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Everything posted by Jobber

  1. Hopefully it's a sign that we'll get Toa Hordika-esque Toa later on in the future.
  2. They're just testing the market to see if Bionicle will sell again before bringing out new molds.
  3. That's an amazing feat! But like that guy before me said, how many members are active, though? Most of 'em are still 'new members' back from 2004 and such.
  4. I wasn't there, but from all the talk about the Vahi, I agree that the 7th toa concept will probably rise again. Maybe not Takanuva per say, but perhaps a character like him? I have the same feeling too. But we have yet to see 'Light & Darkness' as elements in G2, so the 7th Toa might have be an already existing element.
  5. Walmart seems to be out of stock for every set, besides LoSS. Good thing I bought them before it happened.
  6. I guess Friends' is pretty weird. Haven't seen any actual 'weird' sets in the isles at the stores.
  7. After having all of the Protectors my complaints are the following: Water Protectors' build is awkward. That single chest armor just looks so weird with his/her skinny limbs. The new launcher is really touchy, firing when I barely move the knob. Some of them can be a real pain to pose. Stone Protectors' leg armor gets in the way, and makes him have really beefy thighs.
  8. I'm so happy that I can't hold it in anymore!
  9. I'm starting to think the Mask of Creation is probably the most OP, 'cause you can basically create any mask possible with it.
  10. The Ancient City that the Lord of Skull Spiders is protecting sounds like it might be similar (potentially an ancestral home of the Protectors before they left and established their own tribes across Okoto). But it's not a full island or anything like that. But how come we don't see a city-like structure on the Okoto map? What do you mean? The main location looks like Machu Picchu. They were talking about the overhead map, which has no real indication of city-like settlements. Of course, we really don't even know how BIG Okoto is—it's possible that you wouldn't be able to clearly see cities on an overhead map any more easily than you could on a map of North America or Europe. I miss Metru Nui.
  11. The Ancient City that the Lord of Skull Spiders is protecting sounds like it might be similar (potentially an ancestral home of the Protectors before they left and established their own tribes across Okoto). But it's not a full island or anything like that. But how come we don't see a city-like structure on the Okoto map? What do you mean? The main location looks like Machu Picchu.
  12. Actually, although sets LEGO sends out to websites for events or reviews invariably come from Denmark, sets you order from LEGO come from local distribution channels, much like the ones you find in stores. If all sets ordered from LEGO came from Denmark, then none of them would have the North American packaging with part counts on the front. So if ordered the sets from Lego.com instead of Walmart.com, I would've gotten them earlier because there's a LEGO shop a few miles away from me? Dang it.Not necessarily, no. Depend who they use to deliver. Right. Well, I guess the next wave I'm gonna buy is coming strait from Lego next time.
  13. Actually, although sets LEGO sends out to websites for events or reviews invariably come from Denmark, sets you order from LEGO come from local distribution channels, much like the ones you find in stores. If all sets ordered from LEGO came from Denmark, then none of them would have the North American packaging with part counts on the front. So if I ordered the sets from Lego.com instead of Walmart.com, I would've gotten them earlier because there's a LEGO shop a few miles away from me? Dang it.
  14. Ever seen the Avenger movie? It's that giant ship that turns invisable. http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lego-marvel-avengers-helicarrier-by-ysomt-2-620x348.jpg
  15. I wish Walmart would hurry up and put them on the shelves.
  16. I'm not sure what you mean by this? It's true that only Premier Members can post entries and run a blog, but every member can access, read, and comment on them. I guess I'm saying that it's ridiculous that such a menial thing is kept behind a "paywall" of sorts. TBH, you shouldn't have to give money to BZP to get a blog. P.S. I'm not an avid blogger myself, but some people might not want to give up the dough just to be able to have a blog. P.S.S. I know the blog is there to make give the Premier Members something back, but couldn't something a little more meaningful be done? Like being given a BZP hat or something? (I was just turned into a Premier Remember an hour ago, lol) Having a blog isn't as great as people make it out to be, yeah I like to vent there and stuff but that's only weekly. And you can't expect to get anything great, because you're giving a donation to the site and not really buying anything. The only main reasons I got this was the faster name change, and ability to participate in special drawings/events that normal members can not.
  17. I think it's more of a preference thing. Tahu's instruction booklet has that one black connector piece in the middle so he has to hold those massive blades at the ends.
  18. Many Native American peoples were and are not nomadic. The Alonquin Indians who invented the tomahawk lived a variety of lifestyles depending on their geography. The different climates and food sources where people lived affected their habits. Those who lived in warmer areas could farm and create more permanent settlements, while those up in the cold North of Canada had to live off the land and move according to seasonal food sources like spawning fish. True, though the 'stereotypical' Indians of popular culture live in movable teepees on open plains. Being actual Native myself, I can tell you that my people did move based on the available food sources and climate, sorta like 'moving with the herd.'
  19. Well they shut down their official HF Facebook page. I don't know if that actually means anything, though.
  20. I was gonna order from Lego.com, but their delivery dates are painstaking slow.
  21. Me too! But I wish there was more bad guy sets in this Winter wave than just LoSS. Hopefully the Summer wave is mostly villains. (cough cough)
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