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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. Well, then...Zar's innocent XP

  2. Oh, yeah...This is late, but welcome to this awesome place B)

  3. Hm...Well, I wonder what storm that could be *evil grin*.

  4. That's because we're awesome like that XP XP

  5. That's because you're awesome enough to notice that I am awesome and start copying me XP

  6. ...And you are now awarded another medal for POBZPCship.



    On the other hand, you could do as a fine replacement for a fridge once you've been hollowed out...Get 'im, bois! *elite ninja gerbils attack Ak* :P

  8. Um...Oh, yes. No, I will not debate the fact that you are innocent.

    My AIM ist M6nga7@aim.com.

    'Tis all.

  9. ...And you are now officially awarded a medal for extreme optimism in the face of loss of vittles =P

  10. Zar, you have just been officially awarded a medal for bravery in preemptively stealing vittles and gaining some for the Foireann =P Congrats, my friend.

  11. No, I din't...But as those are SENECA sandwiches...Well, I'll be awarding Zar for thinking ahead, gaining resources, being preemptive, and destroying enemy food supplies =P

  12. Wait, Zar...Ak says my gerbils are trying to steal sandwiches. WHAT THE CARK IS GOING ON?!

    Also, Gerbils may be small, but they are never pathetic! I'll show you =P *gerbils riding Shore turtles charge into tons of trees and knock them over*

  13. Let me see...*scratches head and sits down* 1492...The Siege of Yasna Gora...Ashes, ashes, we all fall down...Sickle-cell rebuffs malaria..."I" before "e", except after "c"...y=mx+b...Erm...Oh, yes! No, you aren't talking to yourself...You're currently talking to a deluded gerbil with naive visions of eating banana splits =P

  14. Franco

    Welcome to BZP! We hope you enjoy your stay. please, check out each forum so you can find which ones you like best.

  15. Not yet, my most likely disspapointed friend :P Sorry for the change.

  16. Okay...I give up. I'm completely confused.

  17. Hay, thnks. Did you hear of me from the Plast! dudes, or someone else?

  18. Oi, happy B-day to you, too.

  19. Hmm...I won't debate that.

  20. I will.

    ...But only because I don't want any more turtles getting hurt =P


    *deposits turtles at Antarctica and flies away at the last second*


    *turtles explode*

  22. 24. Yayz!

    25. Don't worry, I'm on it =P

    26. Yes.

    27. Is it okay that my turtles did? Because they seem to be even cuter now =P

  23. Why are you talking to yourself =P ?

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