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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:WadroWadro was torn to shreds as the zombies tore at him. But strangely, the dead corpse of Wadro just melted. "Just kidding!" the voice of Wadro echoed around Echelon. "Don't think you can take me out that quickly!" OOC:Cowards always have ten or twelve backup plans!
  2. IC:Nighting"I know a medic!" Nighting called. "Be right back!" He activated the scope on his mask, allowing him to see the top of Virthee's Hospital. He teleported there, and hopped down from the roof. "Virthee!" he called, ignoring Miha and Venator. MihaMiha turned from Venator. "Virthee's not here right now, but I might be able to help." Miha offered. "Virthee taught me almost everything he knows!" Nighting"Great! Get to the Koro's gate, someone needs medical attention now!" With that Miha nodded and headed towards the Gate at top speed.
  3. IC:Nighting"Which I cannot tell in all this chaos." Nighting said, sighing frustratedly. "This is getting nowhere!"
  4. IC:Wadro"You do?" Wadro said curiously. "Well I bet mine's stronger than yours!" he shouted, pointing his bow at Echelon. He notched an arrow. "Now then, let's get down to business!" What have I gotten myself into this time? he thought to himself. OOC:So... Would these NPC zombies have metal armor?
  5. IC:NightingNighting glanced at Dreenan. "Should we believe him?" he asked the female Toa of Plasma.
  6. IC:WadroWadro jumped back as Echlon paid him attention. "I'm warning you!" he called to Echelon. "I have a fierce army, just waiting to rip you to shreds!" He stopped trembling and pointed at Echelon a sneer on his face. "Now you should back off, before I get angry!"
  7. IC:Nighting"Neither can I..." Nighting said, also shrugging. "But what I don't get is why they can't settle this outside the village." Nighting added.
  8. IC:WadroWadro jumped as the sword flew out of JL's hands. He turned towards Echelon and shakily drew his bow. "I-I'm g-g-guessing this isn't a f-family mat-matter?" he stuttered nervously.
  9. Alright, so Chapter 4 of World Domination 101 is up. This chapter was written by me and edited by The Dark Chronicler himself. In other news, I have a blog!
  10. IC:WadroWadro noticed JL climbing up the tree that Wadro was currently standing on. "Excuse me sir, but what is happening in there?" he asked. "Is this a family matter, or a serious threat?"
  11. IC:NightingNighting sighed. "So Dreenan, want to get involved, or shall we let the Ta-Koro Guard handle this?"
  12. Oh, I forgot that she had elemental powers. The tail threw me off...
  13. IC:Nighting"What on earth is going on!?" Nighting shouted into the fight, not really excepting an answer. OOC:No really, what on earth is going on?
  14. IC:NightingNighting kept up with Dreenan, teleporting from molten rock to molten rock. He arrived at the scene. "What on earth is going on?" He asked Dreenan in confusion.OOC:Sorry Yakuzan, but I'm tired of waiting for you to respond. This is my favorite character. He can't just sit still the whole time.
  15. Is anyone playing as a Toa of Water in Ga-Koro? Anyone?
  16. IC:Nighting"Hey, Dreenan, Fehdran!" Nighting called from the sidelines. "Did you hear that? It sounded like the alarm bell for the Koro gates!" OOC:Let's get these guys/gals moving!
  17. Well, I don't know... Probably Axalara Lewa or Lewa Mata or Lewa Nuva since Lewa was my first and favorite Bionicle. And because the Axalara took too much out of my pockets for me to just let the guy go...
  18. IC:WadroWadro stopped in front of Tamaru's hut as he passed by. He noticed two Toa entering the building, then a third going in from behind. Well, he thought to himself. This might be interesting to watch...
  19. IC:Fov"Okay, thanks." Fov said to the Blue armored Toa. "I know, I know. She just looked like she had lived here for a while."
  20. IC:FovFov sighed. Sometimes Brekan was unbearable. He spotted a passing-by Toa of Blue Armor and stepped in front of the being. "Excuse me, but I have need of a Toa of Water. Do you happen to know where I could find one who would be willing to help?" OOC:TDC, you can be this TBA.
  21. IC:Fov"And I'm not going to go shouting through the streets either." Fov said, raising his eyebrow at Brekan's lack of logic. "So now what?"
  22. IC:FovFov perked up a bit. "Well that's true. But I'm not screaming that I need a Toa of Water. That would be a bit awkward... You do it." Fov said, feeling a bit better.
  23. IC:Fov"I know, I know." Fov sighed ashamed. "But where are we going to find a Toa of Water? They apparently don't exist anymore!"
  24. IC:Fov"Yes wise one." Fov answered, lowering his head even lower in shame as he trudged out of Nokama's hut sadly.
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