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Status Updates posted by Neelh


  2. GJ, can I hug you?

  3. Go on, then. Virtually poke me. Virtually kill me. I'll never call you 'Fernie or Leb or Lebs or anything, and I'll just stick to Inferna and Iffy. But I won't use the for-I mean the last one a lot.

    BTW Iffy, have you heard of a band called ALL CAPS? *Whistles innocently*

  4. Good luck with the script writing :P

  5. Guess why I have MY av/banner combo! :P

  6. Hang on, Tich. You play CP? Still?

    I'm a member, but now I've stopped liking it. I said goodbye to my puffles and left.

  7. Have you ever seen Kiki's Delivery Service? I'd recommend it to you, since you like those movies.

  8. Have you just blocked me because of the Badger Song?

  9. Have you left or are you on holiday?

  10. Have you noticed that the LEGO Montly Poll hasn't been updated since 2007?

  11. Have you seen what I say to my friends?

    That didn't make sense.

    Well, I say random bad stuff, and they know it's just a bit of a laugh. Most of the time I get poked. You can... Virtually poke me.

  12. He dies, gets changed into a Little Person because that's his price to pay for being fished out of the Lake of Souls, and then he goes back in time to make sure he doesn't get turned into a half-vampire.

  13. He's leaving?

  14. Hello! I'd like to teach you a little about BZPower, if you want?

    BTW, do you like Pokemon?

    PPS. Reply on my profile.

  15. Hew, when are you gonna update MNCN?

  16. Hey Titch! I'm back!

  17. Hey, have you seen this guy called Vocals?

  18. Hey, when're you continuing SSBB?

  19. Hey! Merry 15 days to Christmas!

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