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  1. I want to chime in to this discussion since I really do see this subject in a few different ways. I feel Krayzikk's view is entirely valid, and I agree it's certainly not a positive feeling to spend time giving staff quality feedback in the new topic about the game only to have something so overwhelmingly talked about as player interaction and power within the staff plot be side-railed for perhaps two of the most crucial cultural events so far in Dasaka game history (funeral/coronation). The last time something like this happened was the Akiri Summit, which was pushed forward because things were falling to pieces and the game needed to be brought back into alignment with its purpose: being a communal game and a mass roleplaying story for the fun of all participants. Now, from the need to get things back on track and moving toward finishing this bloated story arc I am in complete agreement a time-skip, even if filled with a couple lengthy posts to explain happenings, is a good backup plan for the plot's shortcomings and should be used to help bring things up to speed. In Kentoku, I think the problem of having to continuously push things forward lies in two or three major areas. The first was the mass breakdown of the triad clan system with the introduction of getting a perk for "rolling a male," no better way to put it, because everyone wanted one of the rare baby-makers. I'll admit at the time I thought the perk was an awesome game decision to increase world-building, but now I realize having a bunch of tiny clans run by one to three players actually crippled the game possibilities of Kentoku. IF we were to somehow fix anything I think the first part would be to condense the clans. The second part, I think, is heroic mentality. Everyone wants a character who stands out in the crowd, therefore no one stands out in the crowd. Everyone (and I include myself in this statement of course), wants to be creative and therefore simply flowing with the idea of three clans bicker and fight all the time looks like taking the middle road, picking the cheese pizza, not shooting for the extreme, and therefore it's boring. Creating a bunch of cool unique things, an unlimited palate, damaged that area of the game I feel. The third, which has already been heavily talked about in Feedback, was the power structure of Kentoku. Maybe players simply weren't posting but if felt like Staff were the ones in control for almost all of the Kentoku experience and that, in large, was a major turn off. I didn't want to be part of some story with only a bit-part and I don't think anyone does when they've spent time trying to be "abnormal" with their character design. Perhaps these three points were what's led us to where we are with Kentoku? In light of all that, I agree with EW: the party served its purpose. Interaction had indeed dropped, and no one was really biting on a Paero game, so something had to be done. Staff stepped in, threw us a bone, and boy did we all gnaw on it for a while. It may not have been the absolute coolest idea, since it was basically just all the rich people showing off and pretending not to know each other while getting too drunk to actually remember who they were, but what it did do was give us something to do. If we had wanted to create another concomitant plot we could have, but we didn't. We all hopped on the party boat and went to the Dragon Hall because it was easy and available. (Okay, IC reasons of having a Chōjo send a personal invite kind of helped in that matter.) After that enterprise I only feel it's best to get things back on track, like back with the Akiri Summit, and push things forward with a time skip. I don't care if there's a big lengthy staff post telling me what happened like some old MUD, those can't be any worse than they have in the past, as long as it helps move the main plot forward. In the future I think the best way to view this game is thus: if you want it, write it. If we want awesome inspiring action and espionage and romance we need to write it and not get ourselves stuck in flock mentality of "oh look, staff made a plot let's go join in because we have nothing better to do." We need to seek out the staff plot, make it happen on player terms by really doing our best to influence the game. I know we can all do a lot, just look at the Rama Hive.
  2. IC: Daikura Koga The fireworks display cut short the need to answer Soraph's question. Instead, he answered by leading her toward the open windows, taking her hand in his until they were standing by one of the voluminous balconies attached to the Dragon Hall. The view was striking. Outside, the city of Sado stretched across the island in glittering crystal, every building reflecting the light from the fireworks bursting in the heavens above. At the height of the hall menti were but dark ants in the roads and canal bridges. Each explosion was more grandiose than the last, and soon the scent of powder floated on the wind but still they flew skyward and brought merriment, until the screams erupted as the Rora bled her life onto the floor. Koga watched in shock as she fell, his first thought to protect Soraph from whatever may occur next. The crowds of nobles swam with insecurity, the hall was quickly closed by the guards, and Yumiwa was whisked away before Koga realized his place was by her side, protecting the crown princess as part of her new guard. He gave the departing princess a final glance, knowing full well who she would be next he saw her, what she would be, and then turned to look at Soraph. :Did you see anything?:
  3. Please excuse the delayed postings of the Mata-Nui Weekly. Reporters, please send your news by PM to me on Tuesdays PST, or ASAP to that time. Also, if you are back logged on reporting please send those older weeks as well. Thank you.
  4. Editorials Apologies for the lateness of this MNW. ~Kughii News KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO Awaiting information from the reporter. KINI-NUI Karnakie tamed a kraata of chain lightning. Ishi Polzin pretended to be Ahkmou. TA-WAHI Ryzen left for Ga-Wahi after a long nap in search of a job. The Treasure Hunters fought the Giant Scorpion, now trying to get the stone out from under it. The Infernavika crew boarded the larger pirate ship, quickly joined by Gray. The Fowadi bombarded the Pirate Vessels. Leah attacked Reidak with the water pipes of Ta-Koro. Rhea and Nero left the Nui-Jaga battle for Ga-Koro. Vezok found the cellar door in the Lavapool, and quickly formed a plan to deal with the defenders waiting outside. Inu attempted to save Oreius on his own accord. GA-WAHI Awaiting information from the reporter. LE-WAHI Dia, Asuno and Jrahann searched for the Reveler’s tournament. Aparangi and Lekua arrived separately at the tournament site under their own power. Kaihoro Mutungakore and his bodyguard arrived at the Suva Nui. Vyartha Vena avenged her wounded pride before heading to the Suva Nui. Komae and Beosach struggled across the jungle floor. Utu and Praggos discussed how to open the temple in Xa-Koro. ONU-WAHI Ashiem picked up the bracelet she ordered from Ferron. Ferron left Tuli at the forge while he went to settle some personal business. Almanacia was disturbed in her cell. Xaron got philosophical about a wall. KO-WAHI Krios spoke with Iegasa at the MNRH. PO-WAHI Hari searched for clues of her parents' killer in the Sentinel archives. Vail recovered from his injuries in time to help Voulge finish the fight. Kaheri and Shomdud met. Media There was no media this week.
  5. Editorials The MNW apologies for the lateness in this issue being published. Enjoy the game! News KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO The party continued, dominating events. Korae Inokio's Toroshu scolded him on his continued bachelorhood, but he succeeded in silencing her. Plangori Morie requested that her daughter Shuuan be admitted into the military, in order to improve her discipline. Desdemona was frustrated with Yumiwa's inebriation. Conversations continued on a range of topics, including Toroshu Noshima's unusual speech patterns. Jiyu confided his claim to be Toroshu to Hanako, who supported her brother, but was troubled by the ramifications. Jasik, First Son of the Dastana, approached the Chojo and began to speak with her. Not having sobered up, Yumiwa was not particularly subtle. Dastana Arsix exchanged verbal barbs with Plangori Shuuan. KINI-NUI Echelon sent J'con and Syvra to find the location of the Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an. After bickering between the two toa they left for Ga-wahi. TA-WAHI Updating with sufficient information soon. GA-WAHI Aeolus and Arden were stuck in the same body. Liara and Tillian reunited. Dekaton was captured during an attempted mugging. LE-WAHI Updating with sufficient information soon. ONU-WAHI Updating with sufficient information soon. KO-WAHI Updating with sufficient information soon. PO-WAHI -Akree found a poster and questioned Jokara, who put it up. -Ryjak, Kriigata and Jaaku sparred in Blackrock Canyon. -Wokodin brought his guests to his home for refreshments. Later, he asked them to make a delivery in Ga-Koro. -Kaheri, after stumbling through the wastes of Po-Wahi, reached the gate of Po-Koro. -Elotsa the Lesterin wandered through the Tech Expo, inspecting various pieces of machinery. -Shomdud, a Turaga, after arriving in Ostia, hitched a ride to Po-Koro. -Vail was taken out in the warehouse, and Voulge burst in to protect his ally. -Rannin ran into Elotsa and peddled knives to the Lesterin. Media There was no media this week.
  6. OOOh. Good words and sentences everyone!
  7. IC: Ishi Polzin Ishi looked to the skakdi as he approached, noticing the shimmer of metal gauntlets in the dark of Mangaia. The tall being, who stood over a head above a vortixx, spoke with a voice powerful and commanding and echoed the skakdi's sentiments. In the background he made out a glove covering the left arm of the vortixx who stood silently, not doubt waiting for a moment to strike. The name Kohra came to mind, but her coloration was black like Echelon's. However, the shadowy tendrils Echelon employed brought an answer to the altered appearances. Somehow Makuta had sent a boon to his servants, or maybe something else was at work. The Informant would learn sooner or later and for now kept his silence on the matter. “Yes it’s my journal and you’re welcome to peruse it, although I’ve little doubt you’ll find yourself unable to read beyond the numbers. Maybe you’d want a demonstration of my handwriting, or a reading from some of its pages? I brought you weapons and supplies in Xa-Koro before you laid waste to that Island Liberation Front, Echelon. I was told you needed an edge and I provided it.” Ishi had read a brief passage about the movement of materials to Xa-Koro for the dark toa’s assault during his sleepless nights decoding Ahkmou's journal. Its words like most of the entries were vague, but Ahkmou’s clear distaste for open ocean was enough to guess the two men met when the materials were shipped to the crime infested Koro now unfortunately beneath the ocean. With luck his conjecture was not a suicidal fabrication. “If there is some other test in which to prove my loyalty to Makuta I’m happy to do so. What matters more, though,” said Ishi, “is that we’ve met again and this time instead of materials I bring knowledge. Since my exile from Po-Koro I’ve worked diligently to spread our master’s shadows, and finally I’ve found a way to destroy the unity of those who do not bow to Him, to turn them against each other and let chaos and blood run free."
  8. IC: Ishi Polzin Ishi was still in the bubble of bark as Agrona and Echelon conversed. By the bioluminescent rose on the wall of the bark bubble the informant could make out the face of a captive on the ground near his foot. It took another moment to realize the toa's mouth was missing, a smooth patch of skin where lips should have been, the likely culprit the witch who'd saved his life and scarred his hand. Ishi was learning more about the lesterin healer called Agrona by the moment and factoring whatever he could into his developing plan for survival. It was a slim chance, escaping with his life, but armed with nothing but his words the Hapaka had slipped through the fingers of the Architect and evaded the Spider's web. Each situation was different than the present, but in each Ishi had learned something new about himself. With Ambages Ishi had discovered the secret of reverse psychology, with Caerus he had tamed his own arrogance. Secrets stay safest when buried, Ishi remembered. Once, his own life had been a secret, the memory of his hopes and dreams buried in the pages of the Mata-Nui Daily obituaries. In those thirty years of death he took on many roles. Those were the days of his walks in the shadows, his years of playing who he wasn't. For thirty years Ishi'd worn a mask of anonymity, stealing secrets without a trace and selling them through the mouths of other men. Curiosity of the marks brought him into the open and the secret of his life had been in jeopardy ever since. Down in the deep and surrounded by strangers Ishi felt a creeping in his soul: had unburying his life set him on a course to Karzahni? If so, he would make the most of the ride down. He stepped into the reddish dark of Mangaia while casting aside his coat. The tattered lava-eel skin and metal brigandine would be useless in the upcoming trial, and wearing a coat filled with metal when a toa of magnetism was about was ludicrous. The kukri’s sheath also clattered to the ground, unbuckled mid-stride. Without the coat the collection of beings existing as outlines against the darkness could plainly see the shoulder rigged harness for Ishi’s karambit, tucked tightly inside it’s sheath. Besides the diminutive knife Ishi was unarmed, in a physical sense. “Tell you what, you quote some conversation we had ages ago Echelon and I’ll decide whether or not I believe you altered your body like I did, although whichever toa of iron you got for the recoloring I’ll admit did a handsome job. I’m sure you wouldn’t get the words perfect, but oh well - we all have to leave a little room for error don’t we?” Ishi laughed and cocked his head as he observed the others, Two skakdi, a vortixx, a mysteriously muscular tower next to the vortixx who demanded attention once the situation allowed, and Agrona. Without pausing to consider the rationality he walked into their midst until he was close enough to make out the details of Echelon’s face. His footsteps echoed softly throughout the cavern. “Or maybe there’s a better way. Faith is a crazy thing, but if you believe in Him you can believe in me when I say I serve the master of Shadows. Maybe you're the one who's false. All shadows bicker as to their shape but none can doubt their origin."
  9. The war that's a total possibility though and might even lead to the discovery of the second Abettor: Kentoku Civil War. After the death of the Rora and once the new empress takes off for a foreign land what's really to stop the clans from turning amongst themselves and fighting over scraps and/or this little thing called vengeance? I think it'd be smashing to have a war in Kentoku. Just smashing. We might even explore all five islands that way.
  10. A komau exists in-game though. So does a mask of illusion #RIPOnewa&Matau
  11. I love the parallels on Kentoku and Mata-Nui right now...
  12. Why am I not surprised in the slightest? However, it moves plot along so that's good.
  13. Oh wait is that... Foreshadowing... In the Dastana's words? :3 Getting pumped.
  14. I think in the novel where (in Lego Canon) Matoro used his mask to rush after the Ignika he traveled a little faster than his own running speed. However, since this isn't TLG canon for the RPG I'm sure it's up to personal opinion. Making it super zippy sounds, at least to me, rather like God-modding for the ultimate spy character. XD
  15. IC: Koga Soraph’s face was a canvas of emotion, painted with the strokes of worry and reverence. He felt proud of her intellect, having divined the truth from such a small, even offhand, clue, but gave no cause to reveal his feelings unlike the Vilda princess. He stood stoic on the dance floor with her in his arms. “Would you miss me if I was?"
  16. OOC: Eyru, thanks for the quote that I’m shamelessly using, but giving credit here. Caerus is an awesome character with fabulous lines. IC: Koga Soraph’s feathery breath tickled across his ear and down his neck. With it came the scent of wine. He reminded himself for all her beauty Soraph was a creature of power. She flaunted it in her stride the power of physical attraction. She flaunted it in her costume the power and cunning of the snake. Soraph flaunted power in her words, so sure of the outcome when the game had yet to begin. Koga couldn’t help but enjoy her aura of independence, her avid hunger for power. It was the origin of his own desire, he realized, and he wanted more. They continued to dance and slowly if felt as if the rest of the world fell away, until there was only Koga and Soraph and the beating of the drum. “Secrets stay safest when buried,” Koga replied. It was a quote from an old text, an obscure history of the Tajaar before their subservience to the Rora’s empire. It would have surprised the first son greatly if his dancing partner knew the quote. Of course, he couldn’t leave all his answer to the words of the dead. “What would one know of fire if they left it alone? Curiosity and exploration, such as with the upcoming trip to the Eastern Island, are perhaps the origin of all knowledge."
  17. IC: Krios Caught up in the moment of meeting this forward toa I almost stated I was morose and hungry, but then my better senses as a con came to the foreground of my reptilian consciousness. "I've had a long journey bringing my wounded friend Cetis to this hospital. I'm worried for her."
  18. Will the surprise at the party be happening soon? It looks like things are winding down on kentoku...
  19. IC: Koga :I never learned.: Koga admitted as they stepped smoothly across the floor, bodies close enough to hear the beating of each others’ hearts. :However, I like the think it reflects the power of ideas. Why didn’t she use a kadin, or will-hammer a bird like you taught me? Perhaps it was simply because the idea of her own wings came first?: He held his hand out and Soraph twirled about before returning to his arms. :In any case I’ve been well, though some things have changed since our last meeting at the Paero field.: He smiled and looked into her eyes. :I’ll have to keep a few secret for now. And how have you fared? I see you visited a Plangori for your gown, no other seamstress could have made something to so well fit your figure.:
  20. IC: Ishi Polzin "I am no boy, woman, no more than I'm your meat," Ishi replied with a snap of his head to face the lesterin witchdoctor, his mismatched eyes oddly disconcerting. "I am Ahkmou, servant of the Makuta, and I did not changed my body and seek the shadows to have such pithy words thrown into my face" Finding strength from Agrona's earlier healing he pushed himself up, somehow able to pull his shoulders from her grasp, and stood inside the bark bubble created by the toa of the green who had stepped outside. Even in his damaged coat he looked small but formidable. He knew with a simple pull of a knife against his throat she could kill him, he knew anger was perhaps a rash action, but Ishi Polzin also knew of Ahkmou's arrogance and dutifully played the part. There was no way out besides the course he'd chosen. Oddly, the false name felt natural on his tongue and for a brief moment he wondered if perhaps he really was Ahkmou, or a facsimile in kind.
  21. IC: Krios A toa, red mostly but with markings of black and silver and eyes of soft pink, greeted me. I found myself at odds in answering, still tired of foot from helping Cetis reach the hospital. He wore a huna, a classic mask which often indicated those of more shady character. One could never make stereotypes though. I had the misfortune of too often judging a kanohi's power by its shape and dealt with the repercussions; time gave me wisdom and so I attempted to hold of from thinking the toa anything but a messenger, by the bundle under his arms. "Hello to you as well," I replied, uncrossing my legs but remaining seated on the stone benches carved out of the wall for waiting.
  22. That was from Tuck's post on the general rules and guidelines, section III: Character Rules. I believe this can be broken if one has staff permission.
  23. No worries Vox, I remember the baby ussal. Requiem made a good post catching it for ya. Also, Farzan and his ussal are pretty close. This new Ussal/PC combo has competition. XD As for killing characters without Player permission, it should be right in the rules exactly what is and is not allowed in regards to such a topic. Killing a character without Player permission is an auto-hit by nature, and in general auto-hits are illegal in the current game system... I'll let someone who's staff answer better. XD
  24. IC: Daikura Koga He was forward, Koga knew, but things in his life were moving ever in a forward motion, picking up speed like a great kanohi dragon in flight, and he felt compelled to squeeze in every moment he could with the princess of the Vilda. Having seen her dancing with the first son of Korae only spurred his desires further, but by the time he caught up with Soraph his jealousy had subsided. Koga let her hand reside on his shoulder, feeling the pulsing heat wafting off of the heat-stones sewn on the inner bodysuit beneath the yellow and gold silk damask draping his frame. His head dipped in greeting, the tall points of the masque moving comically in counterbalance. He laughed softly at her joke, letting a rare smile cross his chiseled face. Soraph had a way of extracting the best from Koga, and he enjoyed it. The first son offered a thin glass taken from a waiter’s tray on his way across the Dragon Hall. It was filled with a pink desert wine, still and calm unlike the giggling champagnes in the wider crystal glasses. :Our bet?: He asked through idea-talk instead of attempting to fight over the bubbling voices of drunken revelers. :I do believe the terms were my losing a game. Since a game was never played there was nothing to lose. Though as a token of my good faith I will have them sent to your chambers once the evening is through. In any case, I came to ask if you would dance with me.:
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