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Cosmic Titan

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Everything posted by Cosmic Titan

  1. Profile moved to profiles topic. Please delete this post.
  2. Nevermind then. Creative really seems to be low in this story...
  3. Can I have a sapient theropod instead?
  4. I looked up pictures of wyverns and Skyrim dragon and they do have different ways their wings are attached. I'm still wondering am I allowed to have a dragon shaped like a European dragon or do they have to be shaped like wyverns? I also thought up a three syllable name that is not related to Skyrim dragons.I thought the next contest was a theme one.
  5. IC: Train Station, Saffron CityChaz sat down in a seat on the train. When something unexpected happened. In the seat next to him his backpack wiggled and out crawled a Caterpie. Chaz was caught off guard by this. The Caterpie looked around as if confused by its location; the Pokemon then curled up in Chaz's lap and fell asleep.How odd. Where is it from and why is was it in my backpack? Maybe it crawled in my backpack when I was in Viridian Forest? The little Pokemon seems friendly enough maybe I'll catch it.He got out an empty Pokeball and activated it, Caterpie was drawn inside. The ball wiggled three times in his hand and then the Pokemon was caught.OOC:Species: CaterpieNickname: noneTrainer: ChazAppearance: normal looking CaterpiePersonality: He is naive but also quite mild and very friendly to everyone. He likes to be out of his Pokeball as much as possible.Ability: Shield DustSpecialty: SpeedKnown Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Bug BiteCaterpie can also learn snore and electroweb but only by move tutor. And how often can we catch Pokemon, is it still only every ten pages?
  6. IC: Ko-MetruA white armored Toa of ice strolled down the street.A Matoran saw this and expected it to be safe to flee its current location and ask the Toa for help. The Matoran ran out. "Hey could you escort me to the Coliseum?""Nope..." The Toa's cold grey eyes stared right into the Matoran. Energy lanced out from his hand and a blade of ice appeared. In one fluid motion he lunged at the Matoran and stabbed him through. The temperature dropped off a few dozen degrees as the Matoran died."Why?!" the being screamed as its life was extinguished.Leto reabsorbed the ice blade; his eyes were not longer grey but jet black. His face twisted into a sickening scowl as he walked off into the darkness...OCC: Just so you know Leto will be out of play until after the time skip.
  7. Sweet! Can't wait to read them. I was thinking of making a wrap up story my characters too.
  8. IC: Out at Sea"Are you absolutely certain that is a good idea." Said Bellum as the sea started to turn turbulent and the boat started to rock. "I bow before no one." The flame symbols on her gauntlets looked as if they were getting warm.Maelstrom backed up. Now he was really regretting boarding this ship.OOC: I get what you are doing but my characters don't.
  9. IC: Out at Sea"You can call me what you want; I don't decide what you do. I wanted to go somewhere. That island back there is boring, no one to talk to and I don't even think anything intelligent lives there. I wanted to see something new and I thought a boat would be faster than swimming. I didn't see any boats to board back there. In fact I haven't seen any boats in a while. Questions are fine. Questions are much better than fighting. A lot better." responded Maelstrom to Salvinn's questions. It was not the most comfortable thing to be questioned in front of everyone but it was a lot better than combat; well at least in Maelstrom's opinion.Bellum kept a careful eye on the newcomer. The sea was hers to command and it would rip apart anything that would put her in danger.
  10. IC: Out at Sea"I just find it strange that a being appears from nowhere, boards the ships and expects us to trust him." Bellum thought for a moment. "Does anyone have a Rode?""If y'all want I can swim away..." Maelstrom now felt guilty for intruding. He would prefer not to cause conflict if at all possible.
  11. Hmm Toa certainly have strange restrictions in this rpg. But somehow they make sense.Dysentery? Can Toa even get that being mostly mechanical and all? From what I just read about it, it sounds really bad.And now I'm thinking I should not have made Vim a Toa.
  12. IC: NarcestiSabbia watched as Aakhun's lizard climbed the wall with him on its back. Not something you see everyday. Quietly he walked, his hand on his dagger, ready for a fight. His most loyal warrior was right behind him.OOC: If anyone wants to make a special ops Vorox feel free to but I'm sure you can make something more creative.
  13. I know Toa aren't mercenaries. Astral just seems to me like someone how might be a mercenary, maybe? I don't picture him as a shining example of good.And I've been picturing all of the ships as galleons or pirate ships. Oops.
  14. He not an actual ghost. He just has ghost-like powers. If he needs a job aboard the ship he could be a hired worker and soldier. Or maybe a minor investor.
  15. Should my character meet up with yours or should I skip ahead and say he is already crew?
  16. IC: Out at Sea"Ah thank you." Maelstrom chuckled at the comment. "I'm Maelstrom. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Are you the captain of this fine vessel?"Bellum continued to look at the new person strangely but she backed down and continued to control the currents to move the ship at a faster rate. But she was getting tired she may have to take a break soon.
  17. Okay! So which characters are going to be on it?
  18. Any noncriminal ships which my ghostly Toa can join? I would like to have him do something, maybe?
  19. IC: Out at SeaNow obviously it is completely normal for someone to board a boat when it is in the middle of the sea and when you don't know the crew or who they are allied with. But Maelstrom did it anyway.Out of the sea shot a insect-like Toa shaped thing. After a moment of midair direction change it landed on the deck."Why 'ello there. Nice ship ya got. Mind if I hitch a ride?" said the being in a deep voice that didn't sound fit for a being his size. To be honest you would expect a buggy, lispy voice or something not something smooth and deep. But a voice is a voice.Bellum however did see a problem with this beings plan. She took a defensive pose as she willed the water to aid her.
  20. IC: Narcesti"Only two groups? Hah. It'll be a fine hunt." Said Sabbia in a hushed tone, his voice had a thick accent. "You three cover us, get up high. You three stay back, watch out for stragglers. You're with me and him." He said to his various group members.The six Vorox snuck away without any noticeable sound.Stealthily he made his way forward into the abandon, ruined city.
  21. I was thinking of a large eight legged lizard or something brutish. But eh I already have far too many characters across the rpg forum. I have too many stray ideas that all want to come to the surface at once. D:
  22. Do you believe old taboos and dogmas should be reinforced and upheld?
  23. IC: NarcestiSabbia the Vorox snuck around with a group of other Vorox. He was the leader but felt weird about that. But he hid those feeling behind determination.OOC: Also do characters have to prove themselves to go down to the surface or can they have done that in the past?
  24. So we are going to Narcesti to kill intruders?Blade can I have a character who a chimera that makes other chimeras?
  25. Ugh wyverns! I wanted a dragon. D: Maybe a chimera instead. I don't wanna deal with all these extra rules.
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