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Everything posted by Dark_Stranger

  1. OOC: I believe the blade is intangible right now, Click. Mainly because it was set like that when Kaboom found it, and he hasn't fiddled at all with the knobs, so he hasn't found that particular function yet. IC--Footwork--Halls It didn't take long to get a Porter alone. Footwork simply found one of the more disused areas of the school, extended an arm blade, sliced off a few doorknobs, and waited. Soon enough, one of the robots came tooling down the hall. As it collected the knobs, Footwork--who had been hovering near the ceiling with both blades extended--dropped down on top of it.
  2. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom gave a screech of pain and dropped his cutlass as the knife buried itself up to the hilt in his left forearm. If that arm hadn't still been crossed over his body from deflecting the halberd, the blade would have been lodged in his stomach instead. Snarling, he lunged at his opponent, his chute blade sparking malignantly as it darted toward her uninjured arm.
  3. IC--Kaboom--Gym Suddenly, she was no longer leaning on her halberd like a crutch, but welding it like a lance. Karz, she's faster than she looks. The only thing to do now was to make sure that this hurt her more than it did him. He blocked the halberd with his cutlass as he rammed into it, preventing the weapon from inflicting anything more than a nasty bruise on his ribs. Even as he connected, he called up a solid, three bio square wall directly behind his foe. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "Well," Sepulchral mused, attempting to translate his revelation into coherent words. "Although what happened at the village was painful, it carries a lesson, as well. I have spent all my existence in a continued attempt to prove my worth--not only to myself, but to others as well, and to the Makuta especially. My participation in the massacre was simply an extension of that drive. But the experience has made it clear that attempting to prove myself by the standards of the Brotherhood will bring only suffering...on myself, and on those around me."
  4. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom had guessed that she might use her weather control to accelerate the knife, but he still wasn't prepared for the ludicrous speed at which it rocketed toward him. There was no time to dodge properly, so he flipped and took the knife in the back of his right thigh. He grimaced, but it didn't matter; he wasn't planning on spending the rest of this duel on the ground anyway. He soared through the air on a wild, looping path, giving vent to another mad cackle. Then he darted toward her, both blades positioned to slice at his enemy as he passed by. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral waded back to shore, weary, soaked to the bone, but triumphant. He turned to Lucid. "I think," he said, "I have it figured."
  5. IC--Beat--Gym "Woah, here, let me get that," Beat said quickly, leaning down to untangle the cords. IC--Footwork--Gym/Halls "Okay," Footwork replied, handing over the weapon. "I'll just leave the last one here while I go after that porter." He dropped the remaining item near the forge and set off in the same direction as the porter that had passed them earlier. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom's mind raced as the fog enveloped him. Since she couldn't see through this stuff either, she was probably counting on him keeping to his current trajectory. Therefore, the moment he was hidden from sight, he stopped flying forward and flew up instead, feeling his enemy's weapon cleave through the mist just below him. Clearly, it was time to step up his game. Quickly rising to about three bio in the air, he plucked a Madu Cabolo (bringing his current total down to four) and hurled it directly downward, into the middle of the roiling patch of fog. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Nyarl glanced at the shy female, then down at his bowl, which was still about half full. Well, he could always go swimming and catch a fish or something later. He picked the vessel up and held it out to her. "Help yourself, by all means." IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) The waterfall looked gentle and ethereal from the outside, but standing in its center, Sepulchral’s world was erased by its watery roar. He stood beneath the cascade for what seemed like ages, before he felt something, some strange idea or concept fluttering at the edges of his psyche, begging to be seized upon, examined, made sense of. Brow furrowed in concentration, Sepulchral reached out, mind and soul, to take it...
  6. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom ducked, and the halberd gouged a long, shallow furrow in his left shoulder. "Blast it, woman! I just modified this suit!" It wasn't all that bad a wound--it had completely missed his tree, and his arm was still fully functional--but it was a decent distraction while he planned. Her weapon gave her a longer reach than his; aside from using his Madu Cabolo, which he was saving as a last resort, his only chance was to be fast and tricky. He leapt up into flight mode and began zipping in wide circles around his opponent, cackling madly. Hopefully the stunt would disoriented her enough for him to move in for the attack. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "Very well. This may take a fair while, though; I've always had trouble with the more spiritual disciplines." Sepulchral waded into the pool until he was standing directly beneath the waterfall, closed his eyes, and waited...
  7. IC--Nyarl--Refectory "Eh, no one quite so competent. He idolizes both of them, but he doesn't quite have the talent to back up his aspirations. A bit of a nobody, really." IC--Sepulchral-- Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral couldn't quite wrap his mind around what was occurring. Oh, he heard Lucid clearly enough, but the whole situation was so abstracted that he had to struggle to make sense of it. Still, even this mental exercise seemed to carry a soothing effect; it was a welcome distraction, at any rate. "Purity and healing..." he muttered, gazing upward at the source of the cascading water. "What must I do?" IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom leaned backwards, darting inward with his cutlass to deflect the strike. "Ooh. You have your priorities in order, I'll give you that." Even as he spoke, his chute blade was whistling forward toward his opponent's bruised midsection.
  8. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral managed to raise his head. Upon taking in his surroundings, is eyes widened, his grief momentarily overcome by a sense of awe. He started to say something, then stopped, began speaking again, and once more fell silent. "All right, I'm lost," he finally managed. "Where are we?" IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom giggled as his targets circled rapidly around him. "Well, you're the one who challenged me to a spar. I just thought I'd see how quick you were on the uptake. Gotta admit, I'm a little disappointed." He unlimited his swords--the cutlass in his left hand, and the chute blade in his right. "Let's see if you can do better." IC--Footwork--Gym "I...uh...already have weapons. I guess I can handle one of those. They probably won't miss one if I can get it while it's alone." IC--Beat--Gym Beat couldn't help but wince a bit. "That's why I was worried about you taking the hit. The book said they were usually infused with kinetic energy; I thought you heard that part." IC--Nyarl--Refectory Nyarl turned from the single-bodied duo, who seemed to be lost in thought, to their companion. "Well, my Makuta is fond of experimentation, but not very good at thinking through the results." He shrugged. "They're decent weapons, when used properly, but I'm definitely glad they're not the only ones I have."
  9. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave Sepulchral caught the gist of what Lucid was saying, but couldn't have answered--or even made any significant movement--no matter what effort he expended. Paralyzed by his psychological turmoil, eyes clenched tightly shut, he nevertheless managed a terse nod.
  10. IC--Nyarl--Refectory "One body, yes, but it seems to me that the head is the defining factor. The brain is the source of everything that defines a person: attitudes, thought, and--regardless of antiquated notions about the heart--emotion. Therefore, two brains in two heads makes two people." Nyarl was a bit surprised at himself for being so long-winded, but still rather pleased with his logic. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom pretended to ignore the interloper for a moment, loading another stone into his sling and preparing to fling it toward one of his targets. At the last moment, though, he spun on his heel and sent the missile speeding toward her midsection. A bit predictable, perhaps, but he was just testing the waters at this point. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Gorast...the assignment...the village...burning...I had to..." Suddenly, the scent of smoke clinging to his armor grew to unbearable levels. "Have to get it off!" he shrieked, clumsily attempting to rise to his feet, but only succeeding in dropping onto his hands and knees.
  11. IC--Nyarl--Refectory "Well, judging by your choice of pronoun, it seems that you, at least, consider yourselves to be two individuals." IC--Beat--Gym "Agh, I was afraid of that," Beat muttered as she ran over to Ipartsa. Then, louder, "Are you okay?" IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork racked his brain for a moment, trying to force himself to look at the problem from some other angle. The sight of a Porter rolling past them sparked a decent idea. "Hey, you don't suppose we could salvage some wiring from one of those robot butler things, do you?"
  12. OOC: Um, Lewa, that's not exactly what It's supposed to do. The bolas release kinetic force, not electricity, so it would be more like running into something than getting zapped. IC--Footwork--Feka's Dorm "Great idea!" That, Footwork supposed, was why he would never be an inventor himself. He wasn't exactly stupid, but this required all sorts of odd lateral thinking that he just wasn't very good at. IC--Nyarl--Refectory "Thank you," he rasped, sitting down. "My name is Nyarl. I'll understand perfectly if you don't want to shake my hand." That line had been his go-to I icebreaker for months. It rarely worked, but perhaps the present company would be more receptive.
  13. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "I...I did what I had to do..." And then, as if a switch had been flipped, Sepulchral found himself no longer on the verge of tears, but brimming with rage. It was all the fault of those wretched, stupid Matoran. If they had only cooperated with the Brotherhood, he wouldn't have had to-- "I did what I had to do!" He found himself on his feet, the bowl he had recently been holding shattered on the ground near the entrance, its cargo of slop running down the rocky wall. He must have thrown it. He didn't remember doing that. Sepulchral sank to his knees. His life had never been exactly pleasant--but when had it gotten so confusing? "I did what I had to do..." IC--Kaboom--Gym More targets now, and moving faster. Kaboom grinned, relishing the challenge. After a night of killing Matoran, it was good to have something that actually challenged him. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Suddenly, Nyarl noticed that one of the Rahkshi complaining about the slop had two heads. He wasn't sure why he hadn't realized that before...possibly because both heads were being very quiet. Whether out of a rare desire to actively seek companionship, or some sense of kinship with a fellow physical abberation--or, more likely, both--Nyarl picked up his bowl and slunk over. "Excuse me," he whispered to the two-headed one, "may I join you?" OOC: Nyarl interacting with Glaciem Ignis; Kaboom open for interaction in the gym.
  14. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave As Lucid spoke, Sepulchral winced in almost physical pain. He suddenly smelled smoke, but was unsure whether it was his imagination or whether the pall of the razed village still hung over him, too faint to notice until his attention was drawn to it. "I...suppose you have a point," he said weakly, prodding the contents of his bowl with the spoon.
  15. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "I suppose so. I try not to think about it very much, to be honest."
  16. The only G1 collectibles I ever managed to get were two trans-orange Kraata from the Rahkshi shoes. As far as the reboot goes, I have the Hero Pack mask and a SDCC Skull Scorpio mask (though I just ordered the latter earlier today on the aftermarket, so it hasn't arrived yet).
  17. Just got one for $31. A bit more than I had wanted to spend on a single mask, but considering others are going for over twice that, I guess it wasn't a bad deal.
  18. IC--Beat--Gym "Okay, but I want it on the record that this was your idea." Beat spun the bolas at her side as she tracked Ipartsa's dash around the gym, and when the spheres were glowing brightly she aimed the weapon just in front of her speeding target and let it loose. IC--Footwork--Feka's Dorm "Well, if you can think of someplace away from the school grounds where we can do that, I guess that would be better." IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Hm? Oh, I apologize; I must have misheard your question. That incident was the result of an especially psychotic Lerahk who nearly collided with me in the hallway and decided to pick a fight over it. She eventually managed to overpower me, but hopefully I was able to make the price high enough to dissuade her from any further violence against my person." IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom summoned up a trio of slowly moving targets from the gym floor. He then brought up several roughly Madu-sized balls of stone--no point wasting his normal ammo on target practice, after all--and began pelting his imaginary enemies. IC--Nyarl--Refectory The slop was nothing to write home about, but several nearby students were loudly complaining as if it were made from Karzahni's own porridge recipe. Nyarl took another bite and decided the stuff wasn't really bad so much as it was severely mediocre. He supposed that was just something else weird about him. OOC: Kaboom and Nyarl open for interaction.
  19. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Well, I can't say it was a pleasant experience, but it really wasn't all that bad--at least not for me. I was held and interrogated for a few months, to find out whether my father was keeping any other secrets. Bitil, on the other hand, apparently received the brunt of his superiors' wrath. Given what I know of the Brotherhood, I'd not trade places with him for the universe."
  20. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Not really," Sepulchral replied, not at all sure what a Dervaki was, but fairly certain that it did not pertain to his situation. "I was a scion of Makuta Bitil, and he thought it would be a wonderful idea to attempt to keep me secret from the rest of the Brotherhood." He winced at the memory. "It didn't turn out well for either of us."
  21. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Ah. Well, you have still been here longer than I. My own arrival was less than twenty minutes before you found me." He chuckled ruefully. "Not the most auspicious of beginnings, it must be said." IC--Kaboom--Refectory/Halls After a while, Kaboom grew bored with the uninteresting food and even more uninteresting Rahks in the refectory. He got up, tossed his half-empty bowl into the air, and caught it with his Chute Blade as it fell, shattering it and splattering slop everywhere. With that little punctuation, he left and began strolling absently down the hallway toward the gym. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Avoiding the freshly-splattered table, Nyarl walked through the dining hall and, feeling too withdrawn to sit at someone else's table, Sat alone to see if anyone would approach him. OOC: Kaboom and Nyarl open for interaction.
  22. IC--Beat--Gym Beat glanced back toward the sounds of the fight, but followed Ipartsa into the gym. "You sure you want to do that? I got no idea how much the shockwave would hurt you." IC--Footwork--Feka's Dorm "Well, to be honest, I've been here so short a time that I've hardly met anyone, and I haven't really caught any names. Let's see...there was the fat Turahk, the tie-dyed girl, the one with the cape and the pyramid-shaped spine who got his suit thrown out a window...and that's about it, really. No idea if any of them are inventors, though." Footwork held out the knife to be melted down. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Capital," Sepulchral declared, reclining cross-legged on the floor of the cave. He carefully shook a small amount of spices into the slop, stirred it in, smoothed the surface again, and took an experimental bite. Well, he could at least tell it was food now, even if not particularly good food. Highly aware of the growing silence, he fished about for some topic of conversation. Deciding to keep clear of Worflanges for the moment, he swallowed and said, "This must have taken a good deal of time to set up. How long have you been attending the school?"
  23. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Well, plants do form a vital component of the ecosystem. I'd imagine that without them, the universe's supply of breathable air would be exhausted quite rapidly. Most people simply don't think about their importance due to their sheer omnipresence. That and many people cannot seem to talk to them--I, uh, often have trouble with that myself, though I can normally manage when something truly needs to be said." Sepulchral grimaced at the mention of the student's death. It seemed incidents like the one that had greeted him upon his arrival were not as uncommon as he would have liked to believe. "Location? Oh, I have no real preference. This is, after all, your home; I am but a guest." IC--Nyarl--Halls/Refectory Nyarl found the dining hall first, so he decided to get something to eat. He would head back to the infirmary once he was through here. The tentacles Rahkshi slipped into line, ignoring the students who shrank away from his strange form with an ease born of practice. OOC: Kaboom and Nyarl open for interaction in the refectory.
  24. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Well, I am glad we are all getting along so well," Sepulchral grinned, nodding once more to the garden. He postponed sitting to begin his meal until Lucid was finished gathering hers. To do otherwise would hardly be proper.
  25. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave Sepulchral actually did raise an eyebrow at that, though only slightly, and his recovery was nearly instantaneous. Plants were alive, after all, even if not sapient, and there were those who held that addressing them out loud improved their health. He had never held any particular faith in that practice, but he was the guest here. Thus, he smiled and nodded in the direction of the greenery. "Greetings, floral ones," he said, rather grateful that no one else was present to witness this spectacle. "I am pleased to meet you."
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