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Status Updates posted by Arcalis

  1. "There's just one last thing I like to ask. Ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?"

  2. sorry, been busy and ill, will try to get it p by the end of the week

  3. Its quite easy really just out IC at the beginning of ur post do some awesome worthy stuff, we could join up have an adventure, don't break any bzp rules and have fun. Also don't forget to post your characters profile! And its not that much time, only a post or do a day.

  4. Are you thinking about playing the new BZPRPG?

  5. You thinking about playing the new BZPRPG?

  6. How have things been lately over here?

  7. Hey! long time no BZP!

  8. Bob! long time no BZP!

  9. Hi Tuyo! I have been busy mainly, hance why I haven't been on here much recently How are you?

  10. Hey bob, just wondering if I could have a link to where super smash bionicle is based, im finally ready to post HF and Codrex.

  11. I read your sig and I believe I sent you some PMs, I hope they were sufficiant


  12. There's one I know in the sonic universe spinoff which is a 30 years later thing were he comes and saves sonic I think it's issue 5 of sonic universe

  13. Do you read the Archie sonic the hedgehog comics?

  14. Actually I wouldnt mind a pbzp theres a basic description of me on my profile page, you can use any orange mask you want, if you need a more indepth description PM me

  15. oh no your clocks are wrong must send voporak, I mean time guy to fix them

    by the way new chapter of my comody is up it involves your shoes.

  16. Hi deserok, I believe it is your turn to write a chapter of the skrall saga , could ypu please get onto it I don't want to nag but its been a while

  17. Gornt, were online at the same time, what an odd occurance, its quarter to eleven PM over here, what time is it where you reign from?

  18. you sir are so awesome that every one should know of your power

    and turnips should all rot into nothingness

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