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Status Updates posted by IamJackssplitpersonality

  1. Narwhal, bacon, yadda yadda yadda. I've seen you.

    1. Ultimate_Kardas
    2. IamJackssplitpersonality


      You sir, like mass effect A LOT.

  2. If you notice me creepily stalking your profile, it's because I'm eagerly awaiting your rpg. Nothing weird.

  3. Vak is starting another Halo rpg, and so I return as well. Next thing you know, Alex will start another Outbreak.

  4. Well, it's going, and that's about it. I'm just dreading school starting again. Comic-con was enough to dull the pain, but that's done and the worst remains ahead.

  5. I'm loving the name. It's great to see some Dresden love. You read Changes yet?

  6. Hello fellow Dresden files fan!

  7. you should, just get past the first few pages, and it all slowly starts to make sense.

  8. Order of the stick is awesome. how do you feel about Erfworld?

  9. Community and Chuck are some of the best. Though I haven't seen either recently.

  10. Like is a strong word, but I enjoy a couple of their songs. There are very few bands I truly like.

  11. Oh. I really don't register gore. I was speaking in a more psychological aspect.

  12. Elfen lied? Really? What about it messed you up? It seemed like a pretty basic anime to me.

  13. Heh, I could see how some parents would want their children to avoid seeing it, mine let me make my own decisions though. It's a good movie, I recommend watching it once the ring goes on that finger.

  14. Nice Unit 01 avvie. I prefer 02 myself, but I'm just glad to see someone else enjoying the show.

  15. Fight Club. It's become my recent addiction.

  16. I've been busy like crazy. still am, in fact. I've got like a five minute breather before life pulls me back in its uncaring arms.

  17. I guess it's been broken. Hadn't really noticed.

  18. Indeed you do, sir. Asuka kicks some butt.

  19. Welcome to the world of Manga, where every chapter is a climax.

  20. I think you should be thanking me for the awesome that is FMA.

  21. Not much Midnight, not much at all.

  22. Just dropped by to say I love your avatar.

  23. Oy, exo, you need to find a way to get imagine approved. That's the first RPG EVER to make me want to play from just the description.

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