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Everything posted by Chibinuva

  1. Buddy, where'd ya go? I mean, seriously, you've been gone for a while now and if you don't come back soon then I will (probably) replace you as leader (I think Cyrix will continue the epic.) Also, I like your vote for my Makoki RPG. Please, come back, I'm counting on you.

  2. Chibinuva


    I just made a large, somewhat freakish crab. He's almost completely lime green so he's kind of hard on the eyes at first. He also appears to be made of plants as he is almost completely lime green and has vines for legs (I used the two shoulder armor pieces from Vastus.)
  3. I'd buy one but I'm not going to brickfair. Oh well. They still look cool. Also, the idea of bundling a t-shirt and premiere membership sounds like a great idea!
  4. Chibinuva


    Same here. I doubt I'll be able to mail mine in and I certainly won't be able to go to Brickfair but at least I'll have a cute little crab. I just crabs! I'm getting started on my crab right now. He's going to have a lime green color scheme and will be plant-like (I shall name him Weedy.)
  5. @ rule 1a. why you little (censored) JK :P Happy Birthday Neelh (has anyone made you a birthday topic yet?) Either way I hope you have a good B-day (mine's not for a month but I'm sick anyhow.) Oh yeah, and we kick Seneca butt!

  6. Of course I still play Club Penguin. I haven't updated my membership in a while but I still like it (they just made a new EPF agent hideout and it's awesome!) Also, I feel sad for those poor puffles.

  7. I'll go one of the remaining pieces. But first, what are the light and dark shades of green? Are they lime green (light) and regular green (the color of baseplates) (dark) or is it regular green (light) and dark green (dark?) LMK and then I will decide. Also, do we have to send in our actual LEGO Bricks? Because if so then I probably can't enter as I can't send in my entry.
  8. I entered! I did hand-drawn versions of the toa mata masks (except for the kaukau and the kakama.) Each variation has a mask, small text above which serves as a label for the kanohi, and the words "Official BZPower Member" in big, bold, colored text, all in complementary colors and each with a different background. I'm really hoping to win (especially if a scenario like the example occurs) and I wish everyone entering good luck!
  9. Name: Chibinuva Desings: here here here and here. Description: Different shirts each with a hand-drawn mask and complementing base (the masks are in their usual colors) along with the black, smaller, italic text above labeling the mask, and bold, larger, colored text saying "Official BZPower Member." I went with complementing colors and the traditional kanohi of old. Also, the background color for each design represents the color of the shirt. I only made four because I'm not a very good artist and the other two masks (the kakama and the kaukau) are hard to draw. If someone else wants to draw them that would be great. For those the kakama would be brown with a purple background (I don't know what shade) along with blue-colored text. The kaukau would be blue with a yellow background and brown text. Good luck to those entering!
  10. I totally agree, THIS WOULD'VE MADE AN EPIC MOVIE!!! Why, there were element lords, new glatorian, glatorian who couldn't control their elemental powers *coughAckar, Kiina, and Mata Nuicough*, the awesome shifting maze, and Bota Magna (presumably) dinosaurs! Perhaps they should have read this plot before canceling Bionicle: It would've done waayyyy better than TLR and it would open up new set possibilities: dinosaurs, new glatorian, and the ELEMENT LORDS! This is excellent work and would've made a great movie. Greg, this is why you write about Bionicle! B)
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