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Everything posted by Ocrist

  2. Dude I made up the secret thing to annoy you No secret -S
  3. And who is his Accomplice this Shaft? A stalker perhaps, or maybe just a guy who works at Micky d's?
  4. Ocrist

    I Was Thinking...

    Sorry My computer does some weird things with the auto color function I have no idea why it make's so many tags when I space things out. Anyway not yet L&p Sit down and post in all my topics and then I'll make one right now. Otherwise you're waiting till next week. -O Edit: I finally figured it out! Shine is Nukora's Stalker!!!!!!!
  5. Ocrist

    I Was Thinking...

    Do you guy's like stalk each-other everywhere your guy's posts are always after the other. I'm starting to think you guys are like brother's or something . Anyway these awards actually include everyone! And they will be decided by me and my super-secret spies who watch the forums and help me judge things! Or better known as the SSSWWTFAHMJT Squad! -O
  6. Well I was thinking If Deep-Freeze can make a staff member of the week, I thought to myself why don't I make a member of the week award so everyone can have a chance(staff included). So starting this next wednsday I'll be starting the member of the week award. It'll be based on the member who has been either: The most kind/Funniest/Makes most sense etc. So tune back in soon! -O
  7. Download. "zee" Not much. One Brother. Fine *sighs*.
  8. Ocrist


    Are you certain?
  9. Ocrist

    Status Side Bar

    OMG CHEATAR! You are right exo he CAN't use those unless he saves them to maj or something like that
  10. Your right Nukora His name is easy to make fun of!
  11. Ocrist


    Something my stalker made. Nothing further to be said.
  12. Ocrist

    Operation Cliché

    Heyyyy! I made up the operation title Has someone been using i besides me? I'll sue!
  13. Ocrist

    1 And A 2

    Chicky chang gives me nightmares...
  14. Ocrist


    I know exactly how that feels I'm great at most subjects but math and I keep failing on those tests
  15. Ocrist

    Wat? - Discussion

    I shall request myself to be put on staff by royal order of the king of burgers!
  16. Well I would have, but Haven't you noticed that when you make comic's for my series people post, but when you make them for yours only I post
  17. Ocrist

    Uber Bad News

    Anything below a C+ In my house is a failure, but a year ago anything below a B was a failure so my mom lightened up a bit. Hope you're still around!
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