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Anti Nui

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Status Updates posted by Anti Nui

  1. Okay, your banner is visually appealing. :P And the pic is the Great Spirit Robot from GN8.

  2. Dude, I totally did not mean to copy off your title with the word "redemption." That was just a freak coincidence. And I didn't try to "borrow" any of your story elements. (that I know of). Anyway I'm sorry if it bothered you, but hey - you made it to the finals :)

  3. Lol I'm JK. By the way, did you recently join BS01?

  4. Thanks for the birthday topic. I'm surprised someone noticed. :P Hopefully more than two people will actually respond in the topic. XD

  5. I seiously LOLed at your username. XD You, my good sir, have made my whole day. :D om nom

  6. Hay guess wat! Varian is a Toa of Psionics! :o :O

  7. Ugh. My top 3 fears:

    1 Tornados

    2 Earthquakes


  8. Haha I just realized that you and I have the best Personal Statements ever. XD

  9. I must say, your most recent moc is sick.

  10. That's actually the whole point of this new 3:6:12:18 thing. It stops any new elements from being created.

  11. By the way, I'm WOAH from BS01. :)

  12. I gave you a 5-star too, f it helps :D

  13. I wouldn't regret having that name. :P

  14. No comment on my story? :_:

  15. K, just wanted to make sure. :)

  16. There might be just 1 more, but after that there will definitely be no more. Right now, we're looking at Void (different version of Vacuum) and Acid as potentials.

  17. So what do I win? :P

  18. Hay you're the guy from BS01. :D

  19. Meh, I was REALLY hoping for a Toa of Gravity in TYQ... but Iron and Lightning are awesome too.

  20. I pressed the button 10 times in a row and I got a jumble of sound. :S

  21. Lol, I just realized that over half my posts on this website are in the Official Elements Topic. XD Just proves how obsessed I am. :P

  22. *sigh* Yeah I had to change it because I found out that there is actually somebody here called WHOA!.

  23. Oldest trick in the book?! asdoijdsoijas :P

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