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Everything posted by Razgriz

  1. Fifteen Years ago...

    There was a war.

    J/k lolololol.

    Happeh b-day, man.

  2. You know he will.

  3. Zar, the KNI is loose again. wanna help deal with it?

  4. Hawk, Cut your way out of the Tank, And get out here. And no, just because the controls are fried does not permit use of the Abrams as a bludgeoning weapon.

  5. Thanks, Make sure the loadout's right for me. it sould have around 78 sidewinders, and twenty four sparrows.

    After all, it IS out of Ace Combat.

    Anyway, Get out here and help, let the Foireanns man the Abrams.

    They'll get it. Once I'm up, I'll provide top cover and air superiority.

    *adopts hilariously fake french accent*

    Let's do zis.

  6. Ur a pretty cool guy, u owned KNI and don't afraid of anything.

  7. Agreed. i would have loved to exploit my most eccentric tactics against the "hurr durr imma makuta so i can does anythings durr" strategies of the boy.

    But it seems that our trusty Abrams has won the day.

    Two fine gentlemen FLYING A TANK > Makuta

  8. Agreed

    *Enters F-14D*

    Also, nice airfield.

  9. ... We just flew a tank.


    High five.

  10. *drives up in an M1A2, opens hatch*

    Let's take the Abrams.

  11. Hey now.

    *casually doges blades*

    It's about the good sugar bombs. As you should know-

    *uppercuts Pteranodon diving from the right*

    -it's serious business.

    *resumes eating, awaiting the reaction of his fine gentlemanly comrade*

  12. If it was breakfast time.


    *Grabs and lifts by collar of shirt, and forcibly slams into a conveniently placed wall*

    *Glares with untold rage into H6's eyes*

    It's Chocolate FROSTED Sugar Bombs!

    *puts down, returns to lawn chair, adjusts top hat, and resumes noming on popcorn*

  13. *Produces bucket of popcorn from regions unknown*


    *adds butter, takes a bite*


    *adds more*

  14. Then there is obviously something wrong.

    There are no definitions, just awesome, frikkin' awesome, pants-soilingly awesome, too awesome tobe too awesome to exist, and non-awesome.

  15. I am disappoint.

  16. Yeah, it's pretty confusing at first.

  17. Please don't tell me you're taking me seriously.


  19. It's the formula for slope on a graph. Mangai's trying to say that he has less posts now, but is posting at a faster rate and will therefore catch up to you, if my memory is correct.

  20. So you'll still be around after all. Dude. Don't screw with me like that.

  22. Aww, thanks Lazzy. I try. :3 Anyways, have fun in college, man. I'll miss you, it was a great way to start the RPG, having someone like you show me the ropes. The Towers were real fun. Yeah, Jolek probably got a bit more of my personality than Obsidius. You'll always be a big brother figure to me. Even though it was only a few months, we still had some good times, eh? I'll try to keep Shark on his leash for you. XD *Possibly final bro fist*
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