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Scanty Demon

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Scanty Demon

  1. I've been feeling really awful as of late. Emotionally awful, I am just so scared of screwing up and losing friends from my misswordings and personal errors.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      "but I cannot find it in myself to forgive myself for my past stupid phobia." Accept that it happened and move on. Know that you are only human and making mistakes is part of the package. Besides treat it as a learning experience. If you cringe looking back at it then you have improved as a person.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I've been feeling really awful as of late. Emotionally awful, I am just so scared of screwing up and losing friends from my misswordings and personal errors.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      There's a good saying on this "the people who care don't matter and those that matter don't care." If they really are your friends a simple explanation for your misstep will suffice or they will accept you're human and will make mistakes or even both. Real friends accept both your strengths and your flaws. TL;DR you are your own harshest critic and people are more forgiving than you think.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Handling online bullying is easy just turn off the computer!

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Dude it's the internet you shouldn't take it too seriously, hahahaha.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Tonight was amazing.

  5. why do I still visit this website

  6. We're gonna make america great again, its gonna be yuuuuuuge!

  7. If only I had more to work with than just paint, so I could actually make a good avatar...

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      there are some really good free art programs to use. If you want some good ones like the ones listed, consider Mischief and Firealpaca which are pretty good. OR you could ask someone for a way to get some other good ones.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Small rant: Why do people capitalize the word 'gods'? People capitalize the word god when referring to the powerful, sentient being of the Judeo-Christian spirituality because it is a title in place of a name (which you capitalize), not some member of a race or species. We don't capitalize 'humans', 'cats' or 'ducks' all the time, do we? The English Language isn't Wookiepedia. :P I just feel like it's passive-agressive wording.

  9. Is that some bloody Little Witch Academia I'm seeing

  10. No longer a member of the copper club, fun while it lasted.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Just a minor bug on BZP, lost my POBZPC status but still had full proto. Turns out it was just a tiny error on the site's part. Black six did fix the issue and everything is fine now. Gonna lock this because the issue has been resolved.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. No longer a member of the copper club, fun while it lasted.

  12. No longer a member of the copper club, fun while it lasted.

  13. *things that people think are deep aren't really*

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      I'm moron, because I didn't see the typo until after i posted the status. It was supposed to be"*things that people think are deep BUT aren't really*"

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. .

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      >/r9k/ >knowyourmeme >/b/ >frog posting >no meme arrows" get >>>/out/

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. *things that people think are deep aren't really*

  16. ">no posts typed in sans font" you are a disappointment

  17. I should play as an idiotic rahkshi that says stupid stuff all the time.

  18. Think of all the fictional characters that believe in you!

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      They're the only people that believe in you though!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Labtops are expensive.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Why does a fish need a laptop underwater?

  20. Hacked by Koreans!

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Aaaand I just realized I should've gone with "Hacked by Korean!" I have failed

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. This is the face I make everyday

  22. Kanbaru is better.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      I'm sorry but you have a case of...terrible taste.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Bionicle Team: "so, what size is the robot going to be?" GregF: "HIM BIG"

  24. will people ever stop asking "why is gali voiced by a man"? hopefully. :t

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Do those people know that the entire thing was voiced by one narrator?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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