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Cosmic Titan

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Everything posted by Cosmic Titan

  1. D: Back to the drawing board er word document. Edit: Also the six limbed four limbed talk is making me think of an eight limbed dragon. Oh no a spider dragon.
  2. Well this post is useless now. So please delete it if you can. Thanks.
  3. IC: Saffron City Train StationChaz stood in line but would quickly get to the front to purchase a ticket."One to Goldenrod City."The ticket dealer gave him a ticket after he gave the correct amount of cash."Thanks."As he walked to the train he saw someone. Is that Gavin? He decided not to bother Gavin and just boarded the train.OOC: I realized Chaz and Sam are very similar, both are psychics and they have Charizards and Eevees although Sam's evolved. Oops. Oh and I plan on Chaz catching a Caterpie and Riolu soon too. Does the PC system instantly teleport Pokemon if the trainer has six Pokemon with them or can trainers carry more than six with them?
  4. So dragons? I might make one.Also I have no idea what to do with my current characters.
  5. IC: Out at Sea"Yeah the Order." said Bellum. "Yup. I joined the crew last night before they set off. I just wanted out of the city."IC: Sakrinil DocksVim strolled down the docks with her backpack on and swords sheathed.She passed a Matoran and scowled at it.What are you doing?! Wait what am I doing? Thought the Toa as she seemingly was in control of something else. Almost like she had a second personality and yet was still conscious when she was no in control.She passed passed a being in a small metal boat and ran a current thru it making the being on board cringe.
  6. IC: Out at SeaFor a moment it seemed like Bellum wasn't paying attention but really she was just really focused on manipulating the sea. She turned to him her eyes seemed distant. And then the snapped fully awake."Oh hi Salvinn. Nice to meet you. I'm Bellum." she said as she shook his hand. "Yeah. Definitely a good idea to meet the rest of the crew." She said with a friendly smile.IC: DajonWas that a ship out in the distance? Maelstrom was very excited he had not seem any intelligent life in a while and was a bit lonely. Maybe they where friendly. Even if they were not then he could just swim back to the island. He could fly or swim either way would work.So he started to gather up his stuff. He got his protosteel tipped spear and some fruit that he had gathered. He placed it in a small clothe bag he had brought with him and ran out into the water. He didn't fly cause he didn't want any unneeded attention.He really hoped the this boat's crew was friendly.IC: SakrinilAn eagle flew thru the sky and then landed in the street blew where it changed shape showing its true humanoid form. Ark then walked down the street as if nothing happened.Astral walked around the city. He was partly lost and partly exploring.
  7. Okay. Then I have some writing to do.
  8. Well if y'all would prefer I not be on the team then maybe I could help judge.
  9. Congrats! Of course you did just spend money to buy it. But at least you have a blog. Have fun.
  10. The Toa Arete are returning? Glad to see my wonky idea lives on. I would like to play as Temperance but I see someone already wants that.
  11. I think that is too many tags.
  12. OOC: Summus is a Toa of stone. He is controlling the rocks in the ground and the cement in the street (I think there is cement in the street) and using it to collapse the ground. Leto the Toa of ice and he just lowered the air temperature around the cannons. Maybe I should use colors so others can tell them apart. IC: Ko-MetruLeto scowled as he decided to obey and retreat. He made sure to stay with the group. He knew people would start being bothersome and question his loyalty if he just disappeared in the fray.Summus really had to fight off his desire to make the ground collapse under the enemies feet. But he could fight off all his instincts as obelisks of stone erupted from the ground around the cannon that he had seen. He then made a hasty retreat with the rest of the group.
  13. Maelstrom is amphibious and he can fly so he shouldn't have trouble getting on board. Okay she'll looked evil while walking around the docks.
  14. IC: Ko-MetruSummus didn't need a scope to see Nidhiki was in trouble and wasted no time trying to help. The ground quietly rumbled as it gave way under the cannons.Leto mimicked his brother's actions dropping the area around, where he saw the lasers start out from, a hundred degrees in a instant maybe the components of the weapons would be damaged or something. He tried to be more subtle than his rocky brother.
  15. I forgot they have trains! If there is no time anymore then how do I know when Ark should board the train?
  16. Woah!No Vim is joining the Torrent. Bellum is on the Dream Come True. Maelstrom might hop abroad it as it passes Dajon.Ark wonders how long it will take to walk from Shimmering Palace to Sakrinil. And Astral is gonna be a pirate. Argh!
  17. Uh, what? Ark needs a boat to leave Shimmering Palace?
  18. I guess I'll just have Vim awkwardly walk up to the Torrent people.So if Ark started walking when the rpg opened would that be enough time to walk from Shimmering Palace to Sakrinil. I started him there and he has done nothing since then. D:@Burnmad: If the ship is passing by Dajon should I just have Maelstrom hop aboard or something cause he has done next to nothing since the rpg started. ?_? I'm totally overusing emoticons. !_!Also Astral should totally become a pirate cause it's completely illogical for someone of his moral position.
  19. OOC: Is there anything happening in Johto?And is there a post that tells what will be happening in Saffron City? Sorry I have not been paying very close attention.Oh and I'm thinking of making a character that wants to become a gym leader. Not sure which type the character will specialize in yet though.
  20. Cosmic Titan


    What? I think I missed something.
  21. I left the bzprpg for many of these reasons. I just couldn't be part of something that changed a story I enjoyed so much. I find the consumption of alcohol morally wrong. And I can't stand how they devalue the power of a Toa. And don't get me started on the restrictions in character creation. I just found them too much. So I can see where you are coming from.
  22. IC: Out at Sea"Okay." Bellum replied to Artorre.She turned to talk to Malok. "Yeah I'm a Toa of water. I'll see what I can do."Bellum walked over to the side of the ship and leaned on the rail as she gazed out into the water. Her mind wandered as she took hold of the water. The whole ship lurched as she increased the strength of the currents to make the boat move faster.
  23. I don't have the patience for competitive battling. But I do like collecting Pokemon.
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