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Cosmic Titan

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Everything posted by Cosmic Titan

  1. Would you answer a question if the question was a question of a question within a question next to an even larger question that was the same question from the question of a question's question? Oh and did you finish your Pokedex?
  2. Is there a story behind your screen name?
  3. I think this would have been better fit for pms.It doesn't block mask powers it negates the target's ability to access them when the user's mask is active. And if the above situation did happen I don't think Leto would notice the Toa who is one hundred feet away while be crushed by gravity. And if he did then that Toa would be too far away for him to use his mask power on. Masks or at least this one is based on willpower and mental strength; more range for more willpower and mental strength. And well Leto is not the brightest or most willful Toa but at least he tries his hardest. Or I picture him that way.That sounds like how I described how the mask works.Maybe I should just pick a different mask. I'm overthinking this too much. Ugh.
  4. Leno? Jay Leno? It's Leto. Okay. I was overthinking when I wrote that anyway. A lot simpler and less messy.It disables other mask powers. So the other beings are unable to use their mask when within range. But only when the mask is being used.
  5. How did you pick your screen name?
  6. The mask makes a sphere of influence with a radius of 1 to 10 meters around the user. With ten meters being mentally taxing and one meter being relatively simple. And elemental powers are weakened to about half strength but elemental energies are unaffected. Or the user can target a single being and weaken the target to about Turaga level while under the mask's influence. And Leto's elemental powers are at half strength when he is using the mask.
  7. I still have the three other living members of Valeo's old team to make. I'm sure one of them could help with that mission.
  8. IC: Ta-Metru Chute StationValeo stood around with other Toa.He had decided on a whim to help Toa Lhikan with a mission. And now he had to write on a tablet... How strange.- Toa Valeo, Toa Cado of Air, WarriorHe carved into the tablet with his dagger. He just copied what he saw Lhikan write but put his info in place of the Toa of fire's data.Toa Valeo. That was his name even if he disliked being called 'Toa.' He prefered to just be called Valeo as he was not a fan of fancy titles.Toa Cado of Air. He is a Toa of Air. And he was part of an unoffical Toa team. Or he used to be until a bunch of them died and tension rose and tore the rest of the team apart. He couldn't remember why they named their team that. Who or what was Cado? He couldn't remember. But he still felt as if it should be noted he was part of a team at one point.Warrior. Well Toa Lhikan wrote "mission leader" so he guessed he had to write something after that.
  9. IC: To the OceanBellum woke with a start. She leapt from her bed and took a defensive pose. Only to remember she was willingly aboard the boat.She unlocked her room and walked up to the deck."Hey Captain!" called Bellum.The Toa gazed out looking around. Ah the sea. My home...OOC: Sorry. I should have replied quicker.
  10. I would like to play if any spots open up. Or I could wait for a future one.
  11. Hey mind if Valeo helps with the Ta-Metru mission? My characters have longer lifespans if they are doing something. I can just say he killed that Dark Hunter some time in the past week or something.
  12. So which species, masks and elements are and aren't allowed. I'm failing to find lists of such things.And are any of my characters involved in anything?
  13. IC: Po-MetruHis heart raced as rage exploded within him.A gust of wind ripped at a tall and strong Dark Hunter. The air came alive by the Toa's will. And the hunter was lifted off the ground and tossed like a child's toy across the barren field.The Toa rocketed after the Hunter. His sickly red eyes ablaze with an unholy determination. Swiftly and rapidly he caught up with the now injured hunter.Pushing his body to the limit he leapt thru the air with persision and grace. A dagger sliced thru the Dark Hunter's arm. Black oily blood dripped out and stain the dusty ground. The Hunter growled and sliced with its greatsword.But the Toa was faster and dodged the greatsword. And yet again a dagger sliced thru the hunter's flesh. Causing another angry bellow."I thought Toa spoke more." said the angry being. "Should you not try to capture me and turn me good?"This was met with an angry, blank stare."Hmm too good to talk?" asked the hunter.A blur of green and silver shot forward as a dagger sliced the hunter's head clean off. Black oily blood slipped out and stained the ground.That is for killing my brother, thought Valeo as he spat on the hunter's corpse.
  14. IC: Searcher's ChasmToxin greeted Kairan with a hug as he helped stabilize the Toa. "Thank you so very much."The mutated Toa drank from the flask but left some so it could be synthesized if it needed to in the future.His body started to steam and twist and bend back into the shape it had once been. His exoskeleton slowly turned back into armor as did his mask.Within his own mind Toxin had found he could absorb all his other selves. With each one he felt stronger and more whole. He would end up absorbing all his other selves.Now he stood alone against the monster. With a single slash of his weapon he dispelled the monster. The monster fell apart and its power spread out. Some going into him while the rest went to parts unknown.Toxin now stood in the barrens. His spirit at last whole and his body healed.Slate listened to the others talk. He thought of the future. What he would do. Where he would go. He smiled as he thought happy thoughts in what felt like the first time in ages.Marx stood back up. He looked at the sky. He felt elated. He had helped save this island and possibly this entire world from some dangerous beings. Maybe he would take a break.Sol thought of his time on Kai Nam. How he has appeared from nowhere without any tangible memories. How he made friends and fought in the arena. He remembered how he found out what and who he really was. And he then he started to wonder what the future would hold.OOC: Thanks everyone for making Day Run so amazing. It lasted for a long time and I'm really glad I got to be part of it.
  15. Is Kairan still in the Eyes? I'm really confused.
  16. Well I'm out of creativity. I can't think up an opening post for Valeo. All the ones I tried to write have too much death in them or they didn't make any sense. Ugh!
  17. IC: Searcher's ChasmMarx really enjoyed the tournament and was saddened that it may be ending and not returning.He felt tired and sat down on a boulder that just happened to be near where he was standing.Toxin watched Kairan wondering what was happening.
  18. IC: Sakrinil"Okay goodnight." Astral made his way to an empty bed, sat down and quickly fell asleep....Astral woke up as the sun rose. He made the bed he slept in so it would be neat for tonight. The Toa strolled around the Council Chambers looking to see if they had a dinning room or hall to have breakfast in.
  19. IC: ColiseumVetus forgot her teleporter arm was not working correctly but opened a portal anyway. Her arm sparked as she, Legio and Polluo walked into the portal.The portal closed around them and they vanished. They would never be seen again.OOC: D:
  20. This isn't Island of Pain. And in Island of Pain I had most of my characters either just vanish or explode.I put more work in Legio's swords than the characters. Save for the names. I am really bad at naming. And I would prefer if no one got the swords.
  21. What work?I'm not letting you or anyone else have Legio's magical swords.
  22. Uh, I would prefer they not be killed. I have far to many dead characters. I just want to retcon them.
  23. Personally I find Teridax is a pompous brat. I never really liked him. He just assumed because he could that everything was meant to be his. I really don't like that sort of character. And frankly I am glad he was killed off.I like Vezon but he is more of a nutter than a villain, in my opinion.I think the Great Beings are one of the best villains from Bionicle. They made nearly all of the story happen. Without them the planet wouldn't have shattered and thus set the whole story in motion. They also played with living things as if they had no respect for them or nature. They sort of remind me of Vault-Tec from the Fallout games.But who helped the Great Beings? Annona. She currently is my favorite villain. According to BS01 the Great Beings used her interference to achieve new heights in their creating. And she alone caused the Dream Plague.The Skakdi Fusion is a close second. He was just so awesome. I really liked the plot about Annona and the Skakdi Fusion. I wish Greg Farshtey had stuck around longer and gave us more stories like that one.
  24. IC: Searcher's ChasmSlate was startled when he saw a beam of energy tear thru the ground.He wondered what was doing that and why. But decided to be quiet for the moment.Toxin looked at Kairan. "Good luck. Kairan."I really hope this Toa can do this. I can't believe he would do this so willing. Helping a total stranger...He looked curiously at the Eyes wondering just what they were capable of.
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