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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:Miha"Yeah, let's go home daddy." Miha said, yawning as she finished picking up her medical supplies. "I saved someone's life today!" she exclaimed as they walked towards home.
  2. IC:Fov"Excuse me, oh one with a tail." Fov started again. "Do you happen to know where I could find a Water controlling being?"
  3. IC:Fov"Well that was odd." Fov said, glancing at the strange Toa of Water. "Anyways..." Fov said walking over to the tailed being. "Do you happen to know where a Toa of Water would be?"
  4. Let's not listen to Lloyd. See what happens then.Disclaimer:I am not a Mafian.
  5. IC:Nighting"You won't arrest me will you?" Nighting asked Tuara, arriving with Virthee. "I, for one, haven't done anything, and two, called the two medics over." Miha"And I'm one of the medics!" Miha called. "So don't arrest me while me and my dad tend to the wounded." She commanded sternly as she whipped out her medical bag. "Anyone need a doctor?"
  6. IC:WadroWadro freaked. The Evil Toa were on his tree! He started thinking quickly. He notched another of his bows, one with a rope attached. He fired in the direction of where Tamaru was thrown and grabbed the end of the rope and swung off, hoping to see if he could save the poor Matoran.
  7. IC:Fov"Maybe, let's just ask that one... Person over there." Fov said, pointing at a Toa that had no legs, but instead had a tail.
  8. IC:WadroWadro, who had been hiding in the trees for most of this encounter, watched as the Le-Matoran was captured. He smirked as he activated his powers over iron, allowing him to lock Vidar and Echelon's armor in place. Hopefully, as in this battle people seemed to be avoiding a few things that(to him) seemed impossible to avoid. He then started to climb up the trees in an effort to follow Vidar and Echelon.
  9. IC:Miha"I did not!" Miha shouted angrily. "He asked for my help!"
  10. IC:Miha"No." Miha lied. "He decided to walk away. I tried to get him to Zygad's offices, as he was insane, but he wouldn't listen." Miha said, not exactly lying.
  11. IC:Miha"I already said that he didn't promote me. He left and I had to take care of some nut-case's broken leg. I'd say I did so very well considering he is now up and running away from me...." Miha retorted angrily. "And I got to meet Joske. The famous Kohli Player." OOC:I wonder if Dreenan hates Joske for some reason...
  12. OOC:Thank you, thank you. *Bows* Took a bit of research on my part, but it was worth it. That's going on her wiki page. IC:Miha"Songs?" Miha asked confused. "I recited a poem I wrote. I've been dabbling in Poetry when not learning about medical things." Miha stated. She turned to the screaming figure. "I am a medic." she said, stepping towards the wounded being. Nighting"I know of nothing actually. I had just arrived when they called for a doctor." Nighting explained as he ran next to the Doctor. "Dreenan and Miha are already there by the way." he added as an afterthought.
  13. OOC:That's not helping me at all TDC... Oh wait, I got it! IC:Miha"I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,I know the cures for disease, and I quote the ailments historicalFrom Abasia to Zygomycosis, in order categorical;I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,About illness theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,With many cheerful facts about the cause of Meningitis. I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;I know the scientific names of diseases Pathogen-ical:In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,I am the very model of a modern General-Practitioner,." Miha scoffed at Dreenan. "Is that enough information?" OOC:How was that?
  14. I read about the tail and assumed that she Tch, racist How does mistaking a species that looks like a Toa with a Tail(but cannot use elemental powers), for a Toa with a Tail instead of legs, count as racist? You saw the tail and just naturally assumed she was somehow inferior. Oooh, people like you make me sick No, I read about the tail and assumed that she was a min-maxer. Those people sicken me. ^_^Anyways, any elemental water users would be appreciated if they met up with Fov and Brekan.
  15. IC:Miha"Never use a Miracle Cactus, as it takes ten years off someone's life." Miha recited. "Never use the store brand products, instead use the various plants in the pantry." Miha stopped and glared at Dreenan. "Shall I continue?" OOC:If Dreenan says yes you better give me somethings to work with TDC.
  16. IC:Miha"Virthee's taught me everything he knows!" Miha said defiantly. "How would you know anyways?" she shouted at the Toa of Plasma. "You've been too busy flirting with that Nightning guy to pay attention to your own little sister!"
  17. IC:LewaAnd the daggers penetrated 'Lewa's' body, and he fell down, off the platform and onto the ground below. Wadro drew his bow and fired one of his special ammunition arrows. He controlled the arrow's path, leading it to the opposite side of where he was before letting it fly at Echelon. OOC:He levitated an empty suit of armor with his power over Iron. Kinda how Toa of (Insert Element here) can move their element through the air. If it turns out that he cannot do this, he controlled the thing with tiny iron strings, like a puppet master. Either way works.
  18. IC:Lewa"Then how am I float-levitating?" Lewa??? challenged the Toa. "Admit-say it. I'm the real-true thing!" Wadro grimaced, this illusion of flying was really taking it out of him. Lewa landed on the roof of the hut. "Strike-hit me if you dare."OOC:I'd rather not explain until after him being beaten. It won't be all that hard to kill 'Lewa.'
  19. IC:Miha"About ten minutes ago when Virthee went on some kind of emergency and left me to take care of the guy with the broken leg." Miha said. "But that's not the point!"
  20. IC:Miha"Didn't you hear?" Miha asked. "These people called for a Doctor! And Virthee's busy..." Miha answered, muttering the last part under her breath.
  21. IC:Lewa"This is no Illusion-trick!" Lewa called, blocking the sword with his axe. "I'm the real-true thing! Could an illusion-trick block that attack?"
  22. IC:Nighting"I have no idea actually. Something about an infected Toa is all I've gathered so far." Nighting said, keeping close behind the medic. Miha"Alright, I heard you guys called for a doctor!" Miha called into the battle. "And don't worry, you can trust anything that I say. Because, I'm a Doctor!" she proclaimed proudly.
  23. IC:???Lewa???Lewa flew/levitated in-front of Echelon, having appeared from under the tree platform. "If I was you, I would surrender-quit while I was ahead-winning." Lewa said, pointing his Axe at the Toa of Magnetism. OOC:Just assume that he used Tree-Speak. I'm not used to RPing as Le-Koroians.
  24. IC:NightingNighting, who had stayed around waiting for Virthee to arrive, rushed up to Virthee. "Virthee! You're needed at the Ta-Koro Gate!"
  25. Tch, racist How does mistaking a species that looks like a Toa with a Tail(but cannot use elemental powers), for a Toa with a Tail instead of legs, count as racist?
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