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Everything posted by Dark_Stranger

  1. Blast it, another one. Name: Shrapnel Variation: Shattering Level: 2 Gender: Female Gear: Though she doesn't carry any weapons, Shrapnel's hands, forearms, lower legs, feet, and spines are heavily reinforced with protosteel armor capable of deflecting blades, and her digits are tipped with razor-sharp claws that can extend from the typical Rahkshi length to nearly three inches. Her true advantage, however, lies in the hidden optical and audio sensors implanted in her forearms, which feed to a low-profile display built directly into her faceplate. These are about as accurate as her natural sensory organs, allow greatly enhance her area of vision by "seeing" in whatever direction she points her arms, and can record sensory data for replay (though their memory is quite finite, allowing them to store a maximum of about thirty seconds worth of input). Appearance: Shrapnel is mostly colored the typical Panrahk copper. Her reinforced areas, however, are painted bright pink, although the joints are still copper-colored. She also has several reinforced pink wires running from her forearms and torso to the base of her skull, though these are purely for show--the actual wiring for her hidden sensors is entirely concealed beneath her armor. Personality: A paragon of mental discipline, as is necessary for making sense of the multiple feeds from her hidden cameras. Though outwardly friendly, she is never fully trusting of anyone, keeping an eye or two out for disloyalty and rebellion wherever she goes. Bio: Shrapnel is a test subject, plain and simple--even more so than most other new-breed Rahkshi. Implanted with a prototype camera system, she was sent to Corpus Rahkshi to test it under whatever conditions the school could provide. And if she should happen to catch a rebellious student or two, well, that would just be icing on the cake.
  2. IC--Kaboom--Gym The wall was gone--whoever put it there must have thought better of it, or been forcefully persuaded that it was a bad idea--but now Glaciem and Ignis had gotten into a fight with some brakas who had gone out of his way to provoke them. Kaboom's first thought was to help, but judging from their exchange before the tussle broke out, the two of them had a history with this clown. Thus, he simply watched for now. If his allies needed help, he would oblige, but otherwise he would let them settle this themselves. IC--Beat--Dorm Beat woke, sat up, yawned and stretched. Then she got to work--before even thinking about leaving her room, she had to paint over any nicks left in her armor from the previous day's events.
  3. IC--Kaboom--Halls "Charmed," Kaboom replied, his mind working beneath his friendly grin. So there were two entirely separate people in this dual-headed suit. He'd have to remember that if he intended to stay on their good side. IC--Footwork--Gym Icarax seemed to be paying no attention to him--all his focus was on a box someone had summoned out of the floor quite a ways away. Beginning to feel safer, Footwork began singing quietly to himself, tapping out a rhythm with his foot. "How lucky can one guy be? I kissed her and she kissed me-- Like the fella once said, Ain't that a kick in the head?"
  4. IC--Kaboom--Halls Kaboom followed alongside his fellow student, pondering. This guy seemed awfully terse for someone who had twice as many mouths to talk with. Apparently, it would take more of an effort to establish any significant rapport--but it would be more than worth it if he could get a reliable ally for his trouble. "My name's Kaboom, incidentally," he finally interjected into the silence. "What's yours?"
  5. IC--Kaboom--Halls "It was still there about five minutes ago," Kaboom replied. "Say, there were maybe three other students just kind of milling around outside it. I bet if...all of us cooperated, we could tear that sucker down before whoever's inside can rebuild it." IC--Nyarl--Gym Nyarl had not been idle while his opponent was burning, however. He had been busily plotting a method of attack, calculating angles and trajectories that beings limited to a comprehension of simple three-dimensional space could never hope to grasp. And as the smoldering Rahkshi sent his cane darting forward, Nyarl moved, a series of dizzying, elusive motions that took him behind his enemy. Wasting no time, he activated his sleep power as he drove the tentacles of his right hand toward his opponent's back.
  6. IC--Kaboom--Halls "Well, I didn't really see what happened," Kaboom admitted. "I was heading to the gym for a spar, and when I got there the door was completely blocked off by a big slab of rock. Looked like someone in there summoned it up." IC--Sepulchral--Halls/Dorm Sepulchral claimed the first unoccupied room he came across as his own. Setting his books in a careful stack by the bed, he lay down and was soon fast asleep. IC--Footwork--Gym As the wall disappeared, Footwork breathed a sigh of relief. Still, he didn't want to be doing anything that even remotely resembled dancing in front of the Makuta. His mother had hated the hobby with a passion; who knew how Icarax would react?
  7. IC--Kaboom--Halls "Oh, some genius sealed off the door to the gym, so there's a lot of students just kind of wandering around aimlessly." IC--Sepulchral--Library/Halls The majority of the philosophical volumes were as vile as he had imagined, but a few that he skimmed through contained a cursory treatment of the sorts of contrasting treatment he had been hoping to find. Not bothering to re-shelving the rejects, Sepulchral stood with the results of his two searches in his arms and exited the library, striding purposefully down the hallway toward the dorms.
  8. IC--Nyarl--Gym Nyarl allowed the cane to slip from his grasp as the other Rahkshi fell backwards. He circled his opponent warily for a few moments, sizing him up. Then, with lightning-speed honed by hours of practice, he whipped out his Toa disk and sent it flying toward the enemy's center of mass.
  9. OOC: I'll have wi-fi for the next few hours, so I'll be making some extra posts. IC--Kaboom--Halls Leaving the trio at the door to their prattle, Kaboom moved on. It wasn't worth his time to try blowing up the wall; whoever had put it there would almost definitely reform it again right away. He had been wandering aimlessly for awhile, thinking about how much he needed some kind of outlet, when he noticed a two-headed Rahkshi striding along ahead of him. Kaboom's first thought was to wonder what would happen if only one of the guy's heads was knocked unconscious, but he restrained himself. He had yet to make any real allies here, and he could always change course and smack the guy around if he turned out to be hostile, mindlessly loyalist, or just annoying. "hey!" he called out, putting on a friendly tone. "You couldn't get into the gym either, huh?" IC--Sepulchral--Library The second search was easier, but the yields were disappointingly meagre. The philosophy section was quite small, and most of the tomes it contained were treatises on Makuta philosophy. "Well, I suppose it was to be expected," he muttered, but despite his disappointment he began selecting several manuscripts. Surely at least one of them would compare its author's worldview to more palatable ideals...and even if none of them did, they would at least give an idea of what not to do. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork thought things couldn't get much worse, until he noticed the seal over the door; then he had to actively restrain a rising tide of panic. Just what the Karz was going on? Images of Icarax forcing everyone in the gym to fight to the death flashed through his mind, and even though he knew that scenario was unlikely, it was just the sort of thing someone like Icarax might do if he were in the mood. Nervously rubbing his forearms (Karz, when had he picked up that nervous tic?), Footwork tried to look nonchalant, eyeing his basin of molten protodermis in a show of criticism. OOC: Kaboom interacting with Glaciem Ignis.
  10. IC--Sepulchral--Library Most of the war histories were disappointingly vague on the philosophical underpinnings of the featured conflicts, but a few seemed to dive into greater detail on the subject. These he kept, returning the rest to the shelves. He then began searching for a dedicated philosophy section. IC--Kaboom--Halls As Kaboom approached the gym, he noticed something wrong. The sound of combat somehow seemed more faint than they should, as if they were too far away, or as if the door simply weren't there. But that would be absurd, he thought, as he approached and saw... ...that the door was sealed, with three Rahkshi lingering outside it, looking about as confused and disappointed as Kaboom felt. "Ah, what the Karz..."
  11. IC--Nyarl--Gym As his opponent's feet hurtled toward his face, Nyarl used several of his spinal tentacles to block--it would probably leave some nasty bruising, but they were strong enough to keep his face from getting kicked in. Then, still keeping his grip on the cane, he sent his free hand whipping toward the Rahkshi's face like a cluster of bladed snakes, even as he attempted to sink the blades of his back tentacles into the opponent's leg. IC--Sepulchral--Library Deciding he had enough material to start with, Sepulchral sat down in the nearest chair and began to read. IC--Kaboom--Refectory/Halls After making short work of his meal, Kaboom began sauntering toward the gym, a grin of vicious anticipation creeping across his faceplate. IC--Footwork--Gym There was no mistaking that voice (insofar as it was a voice). At the sight of Icarax scanning the room, Footwork stopped his dancing and started trying to look unobtrusive and innocent. OOC: Sepulchral, Kaboom, and Footwork all open for interaction.
  12. OOC: Got a few minutes of wi-fi,so I thought I'd make an extra post. Probably won't be able to get another in for about six hours, though. IC--Nyarl--Gym A simple enough opening move, Nyarl reflected as he slipped to the left, out of the path of the cane. As the weapon slid past him, he stretched out his right hand, aiming to ensnare the implement in his tentacles. IC--Sepulchral--Library "Well, I--" Sepulchral began, but the other Rahkshi had already darted away. "People arrive and depart in the strangest fashion around here," he muttered, adding a final manuscript to his collection. IC--Kaboom--Halls/Refectory With nothing better to do, Kaboom decided to get something to eat. Afterwards, he supposed, he might go to the gym and see if he could pick another fight. He stepped into the refectory and joined the line.
  13. OOC: Just a heads up--my phone plan is a bit low on data right now, so I won't be posting as much for the next week and a half or so. Probably twice a day at the most. IC--Sepulchral--Library "Hm? Oh, thank you, but I believe I have found what I require," Sepulchral said distractedly, retrieving another tome from the shelves. IC--Nyarl--Gym The target disappeared into the floor as Nyarl turned to face the newcomer. "Certainly," he rasped. Not bothering to say anything more, he instead adopted a ready stance, waiting for his challenger to make the first move. IC--Beat--Halls/Dorm Beat stumbled through the door of her room, barely remembering to close it behind her. She took a moment to prop her axe against the wall by her bed, and after considering for a moment she dropped her bolas next to it. Then she lay down gratefully on the bed, and was asleep almost instantly.
  14. IC--Beat--Infirmary/Halls "Sure thing!" Beat waved as she left the infirmary. The true extent of her weariness began to hit her as she wandered toward her room, and she found her feet dragging sluggishly along the floor and her eyes refusing to stay open properly. Her thoughts chased each other around her head in fuzzy circles. About three days of sleep sounded pretty good right now. IC--Sepulchral--Library Sepulchral found the history section first, and began pulling down titles involving conflicts and wars. Such events almost invariably revolved around philosophical differences, so they seemed like a good place to begin. IC--Kaboom--Halls Why was it, Kaboom wondered, that the halls always seemed empty just when you wanted to find someone to pound on? IC--Nyarl--Gym Nyarl had worked his target practice into a feverish rhythm, flinging his disk, leaping after it, turning and sending it flying again. This, second only to the deep seas, was where he felt the most normal, the most at home. IC--Footwork--Gym The job was done; there was nothing left to melt. Footwork was left with a basin of molten protodermis and time to kill. So naturally he started dancing--though he left his music turned off and mixed in some extra fancy moves. Hopefully it would just look like he was practicing his dodging. OOC: All five open for interaction.
  15. IC--Sepulchral--Halls/Library At long last, Sepulchral stepped through the library doors. He spared a moment to reflect on the numerous misadventures he had experienced since he first set out to find this place, but only a moment. He had business to attend to, after all. he trod softly along the rows of shelves, looking for any sign indicative of a section on history or philosophy. IC--Beat--Infirmary "Yeah, but at a certain point, training and instinct just turn into plain old stupidity," Beat replied, stifling another yawn. IC--Kaboom--Dorm/Halls Kaboom awoke with a yawn and a massive stretch. His sleep had done him good in more ways than one; his tree had recovered from most of the damage it had suffered, and was laden with fruit once again. Grinning, he strode out into the hall, wondering whether to blast the first chump he came across or find something else worth doing. Whichever one he found first, he supposed. OOC: Sepulchral and Kaboom open for interaction.
  16. IC--Sepulchral--Halls Soaring along the grim outer wall of the building, Sepulchral darted in through the first window he came across, landing smoothly in the hall. He yawned as he set off down the corridor; the recent hours of physical and emotional combat had taken their toll. Still, there was much to be done before he could allow himself to rest. With this fact in mind, he strode purposefully in the direction of the library. IC--Nyarl--Gym Nyarl soon grew bored with watching the fight. Sweeping over to an unoccupied corner of the arena, he summoned a target for his disk, which he immediately flung through the air, striking the protrusion dead center. As he walked over to retrieve it, a similar target sprouted where he had been standing. Smiling slightly, Nyarl threw the disk again. IC--Footwork--Gym Snap was out if the room before Footwork could thank her. He supposed it must have been the fight that had disturbed her; he couldn't think of anything else it could have been. If there were actually other students here who were as nervous about combat as he was, perhaps his mother wouldn't get what she wanted after all. Footwork smiled and focused back on his task.
  17. IC--Sepulchral--Roof Sepulchral allowed Lucid to leave; whatever statement he could not find now could always be said the next time they met. He waved to her receding form, then slipped into flight mode once more in preparation to make his way to his original destination from many hours ago--the library.
  18. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "It is worth far more than even you can know," Sepulchral said. He searched for something to add, to make his statement feel less bare, but strangely, nothing seemed to come.
  19. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "Of course. There is not one person in this entire blasted institution whom I trust more than you." Granted, the only other student he had talked to had been attempting to kill him at the time, but given the general atmosphere of bloodthirstiness he had observed, he doubted he would extend any great degree of trust to another without a very good reason.
  20. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "One does not preclude the other," Sepulchral replied, choosing his words especially carefully. "A fellow is worth nothing if he does not repay his debts. But such repayment can only go so far." He smiled. "A friend, though, I would help with anything."
  21. IC--Beat--Infirmary "Yeah, I dunno what even started that off. Kinda weird that so many people would get it into their heads to try and kill each other all at once." She yawned, suddenly feeling very tired. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "Just a moment," Sepulchral interjected, struggling to verbalize his thoughts. After a moment of silent thought, he continued. "Lucid...you saved my life twice today. I owe you a greater debt than I know how to repay. If you ever need help, for any reason at all...I will do everything in my power to aid you."
  22. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "I shall be cautious," he said jovially. Then, in a more serious tone: "I do not seek an entirely new outlook, but now that I have decided not to follow where the Makuta lead, I have some...gaps in my ideology. I shall simply seek out whatever seems to be logically and emotionally sound to fill the holes, provided that it meshes well with what I already have." IC--Beat--Halls/Infirmary "It is the sort of advantage that can come back to bite you," Beat admitted, "but I think it could really be something if I can keep using it properly." Carefully, she steered Ipartsa through the door of the infirmary. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that Snap seemed very nervous. He hadn't even considered that there could be another Rahkshi as uncomfortable with combat as himself. "Say," he said to her, "would you please run to the library and tell Feka that the melting is almost done?" IC--Nyarl--Halls/Gym Nyarl stood near the doorway of the gym, observing the chaos. This didn't seem to be an ordinary spar, judging by the number of students involved and the sheer vitriol evident in many faces and actions. The only participant he recognized offhand was the white-and-gold Matoran sympathizer. Nyarl leaned back against the wall, training forgotten for the moment, and waited to see how the brawl would develop...
  23. IC--Beat--Halls "Thanks. I think having a second weapon will open up a lot of options--especially since it's got some nice range on it." Beat was pretty sure the infirmary was just around this next corner. Palma probably wouldn't be very happy to see her there again. IC--Sepulchral--Roof "Personally, I think I should head to the library posthaste," Sepulchral replied as he landed beside her. "A fellow can only be unsure of his philosophy for so long before starting to drift."
  24. OOC: Same here, Lewa. IC--Beat--Gym/Halls "Of course," Beat said, slipping up to Ipartsa's wounded left side and supporting her. They slowly and carefully made their way toward the hall. "Y'know," Beat muttered, as she carefully scooped up her bolas using the back of her axe's head, "I really ought to research some techniques that are a bit less brutal. Or at least don't lead to an immediate rush to the infirmary." IC--Sepulchral--Outside Lucid's Cave/Causeway Sepulchral’s body followed his host across the water, but his mind was already several steps ahead. Once they had returned the school, he would need to find the library, as he had been trying to when he arrived. He would need to research philosophy and psychology...and perhaps history. Who could tell what manner of helpful viewpoints could be locked in the past?
  25. IC--Beat--Gym Ipartsa sidestepped, and the bolas whirred over the edge of the platform. Beat took advantage of her opponent's motion, swinging her axe at Ipartsa's left side so that her own dodge would help carry her into the blade... IC--Footwork--Gym In what seemed like a few seconds, the relatively quiet g6m had turned into a madhouse. It wasn't just friendly sparring, either; several of these maniacs seemed determined to kill each other. Footwork resisted the urge to abandon his task, and simply hunched over the melting sword and prayed he wouldn't get dragged into the chaos. IC--Nyarl--Beach Even without any sort of spice, the fish were delicious. Nyarl stood and scooped a handful of sand over his fire, extinguishing it. Then he began to make his way back toward the school, with a vague plan of heading to the gym to practice with his disk.
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