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Everything posted by Harvali

  1. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi swallowed, this Toa was trusting him. Even knowing Kanohi could not be relied on. And he had spoke with such wisdom, at least it sounded wise. He … he fluttered his hands with an anxious energy, he couldn’t let a Toa and a Nynrah Ghost down. He … his heartlight flashed even as he muttered to himself. “Fixed an engine, fixed an engine, I fixed an engine. I helped. I can … I can do this.” He finished switching off the right engine, before nodding and starting to follow after Stannis. But as he stepped to move away, his foot thumped against something. He fell flat on his face, before dragging himself up to see his disk launcher on the ground. Blushing he picked it up, holstering it, before realizing he had left so many tools scattered on the floor, and the shifting of the airship hadn’t helped. If those tools had hit the damaged engine… Still, this was a task well within his ability. In a frenzy he picked up the tools and parts, stowing away into a crate, before running after Stannis towards the bridge.
  2. OOC: my precious iPad has returned. Praise Mata-Nui IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi wore a collection of shattered masks all over his body, even the mask he wore was covered in broken Kanohi. It made it hard to see his face, his expressions. But right now he was a deeper scarlet than the Red Star itself. ”Um I … thank you, Toa. I … I know I didn’t do the best job, they malfunctioned and … or did that stranger damage them?” He looked at the engine again, then was it not his fault? “That … I am sorry for not being much help during the fight, taking so long to fix this. I think it’s stable now.” And indeed the left engine was working now, humming happily as he turned it on. He looked away and said, “I hate to disappoint Mr. Ghost, but I don’t think … I don’t know if I can fix the right one. It’s power is leaking, probably one reason the ship tilted. Should have prioritize it, sorry. I-I will try to turn it off.” A though struck Kanohi’s mind as he scooted over to the still broken engine, “um, Toa. I … I am a coward, I don’t think you can trust me. I mean, I don’t know if I can be trusted to help much in whatever we have to do next. And I would fold under pressure. I can help do crowd control, get Matoran to safety, fix parts of the city caught in the fighting but I … you probably shouldn’t tell me your plans. Or the secrets you learn. In case I am captured. I just, are we sure Dume had Nuparu killed? I just … why would a Turaga have a Matoran killed? He was once a-a Toa, chosen by Mata-Nui. Why would he betray the heart of Metru-Nui?” And then another thought hit him, right as he powered down the right engine. He turned to this Toa of Stone, the one who had carried him aboard the Taku in the first place, and he said, “Toa, I think I overheard you mention that Nuparu was working on a project for Dume, that Nuparu was killed to replace him on the project. And Dume just started the hunt for the Great Disks. Could the Disks be needed for this project? Whatever it is?”
  3. OOC: lost my ipad, posting will be irregular for the future ): IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi single-mindedly went to work on the engine, trying to keep it stable. Just ... try to ignore everything, and focus on his task. his heartlight was jittery as he struggled, the strain of metal and the snarl of voices - just finish the task, just fix the engine.
  4. IC Kanohi The Taku The vessel bucked like a Kane-Ra trying to dislodge a Brakas, knocking Kanohi flat on the ground. He ... the engine, why was it reacting, he had turned it off, hadn't he? Or had he done it incorrectly, and just made things worst? He failed the Toa and the Nynrah Ghost, failure, useless, Kohlii-head, his heartlight flickered like the rapid clanging of gears in a Vahki's clockwork brain. Kanohi shuddered, trying ... trying to remember what his Turaga had told him. Turaga Bomahri had always stressed to take things in small manageable tasks, small manageable tasks. He couldn't forge Kanohi, but he could patch up hovecrafts. And he ... a Nynrah Ghost depended on him. He had to try to fix his mistake. But in this shifting terrain, how? Okay, he ... his Volo Lutu Launcher. One of the few things he made that worked. It was ... ugly, but durable and redundent. Made it harder for him to mess up. He knew how to grapple, he had done it many times over Metru Nui, even back home in Bo-Wahi and Fe-Koro. He ... he could do that. He could manage. Kanohi pulled out the grappling gun and fired it, flinging himself to the left engine. The gun latched him to the ground, letting him hold steady as he surveyed the damage. The disks had been manually turned on? How could... And then Kanohi noticed like three Toa standing besides him, including Nale, as well as that stranger. He ... he searched his memory, he had ... he recalled talking, but in his mind he wasn't able to decipher it. Kanohui could feel his heartlight dilating, but fear of letting a whole Toa team and a Nynrah Ghost down, that was stronger. He began to get to work, trying to turn off the engine, hoping ... hoping he didn't make things worse.
  5. OOC: note, Kanohi has some real unhealthy processes, and really needs a therapist. Don’t be like him. Though it can help to focus on manageable tasks. IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi … did not hate many people. He was wary around other species, but that was more because he was unfamiliar with them than a passionate hate. He didn’t even hate the League. To him, the League was less a faction and more a force of nature, like a tsunami rather a volcanic eruption. Just an unstoppable wave that he could only flee from. There was no fighting a flood, only fleeing to higher ground. But right now, he felt hate. Raw hate. Not for the thin Matoran, not for the Toa; honestly Kanohi had mentally shutdown and couldn’t even understand their words. Wasn’t even fully aware that other Toa had arrived. No, the hate he felt was directed solely at himself. It was always there in the background, but now it was bubbling to the surface. Here he was, cowering in a corner, abandoning Toa Nale. And hadn’t … hadn’t she said this Matoran had helped kill Nuparu? Kanohi … his own memory seemed unreliable now, what had he imagined and misheard, and what was real? A Toa could handle a Matoran, but he … he should still be there. He should … he should be helping. He was supposed to help, that was his duty. What use was he if he didn’t? He trembled and shuddered in the corner, trying to think. What had his Turaga told him? Focus on what he could handle. Just work on small manageable tasks, try not to focus on the overwhelmingly big picture. Don’t feel like you have to do everything, doing something small and simple is better than doing nothing. Okay, what was something small he could do? Finishing fixing the left engine? The Nynrah Ghost had trusted him with that task, and while the right engine would be … difficult, he had already made some progress on the left engine. Toa Nale could handle a Matoran, in the meantime he could just walk over and finish mending it and turn it on. Simple. It was simple to say, but he was immobile, stuck shuddering in his huddled form. It was … he wanted to fix the engine, he needed to. It would prove he had some use, that he was a useful Matoran. He had to. He needed too. But he just couldn’t. Not yet at least.
  6. @Silvan Haventhat makes sense, good to know. This kind of thing is why I don’t plan on roleplaying a Toa for the foreseeable future, I suspect I would not responsibly handle that power well.
  7. I was very unsure what to have him do, in the end I realized his flaw of panicking at the first sign of danger, coupled with him beginning to realize just how much trouble he was in, and how poor his mental health was — he was not going to handle even the slightest hint of arguing and conflict well. Moral of the story, Kanohi needs to go to therapy.
  8. To be fair, in canon the Makuta Brotherhood killed pretty much every Toa of Magnetism they could find out of fear that they could damage their armor. You could probably mess up a bio mechanical being pretty bad with magnetism. Depending on how much you adhered to the Toa Code, and how strictly. Bluffing is good too. Like no one wants to be hit with a Reconstruct at Random disk.
  9. Yeah, might be safest just to take out the disk and save it until you need it to like mend your armor. The good news is a disk launcher is closer to a gun than a knife, and if Vakama could shoot out enough element power through his disk launcher to fly, you should be able to hurl some force. …Please don’t break Kanohi’s disk launcher. Unless Knichou wants to build him a better one, but I’d rather just have the grappling gun be improved.
  10. Aw thanks. Maybe if you hit the mask, their mask will regenerate into its component disks?
  11. Okay I know I just posted a bunch of text, but the gist is Kanohi is having a panic attack, but he managed to give Nale his disk launcher before fleeing to cower in the corner. So she at least has something to focus her magnetism through at least, like a Toa tool. I mean, it worked for Vakama. Sorry @King of Kingsthat Kanohi isn’t much help, to be fair he thinks Vyraik is just a Matoran, not a threat to Toa. I will try to see if he can muster up some courage as things continue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi was a bit overwhelmed to be honest, and was trying to massage his head with drumming fingers. Toa were good, the word “Toa” literally meant hero, they protected Matoran, they were chosen by Mata-Nui. Matoran could be fallible, they were only villagers. That’s how simple it was on Okoto. But things were more complicated on Metru-Nui, Toa Lhikan had been arrested by a Turaga Dume. Turaga Dume had once been a Toa, but his destiny had to have been fulfilled for him to now be Turaga, so he might be fallible now? But Turaga were meant to be wise elders. And Kanohi was … he actually was in danger. His heartlight was dilating rapidly as he almost unconsciously took the welder in his hands. These Toa, they were positioning themselves against TuragaDume. Which meant Kanohi was position against Turaga Dume, which meant the city was against him. Which meant Turaga Dume would forbid Ga-Metru students from giving him the low level disks they forged. Which meant he couldn’t repair buildings and Rescue Matoran. Which meant he couldn’t help. And he had to help he had to help he had to help. But if Turaga Dume had killed a Matoran, then he had to be stopped, and this group resisting him were right. They were Toa. But no one Here seemed to know exactly what was happening yet, it might be nothing. And if Turaga Dume was responsible for a Matoran’s death, then … he might have Kanohi killed to. Or at least locked up, cut off from people, unable to help anyone. And if he couldn’t help, he was worthless. The mere Fe-Matoran wanted to run, he wanted to flee as fast as he could. He could feel his servos and pistons pumping in his chest, suddenly he was all too aware of his body’s components. He could feel fluid slosh in his chest, he could see the smudges on his optics. Everything was just to much. He wasn’t smart like a Turaga or a Nynrah Ghost— Knichou. He was a Nynrah Ghost. That was … grounding in its raw incredibility. Knichou was a Matoran, a brilliant Matoran, one of the best of the best Fe-Matoran. An actual Matoran hero. And didn’t Toa Stannis say that he was the last of the Nynrah Ghost? He was … he mattered. And Knichou told him to do this task, trusted him. He … Knichou had trusted him more than he deserved. He couldn’t let him down. Admittedly Kanohi knew nothing about Knichou, except that he owned an airship and had planned to work with Nuparu. But he … He was a Nynrah Ghost, and he was working with Toa. Their path was the right path. It had to be, or everything he knew was wrong. Everything used to be so much simpler. But if Kanohi joined this group, he would be more than an outcast, worse than a pariah. He would be hunted by Vahki and other Toa, no place would be safe. He … there were no other islands to run to, no other lands to escape to. All that existed was either Metru-Nui or the League. There was no place to go, nowhere safe. Nowhere to run. His heartlight was all but hissing as he paced around and moaned. He really wanted to run. Just run away. Just go, leave this situation and never look back. Just get away. There was nowhere to run but he needed to. He was just a Matoran. He was only there to support the Toa, he couldn’t do … do anything. Support the Toa. Kanohi struggled to breathe, like a Takea stranded on a plain in Po-Metru. And then he bolted past Toa Nale, diving to the other side of the room. But as he had ran, he had shoved his disk launcher into her hand. He … he knew enough about Toa that they needed tools to focus their power through, and her hands had been full helping him. Helping him. The Disk Launcher didn’t have many disks attached, just a Ga-Metru Regeneration disk that was already slotted in. But that shouldn’t matter, the disk launcher was just the focus, Kanohi dived to a corner, panting and hyperventilating. He … he would try to center himself, recover. But his whole body quaked in fear, rattling like a combustion engine about to blow. As he huddled in the corner he almost squeaked out, “sorry Mr. Ghost.”
  13. ...Is there something I am missing? Why is that a weird name? ...How is "Taku" pronounced. Is that it?
  14. …I mean we have to call this group something at some point. Sorry, we must have posted at almost the same time. My post is edited to reflect that, but I probably won’t get another chance to post for some hours though. My apologies. In other news, Kanohi has panicked while using industrial tools. Use that how you will
  15. OOC: quick mobile post IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi signed in relief, before standing up and walking over to the damaged cylinders. Metru-Nui’s script was rounder than his native language, but he could tell the damaged cylinders were from both types. He went down to his knees and began to working on the broken leviation cylinder, glancing at the diagram for reference. With a hiss he popped open the compartment, and began to replace the damaged disks. As they slotted in he sealed it back up, looking at the gash in the side. Nale could help mend the rupture, but she was already doing so much. He could at least do this much. Leaning over he grabbed some tools and began to weld the cylinder shut, using some spare scrapmetal to patch up the damage. edit: Kanohi startled, yelping as someone appeared out of nowhere and startled him. Everything he was carrying flew out from his hands, including his welding torch…
  16. Ah dang it, “team Taku” are gonna get a hit put on us at some point, aren’t we?
  17. OOC: I have work today, so I might not be able to do much. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi’s fingers danced in the air, he … he really wanted to fix that gash. It was manageable, something he could actual do, and that was … less daunting than repairing the levitation engines. Something he could easily screw up. But Toa Nale said to wait, and she was a Toa. He would … he should listen to her. So with a skittish nod he kneeled, first looking at the engines, then back to the diagrams, then back to the engines. ”I think the right one might be the most damaged,” he managed, “I think a chunk of the hull got wedged in its regular, and caught fire. The fire has gone out, but I think the wiring might be um, well fried, and it’s leaking energy from the field. I do not know if I can fix that. But maybe the left one, I think we can work on that.” He scooted over to the left one and managed, “at least these engines are already broken, I can’t mess them up too much worse.” He laughed nervously at that, before prying off a panel on the central box. Now accessing the controls, he began to try to disconnect the engine from the wider airship. From the looks of the machine the safety had already engaged when the cylinders ruptured, power had stopped flowing to it to prevent disk power from leaking out. He then glanced over to the right engine, it was not as lucky. Tools on the ground nearby it seemed to slid around much more, like they were all but weightless. And with the air rippling around it, it seemed that Levitation power was leaking out. Karzahni, it just hit him that the right engine might be dangerous. He flapped his arms anxiously before squeaking out, “Toa Nale, do you think you can … for the time being, try to hold the right engine steady, magnetize it’s parts in place; in case it explodes?” He … he really didn’t want to work on it, and was hoping to stall for time before he had to.
  18. My apologies, I missed that post. I will not post any more until you reply.
  19. IC Kanohi - The Taku Kanohi stared at the engines for a time, all but engrossed in their mechanical wonder. Finally there was a chill down his neck, and he turned to realize why the room was so well-lite. Support beams were shattered and, the outer wall was ripped apart in jagged gashes, and that was just the ship’s frame and hull. The lightstones here were all smashed, he could only see through the light outside and the lightstone he had carried with him. That was more than enough light, but it was still a shadowy space, with only the engines themselves really lit up. And those engines, as the Fe-Matoran waved his Lightstone at the machinery he could see two cylinders had ruptured on the left engine, and on the right engines chunk of wall had pieced its central box, and it was singed with burn marks Swallowing, Kanohi places all the tools and equipment on the floor. “Toa Nale, you can put everything down. We just … um, do you think you could use your powers to unbend the ruptured hull and pull its edges back together. Then I can use my disks to patch it up.” The simple fact was with how low level his disks were, he was not going to be able to seal up this damage on his own.
  20. IC Kanohi - the Taku Kanohi headed down the walkway, luckily most of the Lightstones built into the walls were still working. As he walked he spotted a gash in the wall, with a faint breeze coming through it. His hands clapped in excitement, nearly knocking off the tools he was carrying. Blushing he shuffled the items around, before pulling out his disk launcher. He fired a 271 Kanoka at it, sealing up the crack. It was a small tear, easily fixed, but it was still a relief to do something helpful. There were a few shattered Lightstones as he came to the front, but there was enough light to manage, and he needed to save disks. The hull needed more of them, and the city did too. Plus he had found a Lightstone among the tools, that would help him see. He eventually made his way to the low section in front of the Taku, where two engines stood. They appeared to each be made of four stout vertical cylinders and a box in the center of them, like a strange cross. what the diagrams indicated, each engine’s cylinder housed disks, two cylinders held levitation disks, two held disks of weight increase. The central box was the main mechanism for controlling and regulating the engines, and had tubing flowing out of it, linking to the rest of the airship and engines. They smelled strange, and even though they were damaged the air seemed to ripple around them like a gas grill. Kanohi swallowed, looking at these machines he … the enormity of the task was suddenly so clear. But a Nynrah Ghost told him to do this, he had to try. And with a Toa here to help, even he could manage. Right?
  21. …I just had the mental image of Mata-Nui taking in a big breath of air and the resulting gust shoving us southward.
  22. You know the talk of districts reminds me that the Taku has been sailing for a bit now. What district are we currently above? Like if we do start to crash, or get attacked by Vahki, where will we wreck? I think Onu-Metru is mostly near Po-Metru and Ko-Metru, but all the districts connect.
  23. Hey I’m drawing up an updated bio for Dece, and I wanted to check something for when the BZPRPG resumes. Namely, what kind and number of tech are allowed for a single character? For reference, I am currently thinking of giving him a lighter and a Volo Lutu Launcher. Would that be allowed?
  24. I love the design of these Matoran, especially the way you built Jaller’s body, he looks bulky and sturdy, like this is post Rebuilding. The color scheme works well, and it is instantly recognizable as the Captain of the Guard. My own feedback is that his heartlight blends in a bit with the rest of the red of his body, making it a little hard to notice. But other than that quibble, this is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
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