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Everything posted by Jobber

  1. I liked the first Glatorian wav better than the Glatorian Legends.
  2. We don't know that they have "synth organs", let alone whether such organs would need to remain functional for a character like Ekimu who's in a coma. I think we may find out more about whether the inhabitants of Okoto do or don't need to breathe when we find out more about the water tribe villages. Maybe the water tribe dwellings have air pockets of some kind. Maybe as water characters, water breathing is a unique trait of theirs. Or maybe the inhabitants of Okoto don't need to breathe at all. After all, it's not like BIONICLE villagers EVER had the exact same life needs as real-world creatures. Matoran need Kanohi masks to survive, something that has no equivalent in any real-world creature. Like I said before, Ekimu isn't alive anymore by our standards. The only thing that's keeping him from truly expiring is likely his mechanical side.
  3. omg yes omg no omg please tell that guy to leave the room. i'm sorry BlueBlur not everyone can enjoy a good selfie
  4. In person is best. Employees tend to confuse Bionicle with HF still.
  5. If story is meant to sell sets, then they should've made giant robot sets or whatnot. And how did they advertise the story? As a 2001 Bionicle fan I had no idea until this year that Bionicle had a story outside the sets. I highly doubt that many people outside Bionicle fan sites pay that much attention to the story. Unless you got the comics in the mail, but yeah. Not many people who bought sets really cared for the story as a lot of us do.
  6. Then why did they put him in a sarcophagus where he can't breath (unless they don't need oxygen). The Protector of Water can breathe under water, as seen in the animations. So can the rest of the water village, since their residence is under the waves. Maybe these creatures don't need any respiration to survive? Who said Oxygen was even a thing in Gen 2? I don't think anything has been confirmed what Bionicle's breath in G1 and G2. It's always assumed they breath oxygen because there's actually green plants eveywhere that aren't made of metal.
  7. The coma that Ekimu/Makuta are in was brought about by immense trauma, strong enough in fact, that it caused a large shockwave that traveled across the entire island. Assuming the beings of the Okotoverse are now mostly organic (since they can reproduce), their bodies simply shut down to preserve themselves. The mechanical parts however, are responsible for keeping them alive in the first place. (Allowing Ekimu to live without air in that coffin.) Both Makuta And Ekimu would be dead if they weren't part robot.
  8. I didn't love, nor hate the Galtorian era. I was just 'meh'. I did buy a few of the sets, though: Malum, Skrall, Gresh, Tuma, Tarix, Toa Mata Nui, Mata Nui, Cendox V1, Kaxium V3, and Thornatus V9. As for the story, it totally could have been a lot worse. It could've been a medium-reboot, and Mata Nui/Makuta would've never shown up on Bara Magna.
  9. Yarr, but we wouldn't need to fall back on that reasoning, since biological reproduction is strongly implied. For that, you would need genders. It's also strongly implied that the Toa and the Protectors are different things. For one thing, one is taller than the other. But whether Ekimu and Makuta are the same thing as the Protectors is an open question. If they are part of the Protectors' thing, or came from the Protectors somehow, then they would be gendered like they are; if not, they could have gender anyway. (By the way, as far as I know only the Toa have confirmed genders. So you could view the whole place at this point as Girl Island. I'm very strongly inclined to believe that Ekimu and Makuta are male, however, and that the vast majority of Protectors are male as well, because it makes more sense - especially the Protector of Fire. ) Ekimu and Makuta were both called 'brothers'.
  10. I still feel it's not a great choice for an introduction to the whole franchise, because it has almost nothing to do with anything that was released after 2003. I feel the same as well; I've never played MNOG once since it was first introduced. I think getting the actual sets in hand is one of the best ways to get into Bionicle, right next to reading the comics. Though, the former seems to be out of the question for Jiayi's friend atm.
  11. Dang, the Skull Spider are pretty astonishing lil' buggers. I've read on the Bionicle website that the smaller Skull Spider's are a sub-species (could be talking about the scorpion ones)? I wonder how many variations there could be out there, sneaking through the darkness that is the jungles of Okoto.
  12. It reformed in a very brief amount of time. Better? Once the process started with the Makuta's gravity, yeah. The discussion you were responding to was talking about the 100,000 year wait before Makuta and Mata Nui could reform the planet (i.e start the process). Oh, I thought you were talking about what happened at the end of the story. Sorry for my intrusion.
  13. It reformed in a very brief amount of time. Better?
  14. *raises hand* Tell us amigo, how would an organism like the PoE live with a machine gun in his chest? Speaking of which, doesn't the Protector of Fire have a machine gun attacked to his shoulder that comes out on command? Fisher might be right.
  15. Well, recolored masks, since they can't introduce new molds in polybags. But I can't see that working. People would riot ask LEGO to make the other masks in other colors. That's why different color/build of Skull Spider would be good for promotional polybags.
  16. We need somebody with a Biology Major to help us out.
  17. Couldn't that Gatling gun be simply apart of his armor and not apart of the Earth Protector per-say?
  18. This is way off-topic, but he needed to study other planets to make sure he'd do it right, and it couldn't be done right away as the moons needed time to stabilize first (exactly what the latter means is unclear, but the first makes sense, and it does make sense the moons/planet-remainder would need time to reach some kind of suitable state first, whatever that might be). I think I might have an answer for that. The Shattering caused structural instability in the structure of the moons (plates fracturing, etc) and they needed a few thousand years of gravity to possibly fuse the rock back together or something to make them sturdier. If he had restored the planet right away, then all those fault lines or whatever you'd like to call them might have torn up even more from being forced to turn around and then getting smashed back into the main planet, potentially reducing them to rubble in the process. Did that make sense? I hope it did, because I have no idea how else to explain it. Wait...Didn't the planet reform almost instantly? 'Cause if I remember correctly, the gravity waves Makuta shot up into space caused Bota and Aqua Magna to come crashing back into Bara Magna, reforming Spherus Magna like clay. That's what I seen in the comic anyways.
  19. Good idea. Lego is really pushing/pulling for January the 1st, at least in America and some other places. I figured that I'd wait and see if they're available for my area on the online shop on January the 1st, but if that doesn't come to be the case, I'll be waiting a while. I guess it just depends on the location. People have found sets in California, Nebraska, NJ, South Carolina, etc.
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