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Everything posted by Jobber

  1. Most stores are closed today, noobert.
  2. I realize that's a joke, but it does have leaked names so you should remove it. Despite the efforts of the best intelligence agencies across the globe, Gali and Onua have yet to be spotted at any Target stores across the United States. The elusive pair have been spotted at Toys R Us stores, but even there sightings are rare. Tomorrow's going to be a different story.
  3. I don't think it needs to be closed, people will still want to post photos of their new sets for the next couple of weeks most likely. Hopefully I can nab Gali, Pohatu and Onua on January 2nd, but it sounds like practically no one has found Gali/Onua yet. Ditto. But what about when the Summer wave comes around? Is someone going to make this topic again?
  4. Just finished watching all of the DBZ movies. I wish some of them were canon.
  5. You can download the game on Google devices as well.
  6. I really like how feminine the Protector of Water looks, though she is my least favorite. That huge chest armor she has looks pretty awkward compared to her skinny limbs.
  7. Technically, the actual episodes haven't shown the Toa getting their golden masks yet. It's just the Toa's character videos that have shown that. It's the same way that there's stuff in some of the LEGO Ninjago teaser videos that hasn't actually happened in the actual story yet. Considering that the next episode is titled "The Protectors Fight Back" and the Protectors don't appear at all in the Toa's character videos, I think we still have at least one episode to go before the Toa reach any of their golden masks. Also, even after they get their masks there's plenty of things to do simply by having the characters interact and whatnot. And they still have to search for Ekimu apparently, which may lead directly to the conflict in the second half of the year. Agreed with this. I'm certain that after the Toa have learned to make use of their powers and reached their golden masks, their next big challenge will be learning to work together as a team. A lot of their flaws seem custom-tailored to creating teamwork challenges that can be overcome without reducing the characters' uniqueness. Instead of just "outgrowing" their weaknesses like many of the G1 Toa did, the new Toa may have to learn to tolearte each other's weaknesses, and to help each other through them. I certainly hope that's the direction that the story takes things, because as a person with learning disabilities it means a lot more to me for the characters to have real life challenges that require them to become a support network for one another than for their only flaws to be childish attitude problems that disappear as soon as they can stop bickering. I would like to see an episode with no Toa in it, but just the Protectors. Next episode title is "the Protectors fight back" so hopefully They better use their elemental powers in awesome ways.
  8. I got all the Protector's, Kopaka, and LoSS. But the first one I built was the Protector of Earth. It's pretty cool he's the shortest one out of the Protectors.
  9. Nice one bro! Did you manage to purchase any? As well as you? Did you buy any? I bought every set they had. Nice one! haha Which is your favorite? It's a tie between LoSS, Earth/Ice Protector, and Kopaka. I've spent the past couple hours building them, lol.
  10. Nice one bro! Did you manage to purchase any? As well as you? Did you buy any? I bought every set they had.
  11. I haven't had any problems with my masks falling off. The only time they do though, is when I push down their brainstalk of course.
  12. Today...Is a good day. Bought all the Protectors, LoSS, and Kopaka.
  13. WOOOT!!! Went to Toys R Us today and found all the Protectors, LoSS, and Kopaka! Buuuut....Target didn't have any sets. ;(
  14. Like I said on a similar topic, I would like Botar to return. He aesthetics really fit into Bio2015.
  15. Nope. Nothing has been mentioned besides regular books.
  16. I don't know if this counts as a 'tweak' or not, but I've been thinking about buying a second set of Protectors so I can keep the Toa in their combiner forms.
  17. I like the idea of having my own blog (it'll help me get out some of my frustrations if that's what it can be used for), and changing my name more often, but $40 bucks seems a bit...Steep to me. It's worth it for the lifetime membership alone, though. I dunno, maybe I'm stingy with my money.
  18. why isn't it a good song for bionicle?
  19. Not their original mask powers per-say, but maybe the SP's can pass their traits onto their controlees? That would interesting, seeing Lewa have X-ray vision while being controlled. But yeah, it's almost a give that we're going to get more colors of SP's in the summer sets or polybags. We REALLY need an Keetongu orange one! I totally think of lighters when I see your name, lol.
  20. There's already a thread for that very discussion. Oh, yeah. I remember I commented on that.
  21. Since we're going slightly off topic, I gotta ask: is the Premier Membership really worth $40.50, even for a lifetime? I got tell Midnight to decided, 'cause that's when I get paid.
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