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Everything posted by Dark_Stranger

  1. IC--Sepulchral--Outside Lucid's Cave "Certainly. We cannot avoid the blasted place forever, after all," Sepulchral said with an air of half-joking resignation as he hovered above the ground, his cloak fluttering in the ocean breeze. IC--Beat--Gym Well, they said actions spoke louder than words. So Beat gave her bolas a brief spin and threw the weapon toward Ipartsa. It wouldn't have as much effect as if she had taken the time to charge it properly, but it would still bind her opponent up if it hit. More importantly, it might distract her from the fact that Beat was charging again, swinging her plasma-laden axe in a vicious arc toward her midsection.
  2. IC--Beat--Gym Beat grunted in pain as Ipartsa leapt over her axe and sent a foot into her chin. She stumbled back woozily, raising the axe to counter any further strikes her opponent might send her way.
  3. IC--Sepulchral--Outside "Well, it is my mess, after all." Sepulchral flew out over the ocean, and when he was about four bio from shore he flung the collection of clay shards and supposed food out into the waves. "That could very nearly be some manner of metaphor," he mused as he watched the unpleasant mass plummet and sink. "Something relating to how I have cast off my guilt and need to please the Makuta..." He paused, considering. "No. On second thought, the analogy is far too forced." Another pause. "And rather stupid, at that." He turned and headed back toward shore. IC--Beat--Gym Beat felt victory within her grasp, if she could just keep the upper hand for a few more seconds. She swung the plasma-charged axe at Ipartsa's legs, aiming to knock them out from under her.
  4. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave/Outside "Well, I'll just get rid of what I've cleaned so far," Sepulchral replied, scooping up the pile of debris he had left by the entrance. It was all biodegradable, so he decided that it would be simplest to simply fly a ways out over the water and drop it in, where it could dilute or decompose harmlessly. IC--Nyarl--Ocean/Beach Nyarl emerged from the surf, a slain fish clutched in each hand. He gathered up some relatively dry driftwood, pulled out his Toa disk, and flung it at the piled kindling, setting it alight. He nursed the fire carefully, making sure that it would stay lit long enough to cook the fish.
  5. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork searched his memory for a few seconds. "No, no one like that, I'm afraid," he said finally.
  6. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork looked up, doing his best not to seem scared out of his wits--though the sight of the blue and gold monstrosity glaring down at him didn't help his attempt. "I'm a bit too busy to spar right now, thank you."
  7. IC--Beat--Gym Beat grimaced as Ipartsa's knife scored a shallow gouge across her shoulder armor. It stung, but it wasn't enough to weaken her arm. So she pressed her advantage, swinging the axe back up to smack Ipartsa in the jaw with the back of the superheated weapon. IC--Footwork--Gym "Oh, Feka's been working on an experimental suit modification, so we need lots of protodermis to make a special Kraata case," Footwork replied without looking up, focused on his work. "I have no idea how it's supposed to work, but his pitch drew me in, so..." He shrugged. "Here I am."
  8. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave "Oh. Very well, then." Sepulchral might have been inclined to doubt Lucid's claim had she made it a mere half-hour earlier, but after his experiences with her, he couldn't quite bring himself to entirely discount it. He placed the fragments of clay by the entrance, with the sodden rag on top, planning to dispose of them when he left. IC--Beat--Gym "Dangerous way to think, girl. First blood doesn't matter--only last!" Her body still ached a bit, but her limbs had stopped twitching, so she charged. Beat channeled plasma into her axe as she swung it upwards, then brought it down toward Ipartsa in a diagonal strike. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork took the abandoned equipment and--after taking a few moments to figure out how it all worked--began carefully melting down the sword. IC--Kaboom--Halls/Dorm Kaboom made his way down the hall to the dorms. He needed to sleep, to regain the energy he had expended--for both himself and his tree, which was low on fruit and rather the worse for wear after his tumble in the gym. He entered the first unoccupied room he found, stretched out on the bed, and instantly fell asleep. IC--Nyarl--Outside/Ocean Nyarl slipped into the water and shot out alongside the causeway, his tentacles pulling him through the water at surprising speeds. Once he was a few bio away from the shore, he switched direction and dove deep.
  9. IC--Beat--Gym Frantically, Beat dropped again, and Ipartsa's hand barely brushed the top of her spine. Even this mild contact still gave enough of a shock to make her collapse to the floor, limbs jerking as the current ran through them. Beat quickly rolled away from the base of the tower as soon as she touched the ground, struggling to control her protesting muscles. Then, as she came back up onto her feet, she made her own alteration to the battlefield, raising the surrounding floor up until it was the same height as Ipartsa's tower, putting them on even ground again. IC--Kaboom--Infirmary/Halls "Ooh, so that's the card you're playing, is it? All right then. Just come find me whenever you feel like being embarrassed...again." Not giving her a chance to reply, he skipped out of the infirmary, around the fight taking place just outside the door, and down the hall. IC--Nyarl--Halls/Outside Nyarl stepped out of the dingy hallway and onto the moonlit shore of the island. Savoring the sea breeze, he made his way down toward the water.
  10. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave Sepulchral quickly gathered all of the scattered ceramic shards that had once been his bowl. "Not even glazed," he noted disparagingly. Then, grimacing slightly, he tore off a corner of his cloak and began mopping the slop off the wall. IC--Nyarl--Halls Nyarl decided that he would go swimming and catch a fish or two, to fill the emptiness he still felt in his stomach after donating half his meal. He would have checked at the infirmary to see if the female patient had woken, but now her assailant was fighting the nurse in the hall outside. From what he had experienced of her methods of dealing with aggression, Nyarl figured she could handle the fellow just fine, and simply made a brief detour around the scuffle as he headed for the exit.
  11. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Cave When the world faded back into existence, Sepulchral was once again prostrate on the floor of Lucid's cave. He rose and stretched, feeling remarkably rested, then quickly strode over to the entrance and began cleaning up the shattered bowl and it's contents. IC--Beat--Gym As Ipartsa came down, Beat dropped as well. "Likewise, I'm sure!" she crowed as the dagger whispered past over her head. IC--Kaboom--Infirmary Kaboom rolled his eyes and got out of bed, making his way toward the door. "If I were you," he hissed as he passed Rain's bedside, "I'd quit trying to antagonize people I knew could beat me. After all, your boyfriend can't always be around to bail you out." OOC: Just to be clear, Kaboom has no idea about Rain and Shark. Using a standard taunt, is all.
  12. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "True. And you have been more than hospitable." Sepulchral began carefully removing the Rahi from his armor, guiding each a final pat before sending it on its way.
  13. OOC: Yeah, I'm fine with wrapping up the dream sequence anytime. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "I think there would be some debate on whether that is a positive attribute," Sepulchral replied, smiling. He couldn't remember ever having smiled so much in so short a span of time; like everything else here, the sensation was odd, but not unpleasant. "Still, I suppose that with the proper psychological stimulus, we might persuade a fair number of them." IC--Beat--Gym "Come on," Beat grinned, "give me some credit." Slipping into flight mode, she rose to the top of Ipartsa's tower and swung her axe, aiming for the other Rahkshi's legs. IC--Kaboom--Infirmary Kaboom raised an eyebrow. "Thanks," he said acidly, "my tree was starting to feel a bit dry." IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork accepted the blade, wondering how Feka could be so enthusiastic about Matoran, yet not be bothered by seeing several of them helplessly enslaved. Shrugging, he went over to their work area to begin melting the weapon. IC--Nyarl--Refectory/Halls "I'm intruding; I'll...just leave you alone," Nyarl muttered even more quietly than usual as he stood. He felt bad about leaving Tear in such distress, but he had no idea how to help her, and these others seemed to know her better than he did. Better not to intrude. He slipped out of the refectory and began making his way down the hall.
  14. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "I remember...my first impression upon entering the school was that it was 'crude, but serviceable'. It's obvious, in hindsight, that the place was designed to be as spartan as possible, to avoid turning our minds to better things." He sighed. "It doesn't help that we were literally made for slaughtering innocents and rebels. I suppose many of the students are quite happy there." IC--Beat--Gym "All right!" Beat took up a ready position, axe in her right hand, bolas dangling from her left. "Let's go." IC--Footwork--Gym "Thanks, I put a lot of thought into choosing it," Footwork replied as he tailed after the others. IC--Kaboom--Infirmary Groggily, Kaboom woke, and was immediately greeted by the sight of his erstwhile opponent glaring at another patient, as if she hadn't had the tar beaten out of her and had to be rescued by someone bigger just minutes ago. He couldn't help but snicker at the look on her face.
  15. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "Indeed. It is surprisingly relaxing to simply take in one's surroundings." He paused. Then he admitted "I've never really done this before. I hadn't the slightest idea what I was missing." IC--Beat--Gym "I won, but it was pretty close there for a few minutes. He wasn't upset afterwards, either. All the people I fought before coming here were such sore losers. " IC--Footwork--Armory "Glad to meet you! I'm Footwork."
  16. IC--Beat--Gym Beat grinned an turned to follow Ipartsa's pointing finger, but when she saw who her proposed target was, she stopped short. "Oh, I've already fought that guy; I think we've pounded on each other enough for one day." IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "Actually, yes," Sepulchral replied frankly. The Rahi clung to his limbs and torso, making various happy noises. "I can scarcely recall a more pleasant experience."
  17. IC--Beat--Gym "That's not bad, but it wouldn't work outside the gym," Beat replied, conjuring up a training dummy about five bio away. "And hammers can't do this!" she crowed, spinning the bolas at her side and then flinging them at the target, which was bound by the cords and knocked off its base. "Karz, that thing is awesome." IC--Footwork--Armory "I'll handle the melting," Footwork replied as he ran toward the armory. In response to the other Rahkshi's confusion over the Kanoka Blade, he pulled the one Feka had pointed out earlier from the top of the rack. "This is the one he mentioned to me when we were here earlier," he replied, "so I guess it's the one he wants." IC--Nyarl--Refectory "Sugarcoating is a needless exercise, but so is pessimism. No one I've met so far has struck me as a psychopath. I suppose I haven't been here very long, but there is at least a portion of the student body that is more mentally stable."
  18. OOC: Don't worry about it; stuff happens. It took me a good while to notice I hadn't been making Beat posts, so you're not the only one who forgot about them. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral smiled, but did not lie down; though he knew it was an unreasonable fear, he worried he might accidentally crush someone. Simply sitting and stroking the various Rahi clamoring for his attention was enough to keep him occupied for the moment, and he found that he enjoyed it to a rather surprising degree. IC--Beat--Gym "I'm pretty sure the only modification this one has is the kinetic thing, and that seems more meant to knock people down," Beat mused. "I suppose once it's spinning fast enough, the weights get enough momentum to wrap that tight. I'm not that good at physics, though, so don't go quoting me on that." IC--Footwork--Gym/Armory "The porter went really well, actually," Footwork grinned, handing over his bundle of wires. He then trotted over to the armory, where he immediately spotted the Rahkshi Feka had been talking to. "Need a hand?" he asked. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Nyarl frowned. "I think 'freak' is a poor choice of words. The Makuta modify so many of us, there's barely anything resembling a norm, anyhow."
  19. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) With a slightly self-conscious glance at Lucid, Sepulchral knelt hesitantly on the forest floor. "Well, little ones--" he began, but his words were cut off in a stifled yelp of surprise as what seemed like a tidal wave of small, fuzzy creatures washed over him. Within seconds, the tiny Rahi were clinging all over his limbs and torso. It was far from an unpleasant situation, though he felt it might take a bit of getting used to before it stopped feeling awkward. He picked one at random and cautiously began petting it. IC--Nyarl--Refectory "Indeed," Nyarl rasped. "This school was founded expressly to train intelligent Rahkshi such as ourselves." He had been keeping to the background, worried that his appearance might not help Tear's mental state, but she seemed to be handling the single-bodied duo well enough. IC--Footwork--Gym Footwork soon spotted the inventor over by the wall talking to someone. He began walking over, making sure to click extra-loudly with each step, so that Feka would be alerted to his arrival. IC--Kaboom--Infirmary Kaboom was out cold, which was just as well. He would have been irate if he had known that he'd missed a chance to snag another weapon. OOC: Lewa, I'd appreciate another Ipartsa post next time you're here.
  20. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral smiled in equal parts happiness and bemusement; he had greeted so many things today that he had never thought he would bother to speak to. Still, this being Lucid's dreamscape, he supposed that talking to the fauna wasn't all that different from speaking to the girl herself. "Salutations, friends," he said. "I am pleased to be here, and equally pleased to meet you all." IC--Kaboom--Halls/Infirmary Shark's concern was well-founded, but ultimately needless. Kaboom hobbled directly to the infirmary and collapsed on the first empty bed he saw. Not that he wasn't determined to get back at the two of them eventually, but he wasn't interested in fighting someone half again as big as he was--especially with only half his limbs functioning. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Well, Karz. Now she was crying. Nyarl's first instinct was to put an arm around her shoulder and attempt to comfort her, but people didn't usually like it when he did that sort of thing. He sat there, fidgeting, unsure of what to do.
  21. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral was once again taken aback at Lucid's skill in manipulating her realm. He did, however, manage a brief, simple "Thank you" as the wind and sun dried his armor. IC--Kaboom--Gym/Halls Kaboom tried to retort that the fight hadn't been over, because she was still attacking him, but soon noticed that he couldn't hear himself rant. He had half a mind to take this musclebound grunt down right then, but something in the guy's expression made him feel like direct assault would be a bad mistake. Snarling, Kaboom retrieved his weapons and began limping off toward the infirmary. IC--Nyarl--Refectory The shy female--Tear, apparently--was growing severely distressed. "I think it might be best if we left this topic altogether," he said. IC--Footwork--Halls/Gym Footwork slowed down to a more casual pace as he neared the gym. He stepped into the arena, the salvaged wires wrapped in a neat bundle beneath his arm, and began scanning the crowds for Feka.
  22. I think Kaboom had better start making some good friends. And maybe superglue a few of them to himself, so he'll always have a few handy witnesses.
  23. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom was inches away from ending the duel when something hit him just below the Kraata case. He tumbled head over heels. Several seconds and about ten yards later, he managed to stand, catching sight of a Rahk the size of a small dorm room staring at him. "Back off, bud," he snarled, the intimidating effect somewhat ruined by the limp, dangling arm, and gashed back. "This is our spar, which means it's none of your Karzing business!" OOC:Well, I figured Shark would get involved sooner or later, unless Rain won pretty quickly. But really, who doesn't enjoy a good backstabbing?
  24. IC--Kaboom--Gym The sudden gust ripped the fruit from his unprepared fingers and sent it hurtling toward his face. Kaboom slapped it away with his already mangled left arm, and the explosion damaged the limb enough to leave it useless, though he did still manage to steady himself. This, he decided as he pushed the pain aside, was the last straw. He had tried to play nice, but this woman refused his generosity. Well, she'd regret it soon. He drew his chute blade once more, and shrieked "SCREW NICE!" as he hurtled downward, swinging the weapon toward his prone enemy. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) Sepulchral smiled at his host's enthusiasm. He had read about the psychological benefits associated with camaraderie, but that was no substitute for the real thing. "I would be perfectly happy to stay here for a time," he said, as he took in the entirety of their surroundings properly for the first time. "You have quite the imagination." IC--Footwork--Halls Footwork's clumsy surgery soon exposed the innards of the machine. Unsure of whether the various colored wires did different things, he made sure to yank out several of each. Then he flew back off down the hall toward the gym, praying he hadn't been spotted.
  25. IC--Kaboom--Gym Kaboom rose back to about three bio above the gym floor. Putting away his chute blade for the moment, he plucked another Madu Cabolo and held it out over the prone Rahkshi's head. "Care to quit while you're ahead?" he asked with exaggerated sweetness. IC--Sepulchral--Lucid's Forest (Cave) "I'm honestly not sure," Sepulchral replied, musing. A smile flitted across his face. "I suppose I'll be doing some research on the subject." IC--Footwork--Halls Footwork hit the porter blades-first. The ambush worked; it collapsed, sparking. Retracting his blades, he began prying away armor plating to get at the wires inside. IC--Nyarl--Refectory Nyarl leaned back, relaxing and taking in the conversation.
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