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Taria Pakari

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Everything posted by Taria Pakari

  1. The Kurahk's anger increases when it realises that; in fact, that isn't even Frieza's final form.
  2. Now how is a pegasus even going to build that? Congrats, Angel! Uniter Lewa is a good set. I should really rebuild mine sometime.
  3. Now learn... learn what happens when you mess with the most powerful avatar in the UNIVEEEEEEERSE!!!
  4. Xenoverse 2. Was just browsing the skill shop when suddenly the "Frieza's Siege" event started on top of me. Lost count of how many times I wasted Frieza in the span of an hour and by now I've probably lost my 8th place on the leaderboard. :v EDIT: So yeah as I suspected I lost my 8th place, but somehow I remained in the top 50 after the event ended. Lucky me I guess???
  6. And why exactly would you not want any female characters?
  7. They are very square. I shall place my drink upon their noggin.
  8. Okay so I kinda stopped paying attention to this line like in the middle of the first year of it but how the heck did this go from spinny gold weapon ninjas to ninjas in mechs??? Also that dragon is totally Shenron and you can't convince me otherwise.
  9. Just you wait until the Xbox One X upgraded version is sold as its own game and until it's released on the next generation consoles Are you secretly Todd Howard?
  10. I hope next E3 there isn't a single mention of Skyrim... love the game and all, but Bethesda are just getting ridiculous with how much they push it in our faces.
  11. It's real. I saw a guy on the internet say he saw it. Seems legit. My uncle who works for Bionicle told me it's true Can confirm, my dad works for Nintendo.
  12. New avatar! Back to my usual grumpy self.

  13. If anyone here does know anything about what the future holds, they're probably under a NDA so won't be able to say anything.
  14. I mean, they made the Boxors out of Bohrok parts. I always assumed they salvaged parts for other purposes too. I imagine playing Kohlii felt real weird for them when they found out how Bohrok came to be.
  15. I'd change Stargate Universe getting cancelled when it was finally beginning to go somewhere. Oh, and canning the Atlantis movie. Forever salty.
  16. Overwatch. Had what was probably my best game as D.Va
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