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Blog Entries posted by ~Shockwave~

  1. ~Shockwave~
    So They've essentially neutered Swapnote, and I've heard things saying flipnote got nailed with something similar in Japan.
    Which is flipping ridiculous because it's not like you can just send notes to random people...... Plus I liked the periodic notes I got from Nintendo and the backgrounds they contained. Though I rarely used the App for anything else. I'm disappointed that a small group of (Insert word of choice here) ruined it for everyone.
    As one of my fellow bandmates would say: "this is why we can't have nice things."
  2. ~Shockwave~
    Well, new to me anyway. I'm not sure how old it is, but it was my grandfathers and very well taken care of.
    At it's max the pull is 70 pounds. I've adjusted it to a more manageable level, but have yet to actually fire it.
  3. ~Shockwave~
    In no particular order, here are my favorite games. (or the ones I can think of.) Some are just going to be the name of the series. because if that wasn't the case it would be all Metroid.
    Metal Arms: This game is an all around blast. Makes me wish that I knew how to adjust my TV screen so I could play my PS2 again.
    Kid Icarus: Any game where you can wield a pair of "machine gun wolverine gauntlet claws" just has to be fun. And that is my new name for those weapons.
    Scribblenauts: Because summoning almost anything you can imagine can go hilariously wrong really fast.
    Pokemon: I don't have anything witty for this one...
    Customrobo: I've always loved this game.
    Super Smash Bros.: Who doesn't love this game?
    Legend of Zelda: Nothing terribly witty here either....
    Animal Crossing: Only played new leaf, but it's an enjoyable game.
    Metroid: Seriously. I love this series. The 3DS needs this. badly.
  4. ~Shockwave~
    Ok... For one, why is this a thing? Two, they should be able to gather that I've lived here with the information I've already given them. Seriously. Why? Seems like that's something that should be covered in the registration process.
  5. ~Shockwave~
    So for some reason my mind started wandering (again) and this simple sounding topic came into my brain. Statistics. Percentages. It's really odd how we use them. we use them in weather, we say there's a 39.54% chance of rain. but in reality, it's either going to rain. Or it isn't. in science, if you do an experiment, than do it again, the exact same way it was done before, it should have the same results. of course you would have to assume nothing changed. which is probably never safe to assume. but still, when a rain cloud comes in it doesn't just say "Eh, not today." (though it feels like that where I live sometimes.) there has to be a reason that it didn't rain. But I can only assume that we use percentages because we don't have the means to gather all the data we need to make an accurate prediction. But that doesn't make a percentage a good way of representing what's going to happen. Percentages work fine for information that's already been gathered, like test scores or votes or whatever. but when used to predict future events, it just doesn't work.
    Let's conduct a little experiment. I like Transformers, let's use that. Ok, so lets say I have a box that contains a single transformer figure. I have long since forgotten which one or what form it's in. I might proceed to guess what form it's in, therefore giving each one a value as to how likely it is that it's in. I tend to keep them in robot mode, but if it's in storage It's liable to be in either mode. To make things even more confusing, I'm not sure where my Astrotrain figure is. (He's a triple changer for the unknowing.) So right now it could be one of at least 2 figures, one of which is in 1 of 2 modes, the other 1 of 3. But since I'm not sure I can remember every figure in my collection, he could be any number of different figures, in a variety of modes. So I can make a prediction who, and in what mode, is in that box. Now it isn't a complete shot in the dark but it's mostly a random guess. Now who is in the box doesn't matter. what matters is that my prediction doesn't change what's in the box. so why do I bother predicting anyway? Or am I just ranting and this makes no sense and is a bunch of jibberish... Whatever... I don't know. I feel like I have something here...
  6. ~Shockwave~
    So, I figured to kick things off with me having a blog I would do a review of something. Lets go.

    Fall of Cybertron Shockwave Labels


    Here he is all decked out in his shiny pink labels. Very shiny. they look a bit dull in the pictures...
    Anyway, This set includes stickers for his arms, shoulders, chest, legs blaster, wings, rear thruster and the bottom of his feet as shown in jet... thing mode. He also comes with a few alternate labels if you prefer him to look more like his G1 counterpart. These include a yellow eye sticker and an alternate grey chest sticker, as well as clear sticker that mimics the lines as seen in some appearances. The silver details where added by a sharpie, and do not come with this set. I really like this set and think it adds some nice detail to a sort of bland looking figure.

    And this is his vehicle mode. It reveals the wing logos, front blaster details and rear thruster details. The labels don't help with the fact that the vehicle mode isn't the best, but the details are nice, and if you feel like it, the thrusters can be used as converting wrist blasters, which I find to be kinda neat.
    So, there you go. How'd I do? Want to see a picture of a certain part at a different angle? just leave a comment and I'll arrange it.
  7. ~Shockwave~
    So, does anybody play this game on PC? My origins friend list is completely empty, so someone else to play with would be nice.
    It might at least be better than getting ground to dust alone.
  8. ~Shockwave~
    Wow, that final boss was.... not good... The entire game led up to that fight, made a massive deal of it, and it happens, and it's just basically another blight type fight. Plus, if you actually do the blight fights, half his health gets taken out before you even touch him. (Apparently if you don't do those fights, you have to fight them at the end). Meaning it makes it way easier. I mean, the entire game led up to this, every npc told me how flattened I would be if I took Ganon on. And it was just. Not worth it.
    I'm torn. I really like parts of this game, no, most of this game, but some if the design choices are just *so* baffling. Weapon fragility, which makes a bit of sense at the beginning, far overstays it's welcome, and than appears to be completely null in the last fight. (Or it was just too short to break the sword). The stamina bar being used for *everything* was just so annoying, and it had to be almost removed to make one of the fights playable, so I think saying it needs to be dialed back a lot is not unreasonable.
    The world building was top notch though. Exploring the world was so much fun and the way the game just let's you mess around aimlessly was extremely refreshing. And I actually enjoyed the story elements, they gave a lot of personality to the world. Which makes Ganon being little more than a faceless shadow kind of disappointing.
    I'm really torn. I want to say I liked it, but I feel like some huge mistakes where made. I'm really wondering how it got so many perfect scores.
  9. ~Shockwave~
    Path A of NieR Automata has been cleared! (Along with W and... S? I think it's S, but that's because I was a bit awful at the game.) I still have no clue what's going on and have started the next story path. But I'm really, really, loving this game.
  10. ~Shockwave~
    Well, NieR is coming to PC so I have one platinum game to look forward to. So there's that. Fingers crossed for some good games announced with the switch, because at this point there aren't many good exclusives to look forward to.
  11. ~Shockwave~
    I really don't know how to feel about this one. On one hand the story is really interesting and super depressing, both things I enjoy, on the other hand, the gameplay seemed to go out of its way to do nearly everything wrong. From a leveling system that makes no sense, to save points being in the exact wrong places and dungeons that lock you in with few recovery options and a bunch of generic RPG stuff that seemed tacked on with little benefit.
    But the story, world building, characters and music was all so fantastic it almost makes trudging through the gameplay worth it.
    Not to say there weren't redeeming qualities there, some of the dungeons had interesting ideas. The dream sequences where pretty cool. I actually liked the perspective changes, though some of the magic attacks controlled poorly in top down mode.
    Did I mention the music was fantastic? Also Kaine, definitely Kaine.
    But with Platinum working on the sequel I have high hopes. Hopefully it won't disappoint. Because that's really the main reason I tried this one.
  12. ~Shockwave~
    Speaking as somebody who is tied up in the public transit system for a minimum 3 hours on weekdays this looks absolutely fantastic.
    If you haven't seen it:

    Most of my concerns lie with built in software and how all of that works and if Nintendo has finally decided to join this decade with it's online features, but I'm sure we'll hear more on that.
    But I'm pretty hyped.
  13. ~Shockwave~
    My local used bookstore had a copy on display so I took it as a sign and grabbed it as I had been looking at it on the internet since I had beaten Xenoblade.
    It boasts "more then 80 hours of gameplay" and is the first part of a trilogy.
    What have I gotten myself into...
  14. ~Shockwave~
    This will be the third copy I've had of the game but I never made it past the first stealth portion of the game. Once I got past the beginning portion it was much more enjoyable then I initially gave it credit for.
    (It was on sale and I wanted to test out my new graphics card. It ran quite well most of the time but had issues with the TresFX for some reason.)
    I'm moderately interested in the new one now, but I'm mildly annoyed that Microsoft made it Xbox/windows exclusive and Nvidia branded games don't seem to do well on my hardware for some reason. So that'll probably be a ways off.
  15. ~Shockwave~
    So it will no longer be Christmas in like 15 minutes so I'm a bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    I got a new pair of headphones and an Xbox Keypad and some steel model kits as well as other items of varying interest.
    I also got a really nice computer case. It has light up fans and all sorts of cable management stuff. My setup is still average at best but at least now it looks like some sort of light up black and blue future box that has the computing power to lay waste to anything in it's path.
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