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Taria Pakari

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Everything posted by Taria Pakari

  1. When you open a pack of gum around the squad.
  2. OOOOOH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! The spookiest thing about Halloween is all the Christmas stuff that starts popping up.
  3. Merry Christmas! Wait...
  4. I want Bionicle G3 to have an entirely female cast just for you.
  5. Because reasons, Avak don't gotta explain diddly to anyone.
  6. If it helps you sleep at night then sure, there are characters in the Bionicle universe that drink mountain dew.
  7. I've always been indifferent towards them.

  9. All it'll need is some BLUE EYES WHITE KARDAS and it'll be good.
  10. Can you hear it...? The... rattling of bones...?

  11. Well I finally got to check out that Aldi near me. Absolutely zilch about Bionicle in the magazine section, just the usual celeb gossip tat. Disappointed.
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