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The Iron Toa

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Everything posted by The Iron Toa

  1. Actually, I don't think Roodaka cared that much for Teridax, otherwise she wouldn't have played both sides in the conflict between the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters.
  2. Well, I agree that in 2008 it wasn't very useful, at least Lewa could have a backup in case his armor malfunctioned. But the Mask of Flight does not allow is user to hover in place, while the Miru does. That can be a useful ability.
  3. So you think that it would still be visible from the inside? I didn't think of that.Okay, I looked at the clip from Legends of Metru Nui in which Vakama discovers his mask power. The way he looks at his arms when he realizes 'my mask power' makes me think he can tell that he can tell by looking at himself that he's invisible.Another edit: I found this on the Bionicle wiki's page for the Huna:"The problem with invisibility, Vakama had discovered, was that he could not see himself either. It was no easy trick to run when he couldn't see his feet." - Narration, BIONICLE Adventures 5: Voyage of FearSo there's our answer about that. So what do you think that means about the point of view of the passengers inside vehicle?
  4. Or just the vehicle itself? Oddly specific question, I know, but I need to know for a story. To reiterate, if Kanoka of Concealment (made by a mix of Enlarge, Shrink, and Freeze disks) struck the hull of a vehicle, as Levitation Kanoka are used in airships and Ancient's boots, would it turn the vehicle invisible but leave the cargo and/or passengers visible, or would it turn the whole thing invisible? Personally, I think, because Levitation disks make airships rise but don't make the passengers and cargo float inside the ship, that it would only affect the vehicle itself. But I'd like to know what you guys think.
  5. Because he was completed and launched just in time before the Shattering happened. That picture does look rather incriminating, doesn't it?
  6. Yes, Annona was creepy, and now that you mention the scenes in Sahmad's Tale, I realize the golden fusion was pretty scary too. His ability to make dreams and wishes real makes him able to do pretty much anything, as far as we know, and yet his battle with Annona showed how wrong that power can go.
  7. Yes, it was the Spherus Magna natives draining the protodermis that caused the Shattering.
  8. I see Rocka in a yellowish brown haze. And I'm sorry to say your encounter with Energized Protodermis is more likely to destroy you or horribly mutate you.
  9. I'm pretty sure the answer is 'no', but can Toa of Plasma absorb heat like Toa of Fire can?
  10. It would be funny if the Great Beings were wrong, and that tapping the Energized Protodermis didn't cause the shattering, but in their fear it would they created a robot that was so huge its launch broke the planet into pieces.
  11. Or his ears are just that tough. Don't forget Pohatu's faced Sonics users and not been permanently deafened, not to mention that even Toa of Sonics, who are sensitive to their own element, don't all go deaf.
  12. Well, Greg said that though he was missing, he survived the mysterious disaster on Xia that broke all nearby Vortixx into pieces. He said that he wouldn't kill a character like the Shadowed One 'offscreen' like that, so even though we never learned what happened to the Shadowed One, I'm sure he wouldn't be left to die inside the broken Matoran Universe.Ah, yeah, and to add to Fisher's post he made while I made this post, flooding was a danger when the MU was on Aqua Magna, because if the robot was dead it wouldn't be able to keep the water out and would break down. On Spherus Magna, that's not an issue, but as he said, the dangers would be freezing and suffocation. The thing is so vast it's its own world, and unless it could be opened up enough to let heat, light, and air from Spherus Magna into it, it will be completely dark and freezing in there, and the fresh air will soon run out.
  13. I'd also like to add that normally no one lived on the outside. Mata Nui was the only external location that was meant to be, and then it was only supposed to be temporary and uninhabited. The robot was meant to land on planets, but no one was supposed to come out (except the Bohrok when they were needed), at least until the end of the 100,000 year mission. Voya Nui was part of the inside that broke out and Mahri Nui was formed from lava coming from the Voya Nui volcano.
  14. I thought Teridax didn't kill Miserix because it entertained him more than simply killing him would, and he didn't consider it too much of a risk. As for Botar's death, it did serve to show how dangerous Icarax was (though we also got the message when he defeated the Toa Nuva). I think Greg didn't have time to give his replacement more character. Maybe he never would have, even given time, because that character wasn't important to the story.
  15. I don't know how I forgot that water in the Matoran Universe isn't H2O. :dunce:We know that MU air is not protodermis, it's Spherus Magna air. But do we know if Spherus Magna water and air are the same as on Earth?
  16. Well, we know he's in the Ignika, but the question is, where is that? Are the Toa and Turaga keeping it somewhere? Or maybe Mata Nui made a body for himself again and walked off.
  17. Good question. Actually, that brings me to another question. Manipulating existing matter takes less EE than creating new matter, right? Does that include heating and cooling it? I mean, would it take more EE for a Toa of Plasma to turn the air to plasma than to create new plasma, or for a Toa of Ice to freeze water or create ice?
  18. Okay, I took this map and took some measurements. I drew a line from one end of the island to another (which is about 489 km) and getting a count of how many pixels long , then I drew a line from Po-Koro to the edge of Ko-Wahi, got the length in pixels of that line, and used that to get an idea of the distance between Po-Koro and Ko-Wahi. A few reasons kept me from getting a precise answer. We don't know which part of Ko-Wahi Pohatu was running to (what angle he approached it from), or the exact location of the border (it's kind of fuzzy, does Ko-Wahi start right where there's the first snow or not until the ground is completely covered), and Po-Wahi is craggy, so Pohatu probably couldn't have traveled in a straight line. So for a rough answer, given a minute travel time, is Kakama users can go at least 5000 kilometers per hour or 3106.86 miles per hour.The first time I tried it I got something closer to 4000-4500 kph, just to give you an idea of how rough the estimate is. But I hope that helps a little.
  19. I think the secondary colors would be noticeable, just look at the colors of the Piraka. Some of them don't stand out so much, like Hakann's lighter red, but look at Reidak's gray and Thok's blue.As for plasma water, I did a little research and couldn't get a definite answer, but I think water does require a higher temperature than air to be turned to plasma. But since the temperatures required are so high, it seems inefficient to turn matter into plasma by nothing but thermal energy. I'd expect Toa of Plasma would have some other ability to facilitate this change in state, not control over electricity as Toa of Lightning have, but some way of weakening the bonds between electrons and nuclei.
  20. 1. I'm not completely sure, but I think it would be something like a colossal avalanche of stone, except exploding outward.2. I guess because ice is for Toa of Ice to control. But Toa of Water controlling water vapor doesn't make much sense to me. Are you sure they can control it, and not just absorb it?3. Well, Toa of Magnetism control magnetism, Toa of Iron control metal. As Anti Nui said, Toa of Magnetism can fly by maintaining a repelling magnetic field below them, like a Mag-Lev train. While their control over metal is less direct than a Toa of Iron's, Toa of Magnetism can also use their element to manipulate non-metallic magnetic things, for example plasma and the magnetized water in the Metru Nui chutes.
  21. Yeah, Vakama seemed to be the chief storyteller on Mata Nui, so it would make sense for the wall to be in his village.
  22. For some reason I thought of Coruscant when I first saw this, but as it's an island, I think comparing it to Metru Nui or Artakha would be much more appropriate.Anyway, that's awesome. I wish the color scheme was better, though.
  23. I'd say they could, considering how quickly they can melt stone, and how relatively little energy is required to vaporize water.
  24. Actually, Shadow is Kra-, but it's not often used because Matoran of Shadow don't occur naturally and don't see themselves as a tribe.
  25. Actually, it's Mimic that joined the Dark Hunters to find his friends. Minion was a Rahi that became intelligent and defected to the Dark Hunters.
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