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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:Fov"I just dived to the bottom of the ocean and... Never mind." Fov said, letting the fact that Brekan talked to Zygad once be a miracle in of it's self. He knocked on Zygad's door. "Dr. Zygad, we found the plant!""Great! Let me see it!" Zygad called from inside the hut. Fov stepped inside and set the plant next to Zygad. "It was surrounded by dying plants. It's kinda strange actually... That one part of the sea life was all dying, but just a few meters away the plants were thriving, and a current was flowing right to the are where the plants were thriving..." "That's strange..." Zygad muttered as he handled the plant that Fov got him, looking it over carefully and then putting it in his aquarium. "The one in my aquarium started withering also..."
  2. Don't 'good luck BioBeast' me Darky. You'd kill me even if I guessed right.
  3. IC:FovFov just laughed as he and Brekan raced towards Zygad's shop, coming close to it every second. His smile grew even bigger as he turned towards Brekan. "Miracles are happening everywhere! Why don't you talk to Zygad?"
  4. IC:Fov"Yeah! Err... Dudette...!" Fov said, Brekan's choice of words rubbing off on the normally formal Vortixx. "To Zygad's!"
  5. IC:FovTwo Hundred! Now, where is that plant... Fov wondered, searching around a bit. He finally found the plant, and, making sure not to disturb the few of that kind of plant left, and uprooted it, bringing it back to the surface. "I found it!" he called to Brekan, holding the plant in the air triumphantly. "Now let's get this thing to Zygad!" he called as he raced out of the water.
  6. IC:Fov"Same to you!" Fov called, diving back down to the bottom of the waterbed. He grabbed the item. Strange, it's a sword like apparatus... He put away the weapon for later examination. He went back to where he had been and continued counting. One Fifty Three...
  7. IC:FovFov turned, hearing a blurred voice. He resurfaced. "Just some kind of shiny object. Haven't found the plant yet..."
  8. IC:FovFov didn't hear her as he had already entered the water. One fifty two... What's that? He asked himself as he walked along the bottom of the sea. He looked at the weapon, then scuffed up the land where he was, marking it with a large underwater X, and swam towards the glinting item.
  9. IC:Fov"And that's a hundred." Fov muttered, taking his hundredth step. "Now for the sea part of this..." Fov grumbled as he started stepping into the water. "One, two, three..." Fov counted, until the water reached his head and he held the Airbladder up to his face. Then, his steps were counted in his mind. One fifty, one fifty one...
  10. IC:Miha"Help me! This Toa just attacked me!" Miha said, equally loud.
  11. IC:MihaMiha sighed. She walked infront of the staggering Toa and tried to kick away his sword, hoping to make him fall face first on the ground.
  12. IC:Miha"But this is a magical dragon resistant cast!" Miha pleaded, looking up at him with her best puppy-dog eyes. "My daddy was just like you, he wanted to kill the dragon. But he forgot his dragon resistant equipment and died." Miha said, lying without any physical proof. She hoped that the numerous head wounds that she hadn't gotten around to treating would make him believe her obviously fake story.
  13. IC:Miha"I'm not playing games." Miha said, glaring at the clearly delusional Toa. "I'm healing your wounds just like Virthee showed me." she said, proud of her accomplishment. "Just let me put that leg of yours in a cast that I found..." Miha said, pulling out a cast. "And you can be on your way. Oh and by the way, some Toa of Fire that was near Zyck's Armor transformed into a dragon. I'd look into him." Miha said, smiling as she drew closer.
  14. IC:Fov"Alright, here's what we'll do. I'll do my steps, and you do yours. I'll look where it would be if it was my steps, and you look where it would be if it was your steps. You probably don't need an Air-Bladder, as you can give yourself air. Just remember to check my air every once and a while, would ya?" Fov answered, retracing his steps back to the entrance of the Koro. "We'll meet back on the shore. One..."
  15. IC:FovFov thought a second, tapping his chin as he thought. "True that. But I would think he was talking about Vortixx, as he was talking to me."
  16. IC:Fov"I was stopping because this is the entrance to the Koro. We're supposed to count a hundred steps from here." He started the taking the hundred steps. "One, two, three..."
  17. IC:OdhranOdhran didn't hear her, as he was shouting orders to the rest of the crew. "Get the ship in top shape! We're partying all night!"
  18. IC:Fov"No, I distinctly remember him saying, to the west." Fov said, stopping at the entrance of the Koro.
  19. IC:Odhran"What do you mean, 'like I did anything to keep the boat safe.'?" Odhran asked confused. "You saved our unnamed ship! We should throw a party in favor of your bravery! In fact, we will throw a party! Two of them! One for these two, and one for you!" Odhran said, beaming at his swordswoman's skill in defending the ship.
  20. IC:Fov"I just got one." Fov said, holding up the Air Bladder that he had purchased earlier. "You might have been a bit preoccupied though." Fov added, walking to the entrance of the village. "Now, he said a hundred paces to the west, correct?"
  21. IC:Fov“No, I'll do the diving. You just havr to put air in mine when it runs low.“
  22. IC:Odhran„Are you sure?„ Odhran asked, concerened for the swordswoman. “Great job defending the boat by the way.“ he added,meaning every word.OOC:Posting from phone, can't do anything fancy.
  23. IC:OdhranOdhran grinned as his ship started coming back to where it used to rest, slowly but surely. ----- The ship finally stopped, having returned back to where it once was. "Moylan!" Odhran called. "You alright in there!?"
  24. IC:Fov"Just ignore them." Fov said, walking along. "An air bladder is a... bladder of an animal that has been cleaned out so that people without Kaukau's can swim for extended periods of time. I know it as Scuba Gear, but I guess that it has a different name here..." Fov explained. He came upon a shop that was selling Air Bladders, and bought one, frowning at the thought of breathing out of the thing. "Don't get yourself into a fight while I'm gone Brekan, I'm gonna need you to refill the air bladder with your powers if I run low on air."
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