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Everything posted by Jobber

  1. Well, I can basically answer the question of "whether". According to the original press release for the new BIONICLE sets, "The new storyline takes place on the mythical island of Okoto, where the forces of darkness are on the move and the evil Makuta is once again materializing. He is overcome by the desire for the three mythic masks that will cast the world into darkness - the Mask of Creation, the Mask of Control and the Mask of Ultimate Power." Also, "Only when the heroes are united, will they be able to battle the forces of evil, defeat Makuta and save Okoto." The present tense makes it sound like yes, Makuta is awake. Or in the very least, he's awakening, and might very well be awake by the time the summer sets are released, which is what this image is a teaser for. Dang, those press releases sure hold a lot of hidden information lol.
  2. Sounds to me like you're describing Alpha Team. The ice fortress set is 4748 Ogel's Mountain Fortress. Yeah! That's the set and the series! Thanks a bunch. Edit: Just found it on Ebay for about 80 bucks.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PCkvCPvDXk This is the best song for Bionicle's return.
  4. Question: does Megabloks have a dedicated fan site, similar to BZP? I need a fall-back plan if I don't like any of the 2015 Lego sets, besides Bionicle.This is getting close to the superiority complex that a lot of peoe find at BZP. What...?
  5. Same here, except I ordered online and they'll be here either tomorrow or the day after, that is unless UPS doesn't deliver on New Years Day, which I think might be the case. Did you manage to buy 'em when the Toys R Us site had them up to buy for a very short period of time? Edit: Funny enough, the only set on the Toys R Us site is Onua, and you can buy him right now, and pick him up at the store for free.
  6. I don't remember what the theme was called, but it was released back in 2004-2006ish, and it was pretty similar to Ultra Agents. That was the best IMO series of sets I've seen the date. I remember my friend having a giant ice fortress set put up on his dresser that I just wanted to play with because it was just sooo cool! But I couldn't 'cause he was pretty stingy with his stuff. I'm tempted to go on Ebay or something and buying ever single set, if I could just remember the name.
  7. My Toys R Us isn't. When I was able to get Onua, I got him at 19.99$ plus tax.
  8. Eh....I'd rephrase the first bit if I were you before an admin stops by. This exact same argument happened a few pages back with the same people, and Windrider specifically said that it was against the rules to tell people they shouldn't belong on certain forums for their opinions.
  9. This age-old argument of Technic Vs CCBS isn't going end any time soon, and it's going only going to get worse with the next wave of new Bionicle fans coming in. Especially the ones who started off being HF fans.
  10. Question: does Megabloks have a dedicated fan site, similar to BZP? I need a fall-back plan if I don't like any of the 2015 Lego sets, besides Bionicle.
  11. I wish someone on this board lived in Utah, so I wouldn't have to waste time search for the figures.
  12. And these totally weren't just the same set over and over again. I can't believe someone is actually praising the idea of prebent limbs. I don't know why, but I agree with him yo.
  13. Oh the CCBS is going to be pretty permanent thing. Lego has stated multiple times that the new system is here to stay. And I don't really see what you mean by a mixture of Technic & CCBS within the forseeable future, since that's pretty much what we're already getting. Can you read palms too?
  14. Yeah, Lego using the same shells is pretty booooring. Like many, many, maaaany, others have said before me, that trend is starting to vanish thanks to that new 2015 armor add-on.
  15. Woah man take it easy. Idk I personally like to see other peoples modifications and such because I mean, thats the point of Lego, isnt it? To use your imagination? I can get past it as long as there's a perfect instruction-following set bought and built to replace the one dismantled/changed, but otherwise it just crawls all over and irritates the heck out of me. It's really just an issue of mine that I should probably work with but just can't get rid of. XD This is me. High five! Glad I'm not alone. XD I second this. I guess it's just a 'perfectionist' thing, lol.
  16. On the flip-side of the same coin, CCBS isn't most likely going to be a permanent thing. I suspect we're going to see something that's a mixture of Techic & CCBS within the foreseeable future? If that makes any sense.
  17. The 2015 Ninjago theme looks like it's going to be very much like Bionicle (the whole tribal/Aztec thing), so that sounds like a good option for me as well as the incoming Jurassic Park sets. And Lord of the Rings...? I like the whole 'medieval' thing, but never much cared for the series tbh. And as for Technic Vehicles and the like? It's in the same boat as Lord of the Rings: I like it, but don't care for vehicles much. Plus, they're likely to take up a whole lotta' room, and I got a small room. I apologize for being stubborn like this, ya'll.
  18. Just get the Protectors of Stone and Earth. I think they stand a fair chance of changing your opinions. Mind, I've never hated CCBS, but I've never been quite as impressed with it as I have with these wonderful fellows. My TRU has more variety than Target. One of my Targets had 6 Kopakas and nothing else. Usually, the Targets in my area don't get most of the year's sets until at least mid-January, while my local Toys R Us manages to have most of the coming year's offerings a week before Christmas. Obviously, this isn't true for all stores of either franchise, but it seems to me that a majority of the BIONICLE 2015 sightings have been coming from the former. I wish that was true for my case; haven't seen a Bionicle set at my local Target since I started looking for 'em a couple weeks ago (gonna check for early sets one last time tomorrow). And I don't mean to open up a can of worms (again?) but Technic lovers will be Technic lovers. They're just gonna have to accept that it's never going to come back 100%--LoSS is the perfect example.
  19. I might be interested in that Red Matatu, which is a misprint right? How rare is it if it is? And how much $$?
  20. What an interesting theory. Many people forgot that G1'S Vahi was made my six different 'elements' as well.
  21. I have a budget of about $150. I already have tons of Bionicle's, I'm just trying explore the wonderful realm that is Lego. And as for what I'm looking for, I'd prefer anything that isn't too generic and 'plain'...Such as Lego City & Star Wars.
  22. I feel the same way. I'd probably have most of the sets by now if I bugged the employees about seeing if they had any sets they could sell me from the back, but I'd just feel pretty bad about making him/her search a single item.
  23. Architecture sets are full of basic parts, including lots of tiny parts like plates. But they don't offer that much variety in terms of color, and fairly few detail parts like figs, wheels, etc. They might do the trick to get a stodgy, serious adult interested in Lego. But otherwise I'd recommend Creator, City, or next year's "Lego Classic" range of parts buckets. Hmm...Didn't about think that. Thanks for the answer! And 'Lego Classic'? That sounds neat. Might check that out after the 2015 Jurassic Park sets.
  24. Would you recommend them for someone who's just starting an average Lego collection? I have a couple Marvel sets, but I just want something that looks pretty on shelf...And a convo starter. And complexity isn't an issue. If not, what's the best/good theme to start with? (The generic, Lego City theme sounds good as well, but not really into that 'average joe' thing)
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