve Mata-Nui. Just kept the Matoran alive and safe.” But Takua? He had gathered the six Toa Stones and brought the Toa to this island, without him the Matoran would still live in fear of the Makuta. There would be no Rebuilding, no unified Mata-Nui, no real trade between the villages. There was a reason Takua had been appointed the Chronicler, while Kanohi had not been. Kanohi meanwhile had built up enough of a lead to think. Spying a particularly rocky region he fluttered free hand, he knew how to fight the Muaka. As he landed in front of a crag he stopped, catching his breath as he aimed his Volo Lutu Launcher. As the Muaka barreled down upon him he launched himself away, leaving the tiger to smack into the pillar of stone. The Muaka staggered from the impact, before Kanohi called out, “Not the Brightest Lightstone in Onu-Koro, are you?” The Muaka snarled and charged at him again, only for Kanohi to launch himself away, and the beast to slam into another mound of rocks. “Wow, I was not sure that you would understand that. Not that I am saying you are are a Kohlii-head, well I suppose I am, but that was not my point.” The Rahi smashed into a rock pulled after him, but Kanohi once more launched away. “What was my point?” muttered Kanohi, who had lost his train of thought. By now the Muaka was tiring, it’s joints were bruised and battered, and it was stumbling about in confusion. “Oh right, just, I am impressed that you understood that metaphor. I struggle with them personally. Or maybe you just understood the tone. Which again, I also struggle with.” He was being sincere. Kanohi liked to ramble off to the Rahi and Bohrok he faced, gave him practice in social situations, made him less of an awkward fool. The Muaka meanwhile slammed head first into another pillar of rock, and stagger under its own weight, before collapsing. It lay faint, staring lazily up at the sky. Kanohi approached the beast, looking it over. It didn’t seem to have an Infected Kanohi, so it was not a servant of the Makuta, just a beast. He nodded and then began to grapple away, heading back towards the Ta-Matoran trio. … Valka was silent, as Takarda chatted to Kanohi. The Po-Matoran kept to the trees above them, leading them towards Le-Koro. He didn’t say much, just nodded or told the trio to change direction. “Seriously, what is it like seeing the dreams of Mata-Nui?” “If they are his dreams, they are confusing.” “What do you mean, if they are his dreams?” “I do not know what they are, only that fire focuses them.” “Well what else could they be?” “I do not know. Tell me more about the three beasts that attacked you. You said they all carried staves? They could think then?” “Who cares about that, Tahu will deal with them.” “He was poisoned, he may take time to recover.” “Ah he is the mightiest of the Toa, he can endure.” Kanohi did not reply, so Takarda smiled with confidence. But besides him Valka asked, “why did you decide to become a Toa.” “I am no Toa,” Kanohi said sharply, and Valka almost flinched with the raw emotion that had boiled out of Kanohi’s mouth.” “Yes but … in the centuries before they came, well, it sounds like you tried to emulate the legends. You rescued Matoran, fought Rahi, saved us even before we were united. Why? You were an outcast, all but banned from Po-Koro. You were that Po-Matoran, right? Dece?” “That was my name. I don’t use it now, nor should you.” “Right but, why did your risk your life?” “There were no Toa then, someone had to.” “But why you? Why an outsider who had attacks in the city streets of Po-Koro?” “…Symbols are important. A Hau means the Great Spirit Mata-Nui, it shows a place is shielded from harm. The symbol of a masked hero with special powers and a strange tool; it could make the Matoran feel less alone. Like Mata-Nui wasn’t ignoring them.” “By why you?” “Because I was alone,” Kanohi answered, “can we stop talking, I do not mean to be rude, but it’s exhausting, and I need to focus on my aim.” “Of course,” answered Pomahi for the group. It was easier to speak up for someone else’s sake than for his own. So the three Toa-Matoran and their protector trekked on through the jungle, Kanohi still dwelling on his visions. Ta-Koro had fallen, he could already heart the drums booming to warn the other villages. Kanohi would have to travel to the other villages soon, help them prepare. These strange beings, three of them had sunken Ta-Koro. And in recent weeks Kanohi had suffered visions foretelling the return of the Makuta. If these beasts were his doing, then the Toa would soon begin great peril. And then there was the matter of this relic Takua had found. According to Pomahi, the Chronicler had discovered a strange Mask of Light; that foretold the arrival of a seventh Toa. And that mask was discovered right before the three reptilian beasts attacked. Takua and Jaller had left with the mask before the attack, so it seemed likely that the Makuta had been searching for them. It would take time to catch up with the duo, and Kanohi’s face-blindness would not help much, but he would try to track them down. He doubted he could help on the quest, but he would do what he could, even if that was only to keep the Koro they passed safe.
  21. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru city street Despite his poor ability to craft and invent, Kanohi wasn’t a complete failure of a Fe-Matoran. Gradually his body’s link to the element of iron helped he steady himself, letting him catch his breath. As his enhanced physical endurance helped him recover from his traversing, he mustered his courage. “Um, excuse me, I … I have a number of Disks of Regeneration in my back. They are low level, and I-I have to keep most to help repair the city in case of an attack, but if using some of them could help keep this airship airborne, well um, I would be glad to help. They are Ga-Metru; easy to aim?”
  22. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru Kanohi attempted to protest as he was hoisted up, but he had spent most of his energy grappling around, and now had used up what strength he could manage to try to warn the Toa where the mutant had gone. And that information had been … useless. As he gasped out of breath, the truth hit him. He did not know Metru-Nui well enough to know the names of the canals, not to mention there was scores of waterways, running together in a web. The stranger could have fled to any passage, how could he tell which one. And if it was important to pursue the stranger: whether Dark Hunter or Leaguer; the Toa would have done so. The … the Toa are the destined protectors of the Matoran, why would … would Mata-Nui chose wrong. Even … even with Lihkan. Kanohi shook his head as his heartlight dilated he … he had wasted the Toa’s time. But … maybe he could still help. Even he could see that the airship he had been dropped inside was damaged. Far more damaged than Kanohi could fix with his skills, but he could still do some good. He struggled to speak, gasping out, “Kanoka … regeneration … airship … bag.” He was still a bit exhausted and aching, trying to catch his breath, but he hoped his intent was clear.
  23. OOC: … Why did I think the airships were underground? I … why would I think that? My apologies. IC Kanohi - Onu-Metru It was slow going, taking the elevator a floor at a time and looking for the Toa. Didn’t help that Kanohi was bad at recognizing faces. He knew one Toa was mostly grayscale and had a Kakama, and maybe had a gun, but that’s all he could recall. Still even then, the docks were wide open and had only so many places where a Matoran could stand, they had to be to accommodate the airships of the city. He could see far, and there were only so many places to search. Soon enough he spotted that Toa, and leapt out of the elevator, grappling up to them. Kanohi landed in a heap besides Nale and Stannis, his body aching from the particularly rough landing. “Hello, Toa,” he managed panting, “I … I think I … I saw one of the strangers you … you fought flee to the canals.”
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