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Taria Pakari

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Everything posted by Taria Pakari

  1. Hmmm, an Aldi did just open near me recently... might check it out and see if I can pick this up.
  2. White Metal Krana-Kal.And White Metal for those who do not know is a type of metal alloy scrap, often used in jewlery making, or as handles to chinese to-go food containers, at least the material is used as such over here on the east coast. The material is rather cheap to make and is a bit stiffer than Aluminum, but is still relatively easily maluable in thin strands or sheets like Aluminum. Also another thing to note is that depending on the metals used to make the alloy it may or may not be toxic, materials used being Antimony (which is toxic), Lead (also toxic), Tin, and Zinc, give or take. Those used in conjuction with food are not toxic for example. So basically what you're saying is that I shouldn't eat a WMKK.
  3. Remember when I did things? Yeah me neither.

  4. You were a thing I occasionally bought and now you're gone. Oh well. Also isn't thing thread pretty much the same as your last one?
  5. How are things since it ended? Exactly the same as before it started. Life goes on and I've got more important things to worry about than a toy line ending.
  6. While I imagine the batteries in all of mine have long since died, I can't really be sure of that since they're all buried in my massive box of parts... :v Still, should I ever manage to recover them from the plastic ocean they inhabit, I'll at least be able to refer back here for replacing the batteries.
  7. Imagine all the derpy Andromeda faces in Lego form.
  8. They did that a few times throughout the run of G1. Like with the Toa Mahri for example, Hahli was always front and centre in a lot of the promotional material, but she wasn't the leader.
  9. Oh yeah I suppose some of the G2 sets were kinda hard to get, particularly the last wave of sets.
  10. And preferably without the all the garbage bits. That TP medal shop and Bojack can go burn. EDIT: Oh, and Extreme Malice too. Hate that with a passion.
  11. Rather productive. EDIT: Wait, it's 1am so it's a different day now, soooo.... Bed time?
  12. FFVII but with more Bionicle and less angst.
  13. For me, probably all the comic section shenanigans before everything there went dead. Those were some fun times.
  14. These last few days I was thinking it was going to be either this or the mask of ultimate power, given the significance of both of them last year. I'm happy we got this one though. Who knows, maybe we'll get the the MoUP next year.
  15. Powered up mask of creation for this year's spinny. I dig it.
  16. We can punch a board and it will break in two. It can punch a board and wipe out it's entire race.
  17. Your avatar has taught me something today. In the end when all is said and done, Freezer was Cooler and Cooler was Freezer.
  18. I can't really thing of one specific one that was hard to find. Lesovikk maybe? He was the only one of the 07 titans I never saw in stores. I know the set had a recall because of missing parts, so maybe the stores in my area just never restocked them afterwards? Or maybe they just never had them to begin with. Guess I'll never know. Though I still have yet to get the set so I'm not sure it really counts.
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