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Everything posted by Ocrist

  1. Best....One.....Ever.... Signoff: Rrraaaaaaggeeeeeeee
  2. Ocrist

    I Pity Shine.

    Don't forget our little youngling Nukora. Where is he anyway?
  3. Ocrist

    No Snow Here... Oh.

    Don't forget the snow in ohio -S
  4. Ocrist

    You Know It

    This color is the ROXORZ!
  5. You really, really scare me exo/mog. -S
  6. Ocrist

    Epic Movie

    Yea that was me and Your welcome. Anyway's I think I might try to see it. I haven't seen any of the movie movie's yet. (e.g. Scary movie, Date movie) I did love the trailer.
  7. Ocrist

    I Can't

    No no the petitions are my job GFLK
  8. Ocrist

    Motw #1

    I was thinking more of... Shine or Nukora...Those guys are always on
  9. Ocrist

    Motw #1

    Soo... I decided to do this a different way. Here's how this will work. I will tell you guys the category and then you will PM with your vote on whoever you think deserves to win. Each week I will try to give out a different prize, but remember no voting for yourself. Category #1: The member who you think is online the most. -S P.S. Happy voting P.S.S. Go here
  10. Ocrist

    I Can't

    How about a link to the comic series
  11. Nah, we're just gathering evidence to use against you. 'sieds me'sa bypassered The nOOb saeg two? P.S. Nice wannabe thousandth post. Thanks. I asked Exo what to do for my thousandth post and he said to make a joke topic of New Member Q&A. NEVER listen to Exo's advice, never. I thought everyone knew that -S
  12. Ocrist

    New Thingyay

    Good luck with having someone make that buddy
  13. Ocrist

    It Iz In Code

    So it's either Baggy Henry or Any Herb Egg. >=D Baggy Henry is missing an E, and Any Herb Egg is missing a Y. I think the woman is named Henry E.! Though her friends call her baggy! +50 Dokkypoints. You're slowly getting them back. He never had it to begin with. OWNED!!!
  14. Ocrist


    Stuff featuring the new CoT comic series Chaotix Underground! No seriously -S
  15. For being awesome and the new head of PK how many Dokky points do I have -5000? -S
  16. No Kohaku was probably first. And I'm typing this with a cactus. If you get over the pain, it's simple. Actually you're both wrong Angry nid did his own entries from his wii and he was the first -S
  17. Man.... I always forget that stuff I reallly should of noticed that >_> -S
  18. I know the first one is true, but nice dit on the second one His last topic was on December 30th though Edit: and the fact that you have a file open in paint that says Dr. Bionicle And I'm not completely sure about the first one.... 2nd edit: First one's a fake too because it say's he joined like two moths earlier but he already has his avoohki and is on staff and has his current banner
  19. Stop leaving all that crud on my porch
  20. Ocrist

    Status Side Bar

    Well that means I can
  21. It was a JOKE. I'm not 42. Duhhhh... Didn't you see him say he was 82 -S
  22. Ocrist

    Uh...vote For Me?

    Well if it means anything...I voted for you -S Yayz! SZ Hey, you use the same color as I do!
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