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Status Updates posted by Shadix

  1. You should post on Biocast. :begging:

  2. You write pretty well, you should join it. :P It's not as hard as you think; I'm already 50% or so to my goal.

  3. You're Chunky??

    Chunky's better.

    I still think HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE is supreme, however. B)

  4. You're interests probably had a hidden expiration date in the fine print. Might wanna check it out. :P

  5. You're just awesome. That's more then popular. :P

  6. You're no longer an Ace them, hmm? :P

  7. You're number 666, with 111 profile views (as of now)

  8. You're the Exorcist now? 0.o whoazah.

  9. You're the only GregF friend. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE.

  10. You're welcome B)

  11. You've got 444 posts :P

  12. Your avatar just SCREAMS "hippy", y'know. :P


  13. Your geeky ones. The Ignika ones and Mata Nui and Bionicle ones in general were cool B)

  14. Your name is very close to my name... :P

  15. YOYO

    *whirls around*


  16. ಠ_ಠ

    I haven't got anything from you for almost a week now. I've got PMs from other people but not you.

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