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Everything posted by Squishyfrog

  1. I'm an arch-enemy. Coffee sucks!
  2. Or is Tren Krom their shower cap?
  3. Squishyfrog

    Post 5555

    I agree with Bollom Nom Nom. 6'660 would be much worse.
  4. Cannon arm? That I must see :0
  5. I just hope you know that I think you're one of my best friends on here. I really think you are.

  6. I know how that is. Once in the SUMMER out AC cut out. And it was so hot and... blarg... But POWER? I couldn't live with that(well yeah I could)
  7. Squishyfrog


    I hope "Order 66" doesen't win. I hate Star Wars. *dodges tomato*
  8. Squishyfrog


    I voted for you. Dog is cool too, but yours is too awesome to beat. B)
  9. Squishyfrog

    Blog Name...

    Sweet. It's cool in here. Or cold in here. Whatever floats your boat. *sips hot chocolate* EDIT: also For not liking Star Wars.
  11. It's cool sounding B) Use it.
  12. Hey, thanks. :) I'm really liking the blog perk. :P

  13. All teal is awesome. B) But I don't like the Photok mask(no offence). I like Mirus, Kakamas, Olmaks... the list goes on.
  14. first one on top first one on bottom
  15. Title: This blog is WINter Subtitle: Really, it's COOL Title: FREEZE! Subtitle: Stop and look at my blog. Title: Winter Wonderland Subtitle: perfect Title: It's barren, white, below-zero... Subtitle: ...In other words, heaven Any of those sound OK?
  16. Squishyfrog

    Name Change Time

    I second what Spink said.
  17. Squishyfrog


    I know what you mean.
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