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Everything posted by Franco

  1. *Grins evilly* I suggest you moe away from that gerbil if you value your life.

    And no, I won't repair your defenses. I will steal your nukes, though =P

    *steals nukes by going at light speed thorugh the base and out*

  2. *Gerbil turns really cute and pleads to escape*

  3. *Gerbil Husaria charge in, scattering and smashing through the Spartans and rescuing their comrade before flying off*

    Hehehe...You shoulda paid more attention in school. Gerbils wreck Spartans.

    Oh, yes...Sorry 'bout this, but it's for a good cause :P *jumps into base with ninja gerbils, steals a bunch of Kanohi Nuva, and flies away*

  4. Well, sorry, man, but Rm's noton the team. You should jsut say you like infilictingapin upon Dovydas and Zar.

    Wait a sec...Those tower things are attacking me? Well, then...

    *Gerbil Husaria divebomb into towers, wrecking them completely*

  5. Well, then...Zar's innocent XP

  6. Oh, yeah...This is late, but welcome to this awesome place B)

  7. Hm...Well, I wonder what storm that could be *evil grin*.

  8. That's because we're awesome like that XP XP

  9. That's because you're awesome enough to notice that I am awesome and start copying me XP

  10. ...And you are now awarded another medal for POBZPCship.



    On the other hand, you could do as a fine replacement for a fridge once you've been hollowed out...Get 'im, bois! *elite ninja gerbils attack Ak* :P

  12. Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =( -Inferna Independent of that, you're to blame for it being off its hinges for as much as TWO SECONDS!!oneone!!1!1eleven!!! -Dovydas Independent of that, I would like to point out that while everyone is trying to pin all this on me, people are ignoring the fact Zarayna is guilty of harrassment (in every post in my topic after that one, he was going out of his way to try and force me into hearing aids) and breaking and entering (with assistance from Dovydas). -Inferna Independent of that, I am this *holds up thumb and forefinger, with a millimeter gap in between* close to crashing this party with my armies. Let's just all realize that Zar is awesome and innocent of all crimes and go home ( ).Sound good?
  13. *brings ten werewolves in cages into court, alongside the ashes of the poor gerbils* Oh, but I can *evil grin*. See, there is plenty of evidence against you. (No, I don't know anything about the legal system XP)
  14. I'm on the jury. Cuz If I'm not, you dudes will have several clone armies and elite MNIncers breathing down your neck (Oh, and did I mention the Foireann?). BTW, what do you guise have against Zar? Inferna, as Zar said, has slaughtered countelss innocents, including cute gerbils, and yet public opion seems to be in her favor. Zar, in comparison, wouldn't hurt a fly. Oh, and, yes, Rising Moon, I am not leaving behind my armies or my weapons for this. If any of you get uncomfortable, just remember: I'm not out to get you. Unless you're the Seneca. In that case, I am out to get you, and you should be scared *evil grin*. XP
  15. Um...Oh, yes. No, I will not debate the fact that you are innocent.

    My AIM ist M6nga7@aim.com.

    'Tis all.

  16. ...And you are now officially awarded a medal for extreme optimism in the face of loss of vittles =P

  17. Zar, you have just been officially awarded a medal for bravery in preemptively stealing vittles and gaining some for the Foireann =P Congrats, my friend.

  18. No, I din't...But as those are SENECA sandwiches...Well, I'll be awarding Zar for thinking ahead, gaining resources, being preemptive, and destroying enemy food supplies =P

  19. Wait, Zar...Ak says my gerbils are trying to steal sandwiches. WHAT THE CARK IS GOING ON?!

    Also, Gerbils may be small, but they are never pathetic! I'll show you =P *gerbils riding Shore turtles charge into tons of trees and knock them over*

  20. Reviewed A Fading Blaze here, Mad world here, What a wonderful board (to post in), and updated Blazing Dawn here.
  21. Let me see...*scratches head and sits down* 1492...The Siege of Yasna Gora...Ashes, ashes, we all fall down...Sickle-cell rebuffs malaria..."I" before "e", except after "c"...y=mx+b...Erm...Oh, yes! No, you aren't talking to yourself...You're currently talking to a deluded gerbil with naive visions of eating banana splits =P

  22. Franco


    Sadly, so do I.
  23. Franco

    Welcome to BZP! We hope you enjoy your stay. please, check out each forum so you can find which ones you like best.

  24. Franco

    Name Suggestions

    Uh, man? I was the guy who had a selfish username, if anyone, and yet, no one cared. IMHO, selfish-sounding usernames don't matter if you like them.
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