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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. Scrap the blue, dear :P

  2. And a good new year to you, too.

  3. What's wrong, Raz?

  4. Coolio! Now that I've examined them, I like Comatose more, but that's still good ^_^

  5. Ads, check me blawg. Otherwise, KNI will epically fail le melee :P

  6. Okey. BTW, did I mention that Aexias absolutely detests people who are late?

  7. Geta ona la chata-boxa :P

  8. Um...


    *suddenly bounces into another interdimensional portal*


    *disappears from view*


  9. *Goes flying into mob of gerbils, who support their fallen leader* OHCARKOHCARKOHCARK

    *Testosterone is restored miraculously*

    Wow, I'm cool now.

  10. I know ;_;

    Whatever you say, Mister. Just shoot them over here, and I'll take a look at them. I seriously wonder how they'll do the Kraken, though...

  11. Shoot, I sooo need to see that. All I ever saw was the end of the epic battle XP

  12. Okey. Just remember, it actually starts the 10th.

  13. Hey, Raz, wanna work out a plot, faction, relationship, etc., for 2011? Ya know, in the BZPRPG?

  14. Yes, perfectamundo! That provides for all sorts of opportunities in interaction. D'you think I should start drawing up quick ideas for the chars?

  15. Deal.

    BTW, I think we should have most of the mugger's supporting cast be other low-lifes, but not all. I mean, this is an epic, not an SS; surely there will be a more varied cast of chars.



  17. You make me want to cry ;_;



  20. EDIT: CONT.: Towards Hatbox*

  21. OWWWWWWWWWCAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKIDIDN'T MEANLITERALLYYOUNUMBSKULLI'MGETTINGOUTOFHEREBEFORE YOUSHOTPUTMETODEATHYOUSHALLREMEMBERTHIS ASTHEDAYYOUALMOSTCAPTUREDCAPTAINJACK*water is sucked out of mouth by orthodontist, causing Mangai to have dry and somewhat tinny voice* mangai :P OHCARKI'MLEAVING*desparately blasts the two away with magnetism powers and flies at top speed

  22. Of course. Glad to see you know of my awe-inspiring countenance. Now, please get into the longboat and row away. Savvy? :P

  23. Hm...Well, I like it. Should we plan it out any more, or just write whatever comes to mind?

    Also, as we're going to co-author this, who'll write what? Perhaps we should designate specific parts of the story, chappies, or something...

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